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Digit Life Group Long Term Plan

What is Digit Life Group Long Term Plan?

What’s Great about Digit Life Group Long Term Plan?

Overview of the Digit Life Group Long Term Plan

Here's a detailed overview of the Digit Life Group Long Term Plan, highlighting its key features and benefits to clearly understand what this plan offers.

Parameter Description
Plan Type Non-linked, non-participating group pure risk premium life insurance plan.
Plan Basis Group basis, providing life insurance coverage to members of a group.
Premium Payment Term Single Premium / Limited Pay / Regular Pay
Premium Payment Frequency Options available for annual, half-yearly, quarterly, or monthly premium payments.
Survival/Maturity Benefit Total premiums paid will be returned upon survival until the end of the Member Coverage Term if the Return of Premium option is chosen
Freelook Period 30 days to review and cancel the policy if not satisfied
Payout Options under Death Benefit
  • Lumpsum Sum Assured
  • Income Benefit (Income Benefit Period shall not exceed 40 years less Member Coverage Term chosen) 
Loan Facility Not available under this plan.
Surrender Provisions Unexpired Risk Premium Value (Surrender Value) payable upon surrender under specified conditions 

Features of Digit Life Group Long Term Plan

Benefits of Digit Life Group Long Term Plan

Coverage Offered by the Digit Life Group Long Term Plan

Discover the comprehensive coverage options the Digit Life Group Long Term Plan offers, ensuring robust protection.

Coverage Type What It Offers
Death Benefit Provides financial protection against the risk of death, ensuring a lump sum payment or income benefit to the beneficiaries of the insured member.
Inbuilt Optional Benefits - Riders
  • Coverage for critical events such as:
  • Terminal Illness Benefit
  • Health Cover Benefit
  • Hospitalization Cover Benefit
  • Accidental Cover Benefit
  • Additional Critical Illness Benefit
  • Additional Multi-Stage Cancer Benefit
Joint Life Cover Allows two individuals to be insured under a single policy with a joint sum assured, providing comprehensive protection for both.
Coverage Options
  • Members can choose from various coverage options, including:
  • Level Cover: Fixed sum assured throughout the policy term.
  • Decreasing Cover: Sum assured decreases over time, often aligned with liabilities.
  • Flexi Cover: Flexible coverage options that can be adjusted as per the member's needs.
Accidental Death Benefit Additional benefit payable in case of accidental death, providing extra financial support to the beneficiaries.
Survival / Maturity Benefit Benefits payable upon survival or maturity of the policy, ensuring financial support at the end of the policy term.

What the Digit Life Group Long Term Plan Does Not Cover

FAQs about Digit Life Group Long Term Plan

Who can avail of Digit Life Group Long Term Plan?

Group Credit Protection is available to various entities, including master policy holders, associations, financial institutions, credit card issuers, and lending organizations, to be further issued to their borrowers. Thus, it’s a B2B2C product.

What types of credit facilities can be covered under Group Credit Protection?

Group Credit Protection can cover different types of credit facilities, including loans, credit cards, mortgages, overdrafts, and other forms of credit extended to members or customers.

How does Digit Life Group Long Term Plan work in case of death or disability?

In the event of death or disability of a member or customer, Group Credit Protection covers the outstanding debts or loans, relieving the individual or their family from the financial burden.

Is Group Credit Protection mandatory for all members or customers?

Group Credit Protection is usually an optional benefit offered by the group or organization. However, certain lending institutions may require it as a condition for granting credit.

What is the difference between GTL and GPA?

Group Term Life (GTL) insurance covers a group and pays a death benefit to beneficiaries if a member passes away during the policy term. Group Personal Accident (GPA) insurance specifically provides financial protection for accidental injuries, disabilities, or death. GTL covers death from any cause, while GPA focuses solely on accidents, offering coverage for medical expenses, disability compensation, and accidental death.

How is group credit life insurance different from individual life insurance?


Group Credit Life Insurance covers a group under a single policy, often provided by master policyholders or lenders. It's easier to qualify for and usually has lower premiums. However, coverage typically ends if you leave the group or pay off the loan.

On the other hand, Individual Life Insurance is purchased personally and tailored to your specific needs. It remains in effect regardless of job changes and offers more flexibility. However, it can be more expensive and may require detailed health assessments.

What are the employee benefits of group term life insurance?


Group term life insurance provides several benefits to the insured members, including:

  • Death Benefit: Provides financial support to the employee's family in case of their death.
  • Cost-Effective: More affordable than individual life insurance due to lower premiums.
  • Tax Benefits: Tax benefits often include tax advantages for both employers and employees.
  • Peace of Mind: Enhances employee morale and loyalty by offering financial security.

How do I enroll as an employee in the Digit Life Group Long Term Plan?

The Digit Life Group Long Term Plan is a group product offered to companies and institutions, not individuals. The insured members don’t enroll themselves directly but are covered through their employer’s policy.

Can I customize the coverage options based on my specific needs?

The Digit Life Group Long Term Plan has set coverage options and benefits determined by the employer or institution. Individual customization, such as choosing specific optional benefits or flexible premium payments, is not available for this group plan. The plan provides a comprehensive range of benefits as defined by the group policy rather than offering personalized options for each member.

What types of optional benefits are available with the Digit Life Group Long Term Plan?

The Digit Life Group Long Term Plan offers optional benefits like Terminal Illness Benefit, Critical Illness Benefit, and Hospitalization Cover Benefit. These add-ons provide extra coverage beyond the basic life insurance.

Are there any waiting periods associated with the benefits of Digit Life Group Long Term Plan?

Yes, there is a waiting period for critical illness coverage under the Group Long Term Plan. You must be covered by the policy for at least 90 days and survive for 30 days after being diagnosed with a covered critical illness to qualify for the benefit.

How does the wellness benefits program operate, and what does it include?

The wellness benefits program under the Digit Life Group Long Term Plan offers a range of services to promote health and well-being. It includes a medical hotline (Doctor on Call), wellness coaching (nutrition and fitness), assistance with diagnostic tests (Lab Services and Imaging), and home delivery of prescribed medications (Pharmacy services). These benefits are designed to support proactive health management for members.

What are the eligibility criteria for coverage under the Group Long Term Plan?

To be eligible for coverage under the Group Long Term Plan, you need to be an employee, contract staff, or part-time staff of the subscribing company. Your age should also fall within the specific range mentioned in the Master Policy Schedule. When you become eligible, you typically have 45 days to enrol. You may be asked to provide additional information or documents during this process. It's crucial for your employer to keep paying the premiums to ensure you stay covered.

Can the Master Policyholder modify the terms of the policy after it has been issued?

No, the Master Policyholder cannot alter the policy terms independently. The insurer must first approve any modifications and comply with the terms outlined in the Master Policy Document. The insurer holds the authority to review, revise, or change the policy terms - including benefits and premiums - but these changes require prior approval from the IRDAI.

What are the tax implications of paying premiums?

All applicable taxes, including GST and Cess, will be charged extra, and the responsibility for payment lies with the Master Policyholder.

What documents are needed for an accident hospitalization claim?

To file a claim for hospitalization due to an accident, you need to provide a completed Claim Form, KYC documents, medical reports, discharge summaries, and any other relevant medical documentation. These documents are necessary to process and validate your claim.

What if I miss the claim notification deadline?

Claims must be intimated within 90 days from the date of the insured event. Delays must be justified for the claim to be considered valid.

What happens if a cheque bounces or premium isn’t received?

The policy is considered void ab-initio and is deemed canceled if there is a dishonor of the cheque or non-receipt of the premium.

What is the Free Look Period and how can I cancel during it?

The Freelook Period is 30 days, during which the policyholder can review the terms and conditions. If they disagree, they can return the policy for cancellation.



  • This is an informative article provided on 'as is' basis for awareness purpose only and not intended as a professional advice. The content of the article is derived from various open sources across the Internet. Digit Life Insurance is not promoting or recommending any aspect in the article or its correctness. Please verify the information and your requirement before taking any decisions.
  • All the figures reflected in the article are for illustrative purposes. The premium for Coverage that one buys depends on various factors including customer requirements, eligibility, age, demography, insurance provider, product, coverage amount, term and other factors
  • Tax Benefits, if applicable depend on the Tax Regime opted by the individual and the applicable tax provision. Please consult your Tax consultant before making any decision.

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