What is the Annual Financial Planning Checklist?

What is a Financial Checklist?

2023 Year-End Financial Checklist

FAQs About Year-End Financial Checklist

Do I need a financial advisor to complete a financial checklist?

You do not necessarily need to hire a financial advisor to complete a year-end financial checklist. Still, it can be helpful to work with a professional who can guide and advise you. However, if you prefer to complete the checklist on your own, many online resources and tools are available to help you get started.

How long does it take to complete a year-end financial checklist?

The time it takes to complete a financial checklist depends on the complexity of an individual's financial situation. However, most people should plan to spend several hours reviewing their finances and completing necessary tasks.

What should I do if I discover errors in my credit report during my year-end financial checklist?

If you discover errors in your credit report during your year-end financial checklist, you should immediately dispute the errors with the credit bureau. You can also contact the creditor that reported the incorrect information to request a correction.

