About 2.25 million Indian citizens currently have cancer. The rate of cancer development in Indian men before 75 years is about 9.81%. On the other hand, the mortality rate is about 7.34%. As of 2018, a report shows there have been 413,519 deaths of Indian men because of cancer. The following list will give you a detailed guide regarding the common types of cancer in men.
1. Lung Cancer
This type of cancer starts developing in your lungs, which are the organs responsible for helping you inhale and exhale. Lung cancer is considered one of the leading causes behind most cancer deaths worldwide (1.80 million). Smoking tobacco is the primary cause of lung cancer. However, people exposed to passive smoking can also be at risk. Some of the significant symptoms are discussed below.
- Persistent coughing
- Coughing blood
- Chest pain
- Weightless
- Shortness of breath
- Bone pain and headacheÂ
Apart from the active and passive smokers, people exposed to radon gas and asbestos are also at high risk. Previous radiation therapy can also cause this cancer. Some of the complications include severe bone and muscle pain, fluid in the chest, coughing up blood, etc.
Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in Indian males. According to the GLOBOCAN 2012 report, there are about 70,275 lung cancer cases in India. In the case of Indian men, there were about 53,728 new lung cancer cases. Currently, this cancer is the most common cause of cancer mortality at 48,697. The male predominance is evident from the GLOBOCAN 2008 report, which highlights the male-female ratio of lung cancer at 4.5:1.
2. Colorectal Cancer
This type of cancer starts from the colon or the rectum. The large intestine comprises the colon and rectum, a significant part of the digestive system. A colon is a five-foot tube, and it is responsible for absorbing water and salt from the remaining food matter once it enters the small intestine. Cancer starts from the inner lining of the colon or rectum. These growths are called polyps. Additionally, the following list discusses the common symptoms.
- Diarrhoea or constipation
- Persistent abdominal discomfort
- Rectal bleeding
- Issues with bowel movement
- Weakness
- Unintentional weight loss
People over 50 years are most likely to develop this cancer. A medical history of colon cancer or noncancerous colon polyps can trigger its development. Moreover, people suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases, obesity or diabetes can also be at risk.
There are no particular causes behind this cancer. However, usually, colon cancer might develop when healthy cells develop a mutation in their DNA. Thus, damage in the DNA of the colon cells can cause this cancer. The only way one can prevent it is through regular screening to diagnose cancer at early stages.
Thus, if you wonder which cancer is most common in Indian males, you should consider colorectal cancer. This cancer has caused around 916,000 deaths worldwide in 2020. Among other countries, India has been a leading one when it comes to cancer deaths among men. According to the GLOBACAN India 2018 report, there were about 27,000 cases of colorectal cancer in India. This report also suggests that the annual incidence rates of colon and rectal cancer in Indian men are 4.4 and 4.1 per 100000, respectively.
3. Liver Cancer
As the name suggests, this cancer begins in your liver cells. The liver is situated in the upper right section of your abdomen, above your stomach and beneath your diaphragm. Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common type of liver cancer. Like the previous type, liver cancer develops when liver cells develop a mutation in their DNA. Chronic hepatitis infections can also cause this cancer. The following symptoms can be commonly observed.
- Unintentional weight loss
- Loss of appetite
- Upper abdominal pain
- Abdominal swelling
- Nausea and vomiting
- Yellow discolouration of the skin
- Abdominal pain
- General fatigueÂ
People who have Cirrhosis, Chronic infection with HBV or HCV, liver diseases, diabetes, fatty liver diseases, etc. Furthermore, exposure to aflatoxins and addiction to alcohol can also be risky. Therefore, the best way to prevent it is by limiting alcohol consumption. Moreover, one should also maintain a healthy diet and weight for avoiding this cancer.
Liver cancer is another common cancer in Indian men. Currently, India deals with 30,000-50,000 cases every year. Liver cancer has caused around 830,000 deaths worldwide in 2020.
4. Pancreatic Cancer
This cancer starts from the pancreas tissues. The pancreas is an organ in your abdomen lying behind the lower part of your stomach. It is responsible for releasing enzymes that aid your digestion while producing hormones for managing your blood sugar levels. There are no specific causes behind this cancer. However, some common risk factors include smoking, diabetes, pancreatitis and a family history of pancreatic cancer. The following symptoms can be seen.
- Abdominal pain
- Loss of appetite
- Yellowing of skin
- Colour change in faeces
- Itchy skin
- Blood clots
- WeaknessÂ
People who smoke are at higher risk of developing this cancer. Moreover, people suffering from obesity and diabetes can also develop this cancer. The common complications include weight loss, jaundice, chronic abdominal pain and bowel obstruction.
Pancreatic cancer can be considered in the list of cancers found in males in India. Pancreatic cancer has caused around 432,242 deaths in 2020. According to a recent report, India is in 24th position with 10860 new cases of pancreatic cancer. The incidence is currently at 0.5-2.4 per 100,000 men. India is presently in the 18th position regarding mortality from pancreatic cancer.
5. Oral Cancer
This cancer starts developing in the tissues of the mouth or throat. The squamous cells surrounding the mouth, tongue and lips are most likely to catch this cancer. The human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is often responsible for causing this cancer. Moreover, tobacco use and sun exposure are also common causes. The following symptoms are seen among the patients.
- Loose teeth
- Bleeding from mouth
- Sore lips or mouth
- Difficulty swallowing
- Lump in the neck
- A persistent earache
- Severe weight loss
- Numbness in the lower part of the face
- White and red patches on mouth or lips
- A sore throatÂ
Oral cancer is one of the common cancers among Indian males. Men over the age of 40 years are most prone to getting this disease. Again, people addicted to alcohol and cigarette smoking are highly at risk.
According to a study, India has reported nearly 77,000 new cases of oral cancer and 52,000 deaths due to this disease. India contributes to about one-fourth of global incidences because of this cancer. About 99,495 cases of mouth cancer and 61,222 cases of tongue cancer were reported among Indian males. The five-year survival rate has been about 80%.