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14 Things to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases that a woman goes through in her lifetime. Most people can continue their daily activities during pregnancy while making a few lifestyle changes.

However, there are certain things that one should specifically avoid during this time to avoid causing any harm to the developing baby. This piece on things to avoid during pregnancy will help you know more about it.

What Are the Things to Avoid During Pregnancy?

Here is a list of 14 things to avoid in pregnancy. Avoiding these will increase your chances of developing a healthy baby.

1. Drinking Alcohol

When a pregnant woman drinks, the alcohol passes through the placenta and may impact the developing foetus. Fetal alcohol syndrome, a range of diseases brought on by alcohol consumption during pregnancy, can result in the following health problems:

  • Physical abnormalities
  • Behavioural issues
  • Poor growth
  • Decreased coordination and fine motor capabilities
  • Intellectual disabilities
  • Seizures
  • Delayed development

2. Eating Certain Foods

It is common for pregnant women to want to avoid certain food items either because it makes them feel sick or due to a change in taste. However, during pregnancy, there are certain food items that one should definitely avoid. These are -

  • Unwashed fruits and vegetables
  • Fish high in mercury
  • Unpasteurised dairy and juice
  • Raw meat and fish
  • Premade food items
  • Raw eggs
  • Too much caffeine

3. Acupuncture and Massage

There are some instances where complementary therapies shouldn't be utilised during pregnancy, even if some, like acupuncture and massage, are typically considered safe. For instance, the first three months of pregnancy are not the time to massage your abdomen.

In general, receiving acupuncture while pregnant is safe. However, one must find a licensed acupuncturist with a lot of knowledge and experience in treating pregnant patients. Inform your acupuncturist that you are expecting because it is unsafe to use some acupuncture sites during pregnancy.

4. Exercise and Heavy Lifting

While being active and maintaining a healthy weight while expecting is beneficial, ensure no health issues prevent you from exercising by consulting your midwife or doctor beforehand. Try to engage in 30 minutes of moderate exercises, such as walking or swimming, most days of the week if there are no issues.

Moreover, if you are wondering what not to do during pregnancy, then weight lifting is definitely a part of it. It can cause the following-

  • Preterm labour
  • Pulled muscles
  • Low birth weight
  • Hernia

5. Sauna or Jacuzzi

The use of saunas, Jacuzzis, and other heated recreational facilities while pregnant is not well researched. However, because of the dangers of fainting, dehydration, and overheating, it is best to stay away from them.

Although it may seem like a good idea to unwind in hot water when pregnant, experts advise against using hot tubs and saunas. Hot tubs can result in hyperthermia, or an unusually high body temperature, which can result in congenital disabilities, according to ACOG. While difficulties may arise later in pregnancy, this is primarily a risk in the first trimester.

6. X-rays

A pregnancy X-ray should be avoided if at all possible. Ask your medical expert to delay your treatment until you give birth, if possible. They will determine if the modest risk of getting an X-ray outweighs the potential advantages of treatment. In addition, they might consider switching to a different imaging technique, such as an ultrasound scan.

The exposure time during pregnancy and the amount of radiation that gets to the infant affect the risk from X-ray radiation. Birth abnormalities and issues with physical and mental development are minor possibilities.

However, persistent radiation exposure can harm the body's cells, raising the possibility of cancer growth. This is why an X-ray always uses the lowest radiation dose feasible.

7. Activities With a Fall Risk

Pregnant women should refrain from any activity that increases their risk of falling after the first trimester. Rock climbing, ice skating, and skiing are examples of this. As the belly grows during pregnancy, the centre of gravity changes, making even a small fall dangerous.

8. Amusement Parks

Pregnant women are frequently prohibited from riding certain rides at amusement parks, such as roller coasters and any rides that could abruptly start or stop. These rides' jarring action can also result in placental abruption. Additionally, it might also cause motion sickness.

9. Smoking

It is very important to add smoking to the checklist of what to avoid during pregnancy. Smoking cigarettes while pregnant can be harmful to both the mother and the developing baby. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of developing heart disease and lung cancer as well as the following issues both during and after delivery:

  • Sudden infant death syndrome
  • Increased chances of developing blood clots
  • Congenital abnormalities like cleft palate and cleft lip
  • Premature birth
  • Issues with the placenta

Pregnant people should stop smoking as soon as they know they are expecting and stay away from second-hand smoke. An individual who is having trouble quitting smoking might speak with a doctor about the support and other resources that are offered.

10. Cats

Most mammals and birds, including humans, contract toxoplasmosis regularly, which can seriously complicate pregnancy. Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), a parasite, can be found in cat faeces, dirt, or cat litter that has been tainted with cat faeces.

There is relatively little chance of contracting toxoplasmosis when expecting. Toxoplasmosis can cause blindness and mental damage in an unborn child. Therefore, this is one of the things to avoid in early pregnancy as it increases the risk of miscarriage, especially during that time.

11. Chemical Peels and Botox Injections

Injecting a toxin into your bloodstream is what you effectively do when you use Botox for cosmetic or medical purposes. In contrast, chemical peels involve the direct application of chemical exfoliants on your skin. You can postpone these activities until after delivery since you should prevent exposure to unnecessary poisons and chemicals while pregnant.

12. Taking Certain Medications

During pregnancy, one should avoid some prescription medications and over-the-counter (OTC), as these can be harmful to the developing baby.

These are the medications that one should avoid-

  • ACE inhibitors
  • Some acne medications
  • Most herbal remedies
  • Flu and cold medications containing specific ingredients
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and ibuprofen
  • Some cold medications throughout the first trimester

13. Drugs

While using illegal substances is always risky, it can be especially detrimental while pregnant. A neonate may have neonatal abstinence syndrome as a result of using illegal drugs or specific prescription medications (NAS). Substance abuse can also raise the chance of stillbirth, miscarriage, and congenital disabilities.

14. Contact Sports

ACOG advises pregnant women to stay away from contact sports like football and boxing. Placental abruption, or the early detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall, is more likely to occur in contact sports. A severe disease called placental abruption can result in stillbirth, pregnancy loss, or preterm birth.

Due to the body's hormonal changes during pregnancy, which lead the ligaments to loosen up, pregnant women are also more prone to injury.

To sum it up, keep in mind the above-mentioned things to avoid during pregnancy for a healthy and happy pregnancy experience. Moreover, during this time, one should try to remain stress-free and happy and enjoy this period of time to the fullest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Name some food items which one can eat during pregnancy.

Some healthy food choices one can make during pregnancy are- broccoli and other green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, whole grains, berries, lean meat and proteins.

Is drinking milk good during pregnancy?

Yes, drinking low-fat milk is good for pregnant women as it is a good source of protein and calcium, and one should include it in one’s diet.