What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Physical Education?

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Physical Education?

The list of advantages of physical education is endless, but all have the same goal. It is to uplift the mental and physical health of the child.

Like advantages, there are also some disadvantages of physical education for students that may lead to further complications if ignored.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of physical education.


Advantages of Physical Education

Disadvantages of Physical Education

Physical Fitness

Exercising is a significant aspect for students suffering from obesity or other health related disorders. It will help them overcome these in the least time possible.

However, over exercising is a crucial concern for students. They might stay hyper-activated for most of the day which will deteriorate their overall physical health.

Mental Health

Regular exercising initiates the secretion of several significant hormones like dopamine or the ‘feel-good hormone’, endorphin etc.

However, if the child is too involved in exercises, it might affect their sleep cycle and cause insomnia.

Academic Performance

Students can take exercise breaks which will further enhance their academic performance and cognitive functioning ability.

If the student fails to perform better in physical education. It might hamper their mental well-being and result in poor academic performance.

Injuries and Diseases

Physical fitness aims to eradicate common diseases as the body constantly engages in healthy secretion of hormones and fluids.

In some cases, over-exercising and major injuries might affect the physical and mental well-being of any student.

Why Is Physical Education Needed?

FAQs about Advantages and Disadvantages of Physical Education

Will physical education classes affect my child’s academic performance?


Physical education classes hampering a child's education is a common talk between many parents and even children. However, it posits a healthy break from continuous studying.

Moreover, it helps in focusing, cognitive ability of the child and many other factors that help them in studying. Tagging it as a disadvantage in terms of a fall in academic performance will be going against all its positive aspects that help a child grow mentally and physically.

Will it be a problem if my physically disabled child does physical education?

Irrespective of physical disability, everyone should be able to play. This falls under adapted physical education, where the physical educator makes sure that your child participates in sports and exercises in ways that favour them.

How long should my child exercise a day?


Children aged 5 to 12 need to exercise for at least 1 hour per day. They can do vigorous or milder exercises but make sure that it doesn’t lead to burnout and frustration.

However, it is natural for children not to focus on exercising for this long. In this case, the teacher can take alternative methods like playing and engaging them in small exercising habits so that they develop the curiosity to do it. Building this habit will help them in future to stay aligned with this routine.

What diseases can be avoided by exercising?

Exercising can benefit a child in many ways in terms of avoiding certain diseases. It can be diabetes, cancer, depression etc. Moreover, as the child grows, this will help to maintain a normal cholesterol level, keep asthma at bay, etc.

