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15 Foods to Limit or Avoid While Breastfeeding

Nursing your baby is the most fulfilling moment for every new mother. This is a crucial phase of an infant's growth because their nutrition depends on breast milk only. While some of you may face difficulty in lactation in the beginning, with proper guidance, you can overcome this situation.

When breastfeeding, your diet becomes extremely important as you transfer the same nutrients to your child. Below mentioned are certain foods to avoid while breastfeeding.

What Should Breastfeeding Mothers Avoid Consuming?

Sometimes, babies get fussy after breastfeeding. This indicates either their needs are not fulfilled, or they have consumed a compound which irritates their system. To know more about what not to eat during breastfeeding, keep reading.

1. Caffeine

Most beverages like coffee, tea, and carbonated soda contain caffeine. So, when you consume any of them, it is most likely that your baby is also getting its share. This might not be good for your child as they take time to break down the caffeine content. Hence, they feel irritated and have difficulty sleeping.

Higher caffeine intake can lessen the iron levels in milk, thus impacting the haemoglobin levels of the baby.

2. Citrus Fruits

Although citrus fruits are known as a great source of vitamin C, for a breastfed child, they can cause an acidic reaction. Since their gastrointestinal tracts are developing at this age, it is difficult for them to deal with the acidic compounds. Therefore, it causes fussiness, spitting up and rashes.

Although completely cutting off citrus fruits is not required, you can limit your consumption and make sure to not eat any citrus fruit right before breastfeeding.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is also one of those foods to avoid during breastfeeding because it can cause gastrointestinal issues. Most mothers often avoid foods that cause them gas problems, which some believe can also pass through breast milk. So, it is better to consult your doctor about the diet you must follow during breastfeeding.

4. Mercury-Rich Seafood

Most fish and seafood contain contaminants and mercury, and its consumption is unhealthy for a breastfed child. It is because when the mercury gets passed through breast milk, it can react negatively to the child's developing nervous system. So, it is advisable to refrain from eating fishes like pike, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, and marlin.

5. Alcohol

Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests restricting alcohol consumption is the safest thing to do while breastfeeding. The amount of alcohol the baby intakes depends on the quantity and time of its consumption. According to studies, alcohol can spike breast milk 30-60 minutes after your last drink. This is why the CDC suggests waiting a minimum of 2 hours after your drink to breastfeed.

6. Peppermint and Sage

Some sources suggest consuming herbs in large amounts can hamper milk production. So, whenever you eat something that includes herbs like peppermint or sage, ensure to monitor whether it is affecting your lactation quantity. If your child is at a stage when they need more milk than usual, avoid consuming these herbs.

7. Garlic

According to some, the smell of garlic can affect how the breast milk smells. So, if you had a meal which had garlic just before nursing, there is a chance your child can fuss because of its smell. On the contrary, some studies have shown that some babies prefer the smell of garlic.

8. Peanuts

Peanuts are among such foods to avoid while breastfeeding. If you or any of your family members is allergic to peanuts, you must avoid them until you stop lactating. Since there are allergens in peanuts, it can cause hives and rashes on your baby. This can also happen in case of other nuts as well.

9. Dairy Products

Babies can be intolerant to lactose, so when you consume milk or any other dairy products, it can cause irritation in them. Symptoms like colic, vomiting, skin rashes, eczema, and sleep deprivation are very common in this condition. If you notice these symptoms, then you need to limit your milk consumption.

10. Raw Food

Raw foods are always there in the list of foods to avoid while breastfeeding. This is because it can cause food poisoning in mothers. There are rare situations of septicaemia where the infectious bacteria might affect the breast milk. In order to stay on the safe side, doctors suggest avoiding eating raw foods like sashimi, oysters, unpasteurized milk etc.

11. Spices

As infants’ digestive system takes time to develop, hence even a small amount of pepper can also harm their system. Even if you love spicy food, limiting them for a while lactating is better. However, it is not necessary to completely stop eating them because some spices are rich in antioxidants that are good for health.

12. Wheat

A common digestive problem occurs due to gluten intolerance. If your child is intolerant to gluten, they can develop conditions like blood in their stools, sensitive tummy and constant fussiness. You can try refraining from these food items until your kid grows up and stops breastfeeding; then, you can introduce wheat to them.

13. Chocolates

Chocolates are tempting, and everyone craves them. Unfortunately, it is one of the foods to limit while breastfeeding. This is because chocolates also contain some amount of caffeine.

A trick to know how much chocolate can be consumed is by noticing your kids' behaviour after you consume chocolates. Babies generally get sugar rush and cranky if their mother has more than 750 mg of theobromine.

14. Corn

Some suggest corn must be avoided when a child is still majorly dependent on breast milk. There are two reasons behind this, firstly, the allergens in corn can cause rashes or discomfort in babies. Secondly, corn is difficult to digest. Hence, in the early stages, when their digestive tracts are growing, it is better not to strain them.

15. Highly Processed Food

It is very important for a breastfeeding mother to carefully maintain their food habits. They must eat healthy and try not to deviate from their prescribed diet. Eating processed food does not contain any nutrients as they are generally full of calories and added sugars. Thus, limiting such food intake is recommended as it can influence their child's taste and diet later.

As you have read this far, you are now aware of what foods to avoid while breastfeeding. In addition to the list, you must also check for food products you or your family are allergic to such as eggs, milk, gluten, and nuts. Also, remember everyone's nutrient requirement is different, so prior to switching your diet, ensure you consult with your paediatrician.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common signs that indicate allergic reactions in a baby?

Eczema, blood in stools, diarrhoea, hives, constipation, congestion, excessive gas, colic, anaphylaxis, wheezing, etc. are some common signs to tell if your child is allergic to any food.

Which foods must one eat during breastfeeding?

USDA recommends certain foods women must eat during pregnancy, like honeydew melon, bananas, mangoes, apricots, oranges, and cantaloupe. They must also include plenty of green vegetables like spinach, kale and collards in addition to other vegetables, grains, and protein.