Top 8 Benefits of Exercise for Students

How Can Students Benefit from Physical Activity?

What Is the Role of Parents in Students' Physical Activity?

What Is the Role of Physical Education in Schools?

What are the Parents' Expectations towards Students' Physical Exercise at School?

FAQs About Benefits of Exercise for Students

What are some of the muscle-strengthening exercises that can benefit students?

Push-ups, sit-ups, weight lifting are some exercises that will help keep students active and also make their muscles strong. They can perform these exercises 3 days a week.

What are some exercises that parents can do with children?

You can join dance classes, yoga sessions etc. depending upon what kind of activities you and your child enjoy. You can also go hiking, running together which will not only keep you both healthy but also strengthen your bond.

Are there any special meals for kids involved in physical activities?

If your child plays light sports, then a simple, balanced diet will suffice. However, if they play competitive sports or are involved in rigorous activities, then it is advisable to consult a dietician to chalk out a meal plan. This will ensure your child is receiving important nutrients which are lost during physical activities.

How can teachers help students be physically active?


Apart from dedicated sports teachers, other educators can 

  • Motivate kids for physical activities through their teachings. 
  • They can talk about sports with the students whenever possible to find out their preferences. 

Moreover, many schools also host sporting events where both students and teaching staff participate, which is a great way to motivate kids for sports.

