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How Smoking Affects Male And Female Fertility

Smoking and infertility go hand in hand. You must have read the warning on cigarette packets “smoking causes infertility”. However, you may have ignored the warning and continued to smoke.

Smoking affects on male and female fertility significantly.

Keep reading to find out how severe the effects can be and how you can avoid them.

How Does Smoking Affect Male Fertility?

Smoking causes infertility in men due to several reasons. These are as follows:

  • Smoking causes severe disruptions to blood circulation in the entire human body. This leads to erectile dysfunction in males. It can happen even to males who smoke as less as twice a day.
  • Excess smoking can significantly lower sperm motility. Thus, when transferred to the female cervix, they lack the capacity to swim up to the ovum and complete fertilization.
  • There is a prominent reduction in sperm count in males who tend to smoke excessively on a regular basis. Thus, when the semen enters the cervix, the chance of fertilization reduces considerably due to low sperm count in the semen.
  • Smoking can cause mutation in the genetic material of the sperm. Upon fertilizing with an ovum, they form an embryo with a defective genetic material. This can cause severe genetic defects in the embryo.
  • The chances of leukaemia in the unborn baby increase if the father smokes excessively at the time of conception.
  • Excess smoking also reduces the quality of semen. Thus, it cannot aid the sperm to reach the ovum, leading to infertility.

Smoking is equally harmful for females and can severely affect their fertility.

How Does Smoking Affect Female Fertility?

Smoking causes infertility in women due to the following reasons:

  • Smoking reduces the oestrogen level in a woman, oestrogen is extremely important for successful conception.
  • A woman has to face excessive difficulty in conceiving if they are a chain smoker. At times, this can even lead to infertility.
  • Excess smoking can also lead to vaginal dryness, which can have a negative effect on conjugation and conception.
  • Smoking can also disrupt the process of IVF. Under such circumstances, women may need to take several fertility drugs to ensure a smooth continuation.

You must quit smoking as soon as possible to repair the endometrium and start recovering as soon as possible.

Quitting smoking takes time. However you can start your journey by following simple tips.

What Are the Tips to Stop Smoking?

Below are 9 tips that ease the effect of smoking on male and female fertility and help quit smoking:

  • Use Nicotine Replacement Therapy: You can easily curb your cravings to smoke using several alternatives, such as nicotine lozenges and gums.
  • Find a Strong Reason to Keep Yourself Motivated: You can use strong reasons such as care and concern for your family or health awareness to stay away from smoking.
  • Seek Help From Your Loved Ones: You can always rely on your loved ones for help and support during this tough journey. Once you receive them, the journey becomes easier.
  • Beware of Triggers: There can be several objects, such as alcohol, that can trigger you to smoke. So try your best to stay away from them.
  • Keep Trying: Keep trying to stop smoking again and again. Remember that quitting smoking is not a one-day job. Rather it takes an ample amount of time to get a hold of your smoking habit.
  • Cut Down Nicotine Slowly: Take the entire process slowly. If you do not, then you can encounter relapse situations that are equally harmful. Try reducing the number of cigarettes slowly before you finally stop.
  • Consult a Doctor Before Pills: There are several pills that can curb your smoking urge. However, remember to research well and consult a doctor to know about its right dosages and side effects before taking them.
  • Reward Yourself During the Journey: Keep rewarding yourself during your journey to quit smoking. This way, you can stay motivated and enjoy the process.
  • Beware of Relapse Situations: There can be a relapse at any time. However, you must have faith in yourself to start the journey again with the help and guidance of your family and friends.

Now that you have read about the effect of smoking on male and female fertility quit smoking today to save yourself and your future progeny. You can also join different support groups to motivate yourself and others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can passive smoking affect a baby?

Yes. Exposure to passive smoking is equally harmful to a baby as smoking. In fact, it has been reported that women also have a problem conceiving if they get exposed to passive smoking.

Does quitting smoking improve fertility in a woman?

Yes. As soon as you stop smoking, the chances of complications in fertility decrease. However, the health of eggs cannot revert back to what it was before smoking.

How does smoking impact a woman undergoing IVF treatment?

Smoking results in vascular problems in a woman. This affects the implantation of the baby on the endometrium. As a result, it increases the chances of IVF failure.

How long does it take for men to get back a healthy sperm count?

Men can produce sperm throughout their lifespan. So even if you smoke at present, make sure that you quit smoking at least 3 months prior to planning a baby.