What are Non-Linked Non-Participating Insurance Plans?

What is Non-Linked Insurance Policy?

What is Non-Participating Insurance Policy?

What are the Features and Benefits of a Non-Linked Non-Participating Insurance Plan?

FAQs about Non-linked Non-participating Term Plans

Who should buy a non-linked non-participating term plan?

Anyone searching for a low-risk pure life cover can buy a non-linked non-participating term insurance policy at an affordable premium. In addition, it guarantees death benefits to the nominee, as the risk elements have nothing to do with market performance.

Do non-participating policies assure the disbursal of dividends?

Insurance companies do not share profits with clients who buy non-participating or non-par policies. Hence these term plans do not offer dividend shares.

What is the difference between par and non-par term plans?

Par term plans guarantee an annual dividend payout to all the policyholders. In comparison, non-par term plans are without-profit schemes, only ensuring a death benefit to the beneficiary if the policyholder meets their demise within the policy period.

