“This is it! This is what an organisation feels like”, I thought to myself as we wrapped up our first Townhall.
Four months into our brief history, 40 odd members of the Digit family across locations gathered together to listen to Kamesh, our chairman, chat about the company on the occasion of our first Townhall.
The frenetic activity of the last few months flashed through my mind. The opening of our offices in Pune and Bangalore, the turbocharged hiring engine chugging along, our leaders, sleeves rolled up and knee deep in action, charting out the road ahead. I am taken back to the first few weeks at Bangalore when 7 of us packed our bags and moved into our incubator facility, none of us familiar with the city, however, we had a great time figuring it out together.
Keeping this in mind, at our Townhall we chose the occasion to run our first online snap poll to allow us to step back and talk about how we felt. Our few words to capture our work culture. Here’s what our colleagues had to say:
Caring, Collaborative, Creative, Energetic, Transparent, Trusting, Simplicity, Revolutionary.
We found these thoughts closely aligned to our Mission and shortly to be unveiled — Core Values. In conversation with the team over the next hour, each of our values was carefully articulated. Our colleagues on their part took turns to express themselves and recount stories on how they’ve experienced the organisation during their brief stint.
Bringing each of our values to life is an organic process, weaving them through our practices with a deliberate purpose. Research suggests that a group size of 26 is adequate to mark the beginning of a defined work culture. Our unique work culture is already forming and as we push on ahead to bigger milestones in our history, each of us will bear the responsibility of living the values to their truest meaning.
Lots more on our journey to follow…but if you’re itching to find out more for yourself, pls do follow us on Medium, LinkedIn.