1 Crore Term Insurance Plan

What is 1 Crore Term Plan?

How Does 1 Crore Term Plan Work?

Why You Need 1 Crore Term Insurance Plan?

A figure of 1 Crore might look extremely high, but for any average person who lives in a city, works in a private company and has school-going kids, the financial requirement at any stage would be this.

A term plan is the most affordable way to financially secure a family for any such unforeseen circumstance when this income might stop due to the demise of the breadwinner.

Here are the other benefits that a 1 Crore Insurance cover can provide you:

High Coverage at Affordable Premiums

High Coverage at Affordable Premiums

Term Insurance plans are the cheapest and most affordable insurance types available in the market. Their cost-effectiveness is because they provide only Death Benefits and have no savings component.

Takes Care of Liabilities and Debts

Takes Care of Liabilities and Debts

Having a Term Plan in your financial bucket means that in case of any unforeseen circumstance when you are no longer with your family, the Term Plan will help them repay all debts and liabilities. It ensures they do not have to deal with the burden of any debts you might leave behind. With a Term Plan, you can ensure a debt-free legacy for your family.

Enhanced Coverage

Enhanced Coverage

Compared to whole-life plans or other insurance plans with a savings component, term Plans provide much higher coverage for a given premium. You can also enhance that base coverage by adding riders that take care of other specific situations. This ensures that the dependent family is financially secure and can lead a normal life.

Who Should Buy a 1 Crore Term Insurance Plan?

While a Term Plan is the basic necessity for anyone to have in their investment bucket, a 1 Crore Term Plan specifically would be suitable for these categories of people:

Individuals with Dependent Parents

Individuals with Dependent Parents

In cases where parents do not receive a pension and are dependent on their sole earning child, Term Plan should be purchased as it would save the parents from any financial turmoil in case of any unfortunate death of their earning child. The insurance cover would take care of their liabilities and regular expenses.

Married Couples

Married Couples

When you get married, there are increased responsibilities. Even when your spouse is earning, your expenses and liabilities are directly proportional to the sum of both incomes. In such a case, a term plan ensures that your spouse does not struggle with finances, even in your absence.

Young Parents

Young Parents

Young parents must buy a term plan of at least 1 crore to secure their child's future. This will ensure that your child's education and other needs do not go for a toss if you are not there with them.

Individuals with Home Loans

Individuals with Home Loans

If you have taken a home loan and are paying off the EMIs, that loan can burden your family in case of your unfortunate demise. These days, in any city, a decent home costs at least 1 Crore. Hence, make sure to buy a Term Plan for 1 crore dedicated to safeguarding your home.

Small Business Owners

Small Business Owners

If you are into business, most of the expenses are on credit, and at any given time, you might find yourself under a certain debt. If it is a small business, 1 Crore Term Insurance plan might suffice to take care of these debts in case of your untimely demise and make sure that your family does not have to deal with this pressure of debts at a time when they are dealing with a personal loss.

How to Choose the Right Term Plan?

FAQs About 1 Crore Term Insurance Plan

What will be my premium for a 1 crore term insurance plan?

The premium for 1 crore term insurance depends on factors like age, health condition, gender, lifestyle habits, smoking habits etc. It also differs across insurance providers.

Should I buy a 1 Crore term insurance plan or an endowment plan?

Endowment plans provide the sum assured as a maturity benefit if the policyholder outlives the policy term. On the other hand, term plans provide high coverage for a considerably low premium. Hence, your choice should entirely depend on your need.

What is the benefit of buying term insurance at an early age? 

Besides providing your family with a life cover, buying term insurance at an early age can be beneficial because the premium for a given sum assured is much lower. 

How to find the cheapest term insurance plan?

To find the cheapest term insurance, the first step is to check your financial requirements. Then do your research across insurance providers and their plans, for the benefits, the features, the coverage, terms and conditions and accordingly choose the best-suited plan.

How does a term insurance plan differ from an accidental insurance plan?

An accidental insurance plan provides death benefit in case of death due to any reason. However, an accidental insurance plan specifically provides death benefit only in case of an accidental death.

Is the death of an insured person considered for claim in a term plan, if he/she dies outside India?

Yes, even if the sum assured has died outside India, if the policy is in force the death would be considered for claim settlement.

