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What Are the Common Health Problems in Men

It would be best to prioritise taking care of your body and health over your physical belongings. There are various common health problems in men similar to women, but they experience them differently. Men also suffer from gender-specific issues like erectile dysfunction, sexual health, etc. and common problems like cancer, heart diseases, osteoporosis, etc. However, all these issues can be curbed by indulging in healthy habits to lead a simple and happy lifestyle.

12 Common Health Problems in Men

Generally, men ignore health and are unwilling to visit a physician, which can be a reason that men die five years earlier than their partners on average. Men's health problems can surface from a tender age of 5 years or in adulthood, while older men are more susceptible to various disorders. Read on to find out the health issues that men face in different life cycle stages.

Common Health Issue in Boys (Aged 5 to 14 Years)

Following are common health issues found in male kids and boys. They are-

1. Asthma

It is a breathing disorder where people feel out of breath. Its sign and symptoms are –

  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Chest tightness

It can be cured with proper health checkups and medications.

2. Anxiety

It is a mental health concern that can occur due to bullying, abuse or separation from someone they love or admire. It can also be caused due to a fear of something which seems unthreatening to adults. Parents should take notice of behavioural changes a kid goes through and act accordingly to curb the consequences.

While these are commonly seen in young boys, such health issues can attack individuals at any age. These are mostly psychological health problems which mostly occur under study or work stress.

Common Health Issues in Young Men (Aged 15 to 24 Years)

This adolescent age boys tend to indulge in experimentation. Adults’ death due to drug-related health problems and accidents are some of the common causes. Underlying are some health issues that the adults may face –

3. Health Declination due to Alcohol Consumption

Consumption of alcohol increases the risk of cancer, further interferes with testicular function and decreases hormone production resulting in infertility. These consequences can be curbed by limiting or quitting the intake of booze.

4. Depression and Suicide

Depression and suicidal tendencies are quite higher in this age section. It can be caused due to being hurt by someone, relationship issues or excessive binge drinking, staying away from family and friends. While it can occur at any age, it is more common during this period when men undergo adolescence. They are more sensitive and experimental.

Meditation, regular exercises and communicating with friends and family are treatments that can resolve such depression disorders and suicidal thoughts.

5. Reckless Injuries and Accidents

Accidents have been the leading cause of death for some time now. It is caused due to reckless driving causing fatal injuries and deaths. Maintaining proper traffic rules and driving cautiously can help to restrict the occurrence of such unforeseen scenarios.

Common Health Issues in Men (Aged 25 to 60 years)

As men reach adulthood, they start developing various diseases due to stress and peer pressure of work and family responsibilities. This calls for good care of insides, i.e. mental and physical health. Several problems may surface like –

6. Liver Diseases

Liver diseases may start surfacing owing to bad diet plans and intake of alcohol and tobacco. It includes conditions like –

  • Cirrhosis
  • Autoimmune or genetic liver diseases
  • Viral hepatitis
  • Alcoholic liver disease
  • Bile duct cancer
  • Liver cancer

Proper exercising and maintaining a proper diet can help curb disorders related to the liver.

7. Diabetes

Most men aged 25 to 60 years start developing high sugar levels and, if left untreated, can affect other parts of the body as well. Further, a diabetic individual faces a risk of low testosterone counts and sexual impotence.

There are various medications available to restrict the rise of blood sugar levels, but beforehand exercising is the way to lead a healthy lifestyle for one suffering from diabetes.

8. HIV and AIDS

Men in adulthood can get infected from HIV and AIDS but may not realise it. These are STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) disorders in which one may suffer from flu and cold in the initial stage, but with early treatment, it can be easily cured.

9. High Blood Pressure

With rising stress levels, men are likely to experience increasing blood pressure. It can have severe consequences for health if left unchecked, and further, it increases the risk of heart disease or stroke. So, it is recommended to at least avail checkups every 2 years if one has normal blood pressure and twice a year if suffering from blood pressure disorders.

Common Health Issues in Older Men (Aged 61 and Above)

Older men suffer from various health-related issues as their immune systems slow down. Further, if a slight health problem is left unchecked in the early stages, it can haunt one in his old age. Heart disease, cancer, infertility, and prostate cancer are some of the issues the senior members face. These include –

10. Heart Disease

While heart diseases can occur to anyone at any age, older adults are more prone to its risks. One of the most common diseases that cause the death of older men is heart disease. Underlying are the risk factors that increase the possibility of heart disorders –

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Poor diet
  • Physical inactivity

Excessive alcohol intake.

11. Cancer

Again, cancer can attack a man at any age. However, in some cases, cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases that one may suffer due to an unhealthy lifestyle. There are various types of cancer-related to organs and body parts that men suffer from, these include –

  • Lung cancer
  • Mouth cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Testicular cancer

While cancer can affect men at any age, the risks of death are higher when older adults suffer from it. Moreover, the other health issues might offer extra complications at this age. 

If diagnosed with cancer, treating it early can make life fruitful, so it becomes majorly important to consult a physician and take immediate steps to curb it before the matter gets out of hand.

12. Infertility

After a certain age, men lose the power to produce enough sperm count, leaving them infertile. There are various supplements and sexual enhancement drugs available in the market. However individuals should avoid consuming them if a physician has not prescribed them as they come with several side-effects.

How to Deal with Common Health Issues in Men?

Dealing with the common health problems is not rocket science but should follow some generic health tips, this include –

  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Indulge in physical activities
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Quit smoking
  • Drink alcohol in limits
  • Manage stress
  • Drive cautiously
  • Use condoms to avoid STDs
  • Engage in meditation and other mind-stimulating activities.
  • Consult your physician if any problem surfaces.

Now that you are aware of men's common health problems, you can easily take the next step to review your habits and change them accordingly to become more proactive about your health. Taking care of your health may be a colossal task, but avoiding it can be deadly and can hamper your lifestyle. So, implement healthy habits to age like a fine wine.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are common health concerns for males?

Heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure are some of the common health problems that men suffer from throughout various stages of their lives.

Is asthma genetic?

Asthma is a disease that runs through families. Further, its cause is half due to genetic inheritance and the other half due to environmental factors.