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Seafood Allergy: Meaning, Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, & Preventive Measures

Seafood allergy occurs to an individual whose body's immunity system responds to the proteins found in specific marine animals.

Seafood comprises shellfish, such as shrimps, mussels, octopus, lobster, crab, squid, clams, and finned fish such as mackerel, tuna, salmon, cod, and sardines.

Are you suffering from an allergy to any of these seafood? If yes, dedicate your next few minutes to reading this article as it summarises the vital aspects of seafood allergies.

What Are the Main Symptoms of Seafood Allergies?

Seafood comprises both shellfish and finned fish; however, they differ biologically. Therefore, if you suffer from an allergy to finned fish, that does not imply that you may be allergic to shellfish. Moreover, the crustaceans within the shellfish group, such as prawn, crab, crayfish, lobster, etc., cause more allergies than molluscs, including octopus, oysters, snails, etc.

However, whether you suffer from shellfish allergy or you are allergic to fish, identify the following symptoms, which are common for both these allergies, and report to a doctor immediately:

  • Hives or raised red bumps on your skin
  • Swelling of throat, face, lips or other parts of your body
  • Indigestion, vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea, and cramps in your stomach
  • Wheezing, asthma, trouble in breathing, congestion
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

The symptoms mentioned above may differ with each seafood. For example, crab allergy and prawn allergy symptoms include itching or tingling sensation in and around the mouth. Additionally, symptoms may vary with each individual. 

Allergies to fish or shellfish may cause anaphylaxis in rare cases. This severe medical condition demands immediate medical attention.

If you are suffering from severe prawn allergy or is allergic to any other seafood, look for the following symptoms of anaphylaxis to remain aware beforehand:

  • Swelling of face or throat
  • Problem in breathing
  • Increase in the pulse rate
  • An extreme drop in blood pressure along with shock
  • Loss of consciousness

These are the common symptoms that you may find in the symptoms of shrimp allergy or allergies to other seafood. However, this may worsen. So, contact your nearest clinic if you or your close ones meet such a severe medical condition to avoid fatal consequences.

What Causes Seafood Allergy?

In every allergy, the immunity system of your body responds to allergens. Your body generates antibodies to identify the allergens, causes inflammation and produces a chemical known as histamine, which causes allergic symptoms such as hives. In addition, there are specific molecules in fish or shellfish that may be available in other foods, and you may suffer from allergies from those foods containing that molecule.

For example, you may suffer from an allergy to a specific fish or may be allergic to multiple crustaceans such as prawns, lobster and crab. This is called cross-reactivity and is difficult to diagnose. Therefore, consult a doctor if you suffer from such a condition.

What Are the Diagnosis and Treatment for Seafood Allergy?

Allergies to seafood, including fish and shellfish, may last for an entire lifespan. If you suffer from allergic symptoms from seafood, contact a doctor. He or she may refer you to a clinical immunologist or an allergist.

An allergist may perform the following test depending upon the type of allergies:

  • Blood test
  • Skin prick test
  • He or she may also advise to stop consuming seafood temporarily

If you have an allergy to a particular fish type and are willing to consume other types of seafood available in the market, you may ask the specialist to perform allergic tests for other kinds of fish.

If you suffer from severe symptoms of crab allergy or exhibit other allergic symptoms to seafood, the doctor may prescribe you an antihistamine. This reduces swelling, hives, and other skin rashes, if any. However, if you meet a severe condition like anaphylaxis, you may be treated with epinephrine.

If you are at risk of developing anaphylaxis, a healthcare professional may prescribe you to keep injectable epinephrine always with you. In addition, he or she may recommend you to administer epinephrine even if your body displays symptoms of seafood allergy for the first time as a precautionary measure

How to Prevent Seafood Allergy?

Go through the following preventive measures to prevent seafood allergy:

1. Avoid Consuming Seafood

Take a look at the list of fishes that may trigger your allergic symptoms caused by fishes:

  1. Cod
  2. Barramundi
  3. Salmon
  4. Snapper
  5. Whiting
  6. Flake
  7. Tuna
  8. Trout 

Here is the list of shellfish that you must avoid that may aggravate your allergic reaction to prawns or other shellfish:

  • Crayfish
  • Mussels
  • Cuttlefish
  • Calamari
  • Oysters
  • Lobster
  • Squid
  • Prawns

2. Be Aware While Eating Outside

When eating at a restaurant, check that the utensils utilised for cooking seafood are not used for cooking other food dishes. This is why it is ideal to avoid dining out at a restaurant that specialises in seafood. Additionally, avoid sharing plates with those consuming seafood to prevent cross-contamination.

Additionally, avoid visiting places where the seafood is processed or prepared. Inhaling the vapour from the cooked seafood may cause a respiratory reaction among selected individuals with seafood or shellfish allergy symptoms.

3. Add Right Foods to Your Diet

Home remedies for prawn allergy or other shellfish allergies may naturally calm down the allergic symptoms. Adding foods like yoghurt, vitamin C-rich foods such as oranges and broccoli, foods and drinks like ginger and green tea to your diet may help with seafood allergies. However, in severe allergic reactions, contact a doctor without any delay.

Insufficient knowledge about seafood allergies may cause panic. Hence, carefully go through the information mentioned above if you suffer from a seafood allergy. Alternatively, consult a doctor to know more details about it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does iodine prompt adverse reactions among people with a shellfish allergy?

No, iodine does not aggravate the allergic symptoms of shellfish allergy.

How long does it take to show allergic symptoms after consuming shellfish?

If you are allergic to shellfish, then allergic symptoms will start showing within minutes to an hour of consuming shellfish.