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Best Muscular Strength Exercises, Activities & Workouts

Muscular strength is a major requirement, especially when growing older. It is therefore advisable to work out to increase muscle strength. These exercises help you enhance overall physical strength irrespective of any athletic abilities.

Curious to know more about exercises for muscular strength? Find out all about it in this article.

Top 10 Exercises for Muscular Strength

There can be multiple activities for increasing muscular strength. However, you should choose them wisely, keeping your health and goals in mind. Here are some of the best exercises you can attempt.

1. Biceps Curl

It is a popular activity for muscular strength. It helps to develop the biceps for strengthening upper arm muscles. You need dumbbells or barbells to do this.

How to Do

Start with standing on the floor, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. With your face looking upwards, draw your elbows towards your body while slowly lifting the weight. Slowly lower the hand to the original position, and repeat the process in both hands.


This exercise is considered beneficial as it helps build arm muscles and boosts athletic performance. It enhances the strength of the upper arm while training the shoulders to be more stable and in control.

It is a more or less easy and practical exercise, which can hardly be harmful if done correctly. However, if you have pain or injury in the rotator cuff or shoulders, you should avoid this exercise until it is completely cured.

2. Squats

This is one of the easiest and most popular exercises for muscular strength. For this, you need to sit in the position of sitting on a chair. Hold a dumbbell or bar at your chest level if you plan to increase the intensity.

How to Do

Stand on the floor, keeping your feet away from each other. The distance should be slightly more than the hip distance. Now, slowly bend the knees and squat down. Pause in this situation, hold this position for about 3-5 seconds, and retract to the original posture. Repeat this process at least 20 times.


There are multiple benefits of doing regular squats. For instance, it strengthens your core and the muscles in the lower part of your body. It helps to reduce the chances of falling and injuries in the future. Moreover, it will be perfect if you plan to shed the extra calories and boost overall athletic strength.

If you have knee pain and injury, try to limit your squatting activities. You should rather avoid this type of exercise if your condition is bad. Other than that, squatting is a safe and simple exercise. Try to check with your physician regarding your knee condition before starting this workout.

3. Modified Pushup

This exercise can also be effective for strengthening your arm muscles. It is beneficial for people who are unable to do full pushups. It helps to build initial strength to do full pushups in time.

How to Do

Start with kneeling on a mat, keeping your hands below your shoulders and knees behind the hips. Next, tuck your toes under and tighten your abdominals. While bending the elbows, start lowering your chest towards the floor. Keep your neck strong. Now, press your check back up to the starting position. Keep repeating this process.


This exercise can have multiple benefits. It is beneficial for toning your arms, shoulder, chest and core. Apart from toning your upper body, these pushups help you lose extra calories and gain abs. Your chest and upper back will be stronger with this exercise and enhance the strength of your core.

Pushups are simple exercises that might require extreme strength in the legs and arms. Therefore, individuals with pain or injuries in the legs or arms should avoid working out. Moreover, you should immediately stop this exercise if you start feeling pain in these areas.

4. Abdominal Crunch

Crunches are popular exercises to improve muscular strength. They can improve your muscle visibility by developing abs in the torso. Building these muscles can help improve your core muscles and overall stability.

How to Do

Lie on the floor on your back, and keep your knees bent. Next, place your hands behind your head and across your chest. Start pulling your belly button towards your spine while preparing for the movement. Slowly contract the abdominals while ringing the shoulder blades a few inches above the floor. Keep exhaling as you come up, and imagine holding a tennis ball under your chin. Hold at the top for a few seconds, and slowly lower back down. Repeat the process a few times.


This exercise is beneficial for multiple reasons. It helps to flex the rectus abdominis muscle, bringing your shoulders towards the hips. It can improve your stability. Practising this crunch can help you build a strong back and abs. It will help you stay fit and athletic for a long time.

5. Forearm Plank

A forearm plank is an exceptional exercise for strengthening the abdominal and core muscles. People planning to build abs often keep it within their workout routine.

How to Do

For building a plank position, face down with your forearms and toes on the floor. Keep your elbows directly under your shoulders and your forearms facing forward. You should relax your head as you look down. Now, engage your abdominal muscles while drawing your navel towards the spine. Keep your torso straight and erect, while your heels should be over the balls of your feet. Hold this position for at least 10 seconds.


Strengthening the core is a major requirement for building strong muscles. It helps you feel good and more physically fit. It helps to stabilise and enhance the overall balance. Engaging a range of muscles in the core building helps to boost calorie burn.

A plank position puts pressure on the elbows and wrists. Therefore, people with injuries or pain in these areas should avoid it. Particularly, patients suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome should not attempt this exercise. Moreover, pregnant women and little kids should also avoid this position.

6. Toe Stands

It is another excellent exercise to increase muscular strength. Toe stands originated as a balancing position from Bikram yoga. It helps to improve balance and core strength.

How to Do

Start with standing on your right leg. Keep inhaling while bringing up the top of your left foot towards the right hip. Keep breathing while trying to establish a balance. Now, bend your right knee while anchoring the left foot on the right thigh. Once you reach a squatting position, start lifting your right heel off to one side. Engage your core muscles and lift one or both hands off the floor. Try to hold the position while breathing.


This position can be beneficial for improving balance and core strength. It is helpful if you suffer from joint pain in the knees. This exercise also helps open your hips, strengthening your core and feet. It also provides attention to the neglected areas while challenging your balance.

People suffering from knee problems and intense knee pain should skip this position. Moreover, avoiding this exercise will be helpful for those facing low blood pressure, hypotension or injury in the lower body part.

7. Gripping

This is a simple exercise that aims at enhancing your gripping strength. It is essential to become more muscular and stay secure from accidents.

How to Do

Start this exercise by holding a tennis ball in your hand. Slowly squeeze it as hard as you can. Hold this position for about 10 seconds. Then, release it slowly. Keep repeating this process again and again.


This exercise is beneficial for enhancing forearm muscularity. It helps to improve the look and fitness of your forearm. Moreover, it helps to enhance your gripping strength. Your grip will be impressed with this exercise. It also improves hand endurance while improving the dexterity of your hands.

If you are suffering from injuries in the hands and wrists, avoid this exercise as long as you do not recover. Moreover, if you feel intense pain or weakness in the hands, skip this exercise or avoid doing it for a long time.

8. Jumping Jacks

It is a cardio exercise which helps improve your heart rate while building muscle strength. It helps the heart to pump more blood across the body.

How to Do

For this exercise, stand on your, keeping them shoulder-width apart. Keep your arms alongside your body. Now, jump up and spread your feet as far as possible. During this time, raise your overhead and clap your hands together. Next, jump back to the starting position. Continue at least 2-3 sets of 15-30 jumps.


This workout for muscular strength is beneficial for bone health. It helps to improve the overall bone and muscle strength. Moreover, it helps to lose weight while looking after heart health. It also helps to reduce tension and stress. This exercise helps to build muscle strength while developing cardiovascular benefits.

It is a simple exercise but might come with risks of injury and pain in the lower part of the body. People who have pain in these areas should avoid such exercises. The risks will increase if there is a lack of base level of strength and conditioning.

9. Single-leg Hip Raise

This exercise for muscular power helps to build strength and stability for people who suffer from glutes or hamstrings. It also helps improve core strength and overall coordination.

How to Do

Start with lying on your back with your knees bent. Keep the heels flat against the floor while keeping them hip-width apart. Now, take one leg off the floor and straighten it completely. Keep your stomach tight and press the remaining heel into the floor. Drive your hips upwards and squeeze your glutes. Now, return to the ground and repeat the process.


This exercise helps to increase your hip-extension strength. It increases the angle between the rose and thigh. It also helps to improve sports and athletic performances. Moreover, it can also help prevent injuries. Therefore, this exercise is fit for people interested in sports and athletics.

Avoid this exercise if you have intense pain or injuries in the back or hips. Try not to attempt it as long as you are recovering. Moreover, if you have weakness in the lower body part, take proper precautions for this exercise.

10. Burpee With Push-up

It is one of the most challenging yet effective exercises for muscular strength. It is a two-part exercise, including a pushup and a leap in the air. While doing several burpees can be tiring, it can be essential for building excellent muscle strength.

How to Do

Start this exercise with a squat position with your knees bent, keeping your back straight, and the feet should be about shoulder-width apart. Now, lower your hands to the floor while keeping your weight on your hands. Kick your feet back and come on your hands and toes in a pushup position. Next, do one pushup. Next, do a frog kick by jumping your feet back to the starting position. Reach your arms over the head and jump quickly to land back in the original position. After landing, get into a squat position. Keep repeating this.


There are multiple benefits of this exercise. It helps to burn calories while offering a full-body workout. Moreover, it helps to boost cardio fitness, looking after your heart health. It also helps to burn fat. This exercise can help improve your overall physical fitness and convenience.

Burpees require good muscle strength on the upper body parts. If you are weak in this part, you should skip this part. Moreover, you should avoid this exercise if you face back or shoulder injuries.

What Are the Benefits of Exercises for Muscular Strength?

This muscular strength exercise list will benefit your health as it will improve your overall strength. In general, you can enjoy the following benefits.

  • Overall strength: These exercises help build a strong body, allowing you to perform various movements and activities. It will supply power to the body without making it tired.
  • Body weight: This exercise will also help you maintain a healthy body weight. You can burn calories constantly while enhancing the body's composition. It will maintain a ratio between fat and muscles.
  • Mental health: Having a healthy body is essential for maintaining mental health. It boosts mood and energy levels if you feel down and depressed. It also helps to boost confidence.
  • Muscle and bone strength: Exercises for muscles naturally help in improving muscular strength. Moreover, it also increases bone strength. It is useful for improving your posture and relieving your back pain. 
  • Balance and stability: People start losing balance and stability with age. However, those who practice such exercises can improve their overall balance and stability. Their bones become flexible with increased grips. It reduces the chances of falling or injuries.

Things to Consider for Doing Muscular Strength Exercises Safely

You need to be careful if you are considering exercises for muscle strength. These can be dangerous and complex for people who are newly starting it. The following precautions can be helpful here.

  • Proper technique: You need to ensure proper techniques while doing these exercises. It is advisable to consult a registered fitness professional for a proper routine.
  • Slow pace: It is advisable to start slowly since these exercises can be extremely challenging. If you are new to this, avoid going fast with the weights or intensity of the exercises. This will help you avoid any complications.
  • Safe equipment: Consider safe equipment and tools for working out. Do not experiment in this regard since it can affect your health and safety. Professional gyms are the best options when you are starting.
  • Posture and position: It is essential to learn about an exercise's position before starting to work on it. It can be dangerous to continue an exercise with the wrong posture.
  • Overworking: You should always avoid overworking yourself. Every individual has their levels of strength and capabilities. If you feel tired, you should avoid exercising and working out.

Therefore, as you can see, there are multiple exercises for muscular strength. These exercises can help build your muscle and bone strength. They will keep you physically fit for a long time. However, you should avoid intense work out if you have pain or injuries in any body part.

Frequently Asked Questions

What muscles do squatting strengthen?

Squatting can be a beneficial exercise. It helps to strengthen muscles of the hips, calves, obliques and hamstrings.

Can planks improve muscle strength?

Yes, planks help to strengthen your core. Moreover, this exercise helps to improve the strength of your spine, abdominal muscles, rhomboids and trapezius.