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Pilonidal Sinus Disease: Symptoms, Causes, & Methods of Treatment

Pilonidal sinus disease is a skin condition that occurs in the cleft at the top part of the buttock. It is an infected part forming cyst-like skin bumps containing pus and fluids and penetrating deeper into the skin tissues. In most cases, treating pilonidal sinus requires operations like abscess drainage or removal. However, it may lead to an abscess if left untreated. In addition, people with this skin complication generally experience irritation and discomfort around the tailbone area.

Symptoms of Pilonidal Sinus Disease

The infection of pilonidal sinus disease leads to swollen mass or abscess as it affects the natal cleft. In a general scenario, the symptoms of pilonidal sinus may vary depending on the level of infection. Here are a few common yet most significant symptoms of pilonidal sinus that requires immediate medical attention: 

  • Small skin bumps
  • Fluid leaking pus with bad odour
  • Itchiness and irritation
  • Painful bumps when infected
  • Fever and nausea
  • Sore and reddened skin around the tailbone

It is advisable that any person experiencing any discomfort or noticing any skin bumps around the tailbone must seek medical assistance.

Main Causes of Pilonidal Sinus Disease

The exact cause of pilonidal sinus is unspecified; however, in a majority of cases, hormonal imbalances or changes in hormones are flagged as a reason. Additionally, the coarse hair growth caused due to the friction of rough clothes triggers the skin tissues to respond against it. This develops as a cyst and can be found in multiple sinuses.

Risk Factors Affecting Pilonidal Sinus

A medical study in the UK stated that around 26 out of 100,000 people in the UK are affected by this skin condition. Various medical practitioner points out a few common factors that elevate the chances of developing pilonidal cysts, such as: 

Overweight or obesity

Professions that require hours of sitting

Excessive growth of body hair

Sedentary lifestyle

Furthermore, an average of the reported cases of pilonidal sinus states that men in their 20s are most prone to get infected by these skin complications.

Recommended Treatment for Pilonidal Sinus Disease

According to the doctor’s study, people with no signs or symptoms of pilonidal sinus may not require to undergo any treatment. In this case, as prevention, the doctor would recommend some medicines like broad-spectrum antibiotics. However, with chronic infections, there are following treatments are prescribed as follows:

1. Cyst Drainage

If the infection develops and penetrates deep inside the skin tissue, the doctor may require draining the fluid from the abscess. This procedure requires performing local anaesthesia, which is carried on inside the doctor’s chamber. In this type of treatment, the doctor cuts open the abscess to clean the blood, pus and any fluid using a scalpel. 

On completing this step, a doctor packs the wound using a sterile dressing and prescribes medication to heal from inside. This is one of the effective treatments for pilonidal sinus as it takes just a month to heal from the wound with no infections returning back.

2. Injecting Phenol

The doctor uses local anaesthesia to inject phenol into the cyst. Phenol acts as an antiseptic that causes the lesion to harden and close its mouth. However, sometimes this treatment requires multiple injections of phenol to cyst completely. Hence it is not a preferable reason to consider this as the best treatment for pilonidal sinus.

3. Surgical Procedures

If an individual is suffering from multiple sinus tracts, the doctor might recommend surgical procedures based on the severity of this condition. In some cases, doctors use an endoscopic surgery method to remove the dirt and pus from the cyst. After the surgery, the doctor provides a complete guide on the method of dressing. 

Different studies conducted by doctors worldwide concluded that pilonidal cyst is a non-contagious skin complication that requires utmost treatment. However, one of the prominent causes of pilonidal sinus is hereditary, and prevention, in this case, is a daunting task.

Preventive Measures for Pilonidal Sinus Disease

Individuals searching for “what is pilonidal sinus” also seek factors that influence the prevention of this disease. According to the medical practitioners, there are certain guidelines that primary care physicians recommend which work as significant preventive measures to stop pilonidal sinus from coming back: 

  1. Maintaining a moderate or balanced weight helps in reducing risk 

  2. Avoiding sitting for a longer period or putting pressure on area for long

  3. Cleaning and shaving that area thoroughly to stop in-growth of coarse hair

Doctors always recommend visiting experts for treating pilonidal sinus on experiencing any irritation or discomfort. Though this skin disease does not involve any major complications in general scenario, however, if neglected, it may develop risk of getting a type of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma.

When to Visit a Doctor?

It is essential to visit a doctor for treating pilonidal sinus to notice any signs or symptoms of the disease. A timely visit to the doctor's chamber will help cure the lesion before infection or inflammation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the generic symptoms of pilonidal sinus disease?

Some of the common symptoms of pilonidal sinus disease include a swollen area in the crease of the buttocks, noticeable red or tender skin, draining of pus or blood, nausea or fever, etc.

How serious is a pilonidal cyst?

Though it is not a serious skin issue, it can lead to infection, which can develop into an abscess in the long run with no medication. Often, abscess causes extreme pain, foul smell, and fluid drainage at this stage.

Can UTI lead to kidney damage?

In general, a urinary tract infection doesn’t lead to kidney damage, but you must treat it before getting serious.