Exercise for Kids: Health Benefits, Importance & Parents Role?

Why Is Exercising for Kids Important?

What Are Parents' Roles in Kids' Exercise?

FAQs About the Importance of Exercise for Kids

Can children do push-ups?

There is no particular age to do push-ups. You can motivate your children to perform this workout as per the ability of their knees and feet. However, keep in mind that push-ups rank among advanced exercises, so it is better if your kids perform this under expert supervision. 

What are beginner yoga activities for kids?

Some beginner yoga activities for children include breathing, intention, meditation, relaxation, asanas, and so on.

What are some ideal yoga poses for children?


Mentioned below are some of the most popular yoga poses for kids:

  • Happy baby pose
  • Butterfly pose
  • Standing forward bend
  • Eagle pose
  • Dancing Shiva pose

How should parents encourage their children to exercise?

Parents can take their children on family walks or play games together. They can even take them to various places where they can feel active, like parks, cricket fields, or football grounds, basketball courts, and so on.

