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20 Effective Ways to Reduce Belly Fat

It goes without saying that belly fat can be a nuisance. Moreover, the belly can be a problem area for some individuals, wherein fat reduction is challenging. So, this article highlights the intricacies of how to reduce belly fat.

Keep reading to know about the various aspects related to it!

Why Is It Important to Lose Belly Fat?

Physical fitness ensures that an individual keeps obesity and excess belly fat at bay. Moreover, fitness is imperative to keep one’s overall health in check. In addition to eliminating belly fat, regular workouts keep an individual’s blood pressure in control. It also keeps one’s joints supple.

Additionally, larger waistlines are often responsible for ailments like diabetes, lung diseases, and heart-related complications. Therefore, apart from enhancing the shape of one’s body, reduced belly fat allows an individual to live a longer and happier life.

Now, let us further delve into how to get rid of belly fat!

Top 20 Tips to Lose Belly Fat

Illustrated below are the top tips to get rid of the stubborn belly fat:

1. Have a Protein-rich Diet

High consumption of protein raises the release of a hormone named peptide YY or PYY. This hormone helps to lower one’s appetite. As a result, an individual experiences early satiety and eats smaller portions of meals.

Furthermore, protein increases your metabolic rate and helps you retain muscle mass while losing weight. In fact, individuals having a higher amount of protein have lesser abdominal fat compared to those who consume a diet low in proteins.

And, when it comes to ‘how to lose belly fat’ by increasing your intake of protein, the following sources of this nutrient can help:

  • Whey protein
  • Beans
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Dairy

2. Lower Your Stress Levels

Stress can trigger the adrenal glands, which produces a stress hormone called cortisol. It has been found through research that high levels of cortisol can increase appetite and increase the storage of abdominal fat.

Here, meditation and yoga can prove to be highly effective methods for relieving stress. So, when confused about how to lose belly fat, you can resort to simple and easy-to-do yoga asanas.

3. Avoid Consuming Sugary Foods

Numerous studies have found a link between increased abdominal fat and high consumption of sugar. Therefore, one must keep in mind to avoid sugary food items. Alternatively, individuals can turn to sources like honey, albeit in a restricted manner, to satisfy their sugar cravings.

4. Do Aerobic Exercises

The next tip on how to reduce belly fat includes aerobic exercises or cardio. These exercises can be an effective method of improving the overall health of an individual. That said, one must note that the duration and frequency of this exercise program are critical when trying to lose belly fat.

5. Cut Down on Carbs

Cutting down on the intake of carbohydrates can help you lose abdominal fat. In fact, one should replace the intake of refined carbs with healthy sources of this essential nutrient, like legumes, vegetables, and whole grains.

6. Consume Soluble Fibre

As per studies, this kind of fibre helps promote weight loss by making an individual feel full, due to which they consume a lesser amount of food naturally. It might also lower the number of calories absorbed by the body from food sources. As a result, soluble fibre helps you fight belly fat.

Wondering about the best sources of soluble fibre regarding how to reduce belly fat? Listed below are some sources of this fibre:

  • Blackberries 
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Avocados
  • Legumes
  • Shirataki noodles
  • Flax seeds

7. Switch to Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is considered a healthy option of fats that can be consumed. As per studies, the presence of medium-chain fats in coconut oil can boost metabolism and lower. Additionally, coconut oil reduces the amount of fat stored due to a high intake of calories.

8. Get an Adequate Amount of Sleep

There is a link between sleep deprivation and a high risk of weight gain. Individuals who do not get an adequate amount of sleep gain more weight, including belly fat.

Hence if your query is “how to reduce belly fat” and you wish to improve your overall health, getting enough sleep should be a priority.

9. Track Your Food Intake and Exercise

To lose weight and belly fat, professionals recommend that one burns more calories than he/she consumes by way of food. Therefore, by adopting a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet and regular workout sessions, reducing belly fat becomes a breeze.

10. Have Fatty Fish Every Week

Fatty fish consists of omega-3 fatty acids and proteins, which protects an individual from diseases. In addition, these fatty acids can help you reduce visceral fat.

11. Include Apple Cider Vinegar in the Diet

Apple cider vinegar consists of acetic acid. Studies indicate that this acid helps to reduce the storage of abdominal fat. So, consuming 15-30ml apple cider vinegar every day can result in modest fat loss. However, remember to dilute it by adding water before consumption.

12. Eat Probiotic-rich Food

Probiotics are bacteria present in certain foods. Several kinds of bacteria help regulate weight and belly fat. So, we suggest that you make it a point to include it in your diet.

13. Perform Resistance Training

As per studies involving individuals with type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, and prediabetes, it was found that resistance training also helps with fat loss in the belly.

14. Avoid Sugary Drinks

Filled with fructose, sugary beverages can make an individual gain belly fat. According to studies, consumption of sugary drinks results in increased fat in the liver. So, to lose belly fat, consider avoiding sugar-sweetened beverages like sweet tea, soda, etc.

15. Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting refers to a pattern of eating which includes an extended period of fasting, say about 12-16 hours. Moreover, experts suggest that this form of eating can be an effective method of losing belly fat and overall weight.

16. Drink Green Tea

Green tea consists of an antioxidant named EGCG, which helps one cut down on belly fat. In addition, having green tea can deliver better results when combined with regular exercise.

17. Quit Smoking

Smoking localises fat in the abdomen of an individual. As a result, smokers tend to have large waistlines. Therefore, when planning to reduce belly fat, it is wise to give up smoking.

18. Avoid Foods Containing Trans Fats

Trans fats are linked with abdominal fat gain, heart disease, insulin resistance, and inflammation in our bodies. Therefore, individuals trying to reduce their belly fat must carefully go through food instruction labels and avoid products containing trans fat. Some sources of this fat include fried food and baked goods.

19. Do Not Consume Alcohol

An excessive intake of alcohol can lead to an increase in belly fat. In addition, alcohol consumption is linked with a higher risk of abdominal obesity. As a result, cutting down on one’s alcohol intake will help in reducing waist size.

20. Change Your Lifestyle

Certain lifestyle changes, one that includes better food choices and workouts, has an evident effect on belly fat loss. That said, if you cannot exercise regularly, consider making small changes in your lifestyle, like choosing the stairs instead of an elevator.

How Long Does It Take to Reduce Belly Fat?

As per the general principles of weight loss, a deficit of 3500 calories is necessary for losing one pound of fat. Individuals on a journey to lose belly fat generally start seeing results within two weeks. That said, one would have to put in consistent efforts. There are multiple exercises to lose belly fat that one has to regularly perform. And it is equally essential to follow a  proper diet to lose belly fat.

Importance of Losing Belly Fat

Larger waistlines can eventually lead to an increased risk of the following health issues:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Cardiovascular Disease

Therefore, it is imperative to lose belly fat and maintain a slimmer midsection. On that note, we have reached the end of this article on how to reduce belly fat. And, when planning to reduce belly fat, make sure to bear in mind all the crucial aspects mentioned above.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is belly fat worse than the fat present in the thighs and hips?

Yes, belly fat is considered to be worse for an individual’s overall health as compared to the fat present around the thighs and hips.

What are some factors which contribute to gaining belly fat?

Fat gain in one’s belly is determined by several factors, which include the number of calories consumed by an individual in a day, his/her age, and genetics. Therefore, to lose belly fat, one must note the number of calories burnt through exercising on a daily basis.

How can an individual initiate the process of losing belly fat?

An individual willing to lose belly fat should aim for a caloric deficit. One can achieve this deficit by way of a balanced diet and regular workout.