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Is Walking Good for Weight Loss?

Walking is a great way to lose weight, stay fit, and maintain body weight.

Hence, walking for weight loss is highly beneficial. While the weight loss may be slow, walking is the safest way of eliminating excess fat. Therefore, this guide sheds light on the ins and out of walking as an exercise and how much walk is needed for weight loss.

Can Walking Really Help in Weight Loss?

Walking is not the fastest way to shed pounds. Instead, it is an activity that helps to chip away at the weight slowly.

Moreover, walking also helps to maintain body weight. Therefore, it should be combined with other exercises and a proper diet for the best results. 

Walking for 50-70 minutes a day, 3 days a week, helps you to lose weight. Moreover, walking for one hour can burn up to 350 calories. Hence, walking does help in weight loss. 

There are several benefits of fast walking for weight loss, which we shall delve into later in this article.

What Are the Benefits of Walking for Weight Loss?

There are plenty of ways how walking helps in weight loss. Take a look at some of its other benefits.


Walking Burns Calories

First of all, it should be reiterated that walking is not the fastest way to lose weight. However, the extended period of muscle movement and function will burn a lot of calories.

Walking is a slow and steady approach to losing and maintaining weight. Combine it with regular weight training, and the results will prove to be beneficial.

Walking Helps Boost Metabolism

Engaging in regular walking helps to increase metabolism. The body will eventually adjust to this new level of activity and increase its metabolic speed. Fortunately, it means your body will use less energy to perform similar activities.

In addition, an increased metabolism level helps increase the burning of passive fat and calories, ultimately increasing weight loss.

Walking Keeps Your Heart Healthy and Improves Weight Loss

Walking helps to boost the metabolism rate. It further helps the heart stay healthy by lowering the risk of heart attack, stroke, etc. In fact, when people are recovering from a cardiac event, they tend to put on weight. Walking is very helpful to remove this excess weight.

Body Parts Mainly Affected by Walking for Weight Loss

Walking for weight loss gives the full body a workout. For instance, the abs, legs, arms, and back muscles are all affected when you walk. 

  • Moreover, walking for weight loss helps build muscle, especially if you walk at a fast speed.
  • Next, legs, thighs, glutes, and calves are strengthened when you walk.
  • Abdominal muscles work extra hard to keep your body balanced while walking.
  • The heart muscles have to pump blood to provide your cells with oxygen. As a result, they are strengthened when you walk.
  • Usually, the first 100 steps or so result in a person swinging their arms. Hence, the upper body and the back get exercised as well.

What Is the Best Way to Walk to Lose Weight Faster?

How much walking is needed for weight loss depends on the current weight and walking speed. Typically, you will need to walk around 4.8 kmph to see any significant results.

 The faster you walk and the more weight you have, expect to burn more calories.

Now, let’s look at some questions regarding walking that can help you create a walking plan.

Normal Walk vs Brisk Walk: Which Is Better for Weight Loss?

Brisk walking is certainly better as you can lose up to 6 times more calories. Moreover, when you walk at an easy pace, you burn around 68 calories a mile. On the other hand, if you walk briskly, you will burn around 250 calories per mile almost at a run. Therefore, there are clear benefits of brisk walking for weight loss compared to natural walking.

How Many Steps Should You Walk in a Day?

To have a healthy body, you need to walk more than 10,000 steps a day. This figure stands at around 3 miles a day.

How Frequently Should You Walk While Trying to Lose Weight?

Walking for around 30 minutes a day is sufficient to improve or maintain overall health. However, to lose weight more quickly, it is recommended that you supplement walking with rigorous exercises. In addition, to lose weight, it is suggested that you burn more calories than you consume.

When Should You Walk in a Day to Lose Weight?

Most weight loss enthusiasts have several questions about the right time for walking. For example, is morning walk for weight loss better, or is walking after dinner for weight loss better? Decide for yourself!

  • Morning Walk- A morning walk is good for weight loss as research shows that around 6 PM is the best time to go walking. Additionally, studies on the subject are conducted after analysing lung function, body rhythms, and temperature levels. That said, there are various benefits of walking at different times of the day.
  • Evening Walk- Walking in the evening is reportedly better for people as their muscles are supple and warmed up. Moreover, evening exercise helps to stop nighttime snacking and binging.
  • Walking After Having a Meal- Walking after a meal can help reduce glucose levels. Therefore, it is very beneficial for people with diabetes who are trying to lose weight.

Things to Avoid During Walking to Lose Weight Faster

Walking at the Same Pace

When walking for weight loss, vary the pace of your walking. Walking at the same pace does not help you to lose weight fast. But intermittent periods of brisk walking with natural walking can aid in weight loss.

Not Setting a Target

When you walk, try to set a self-imposed target. It will help you to be accountable to yourself. Set yourself weekly and yearly goals and try to achieve them.

Not Eating a Complementary Diet

Physical activity is complemented with a low-fat, nutrient–intense diet. Only then is walking beneficial and corresponds to weight loss.

In conclusion, walking for weight loss is good if other exercises and diets are properly maintained. Hence, walking alone is not enough for quick weight loss. Moreover, walking is viewed as a way to maintain weight rather than lose it. However, it is not to say that walking is not beneficial. On the contrary, it is beneficial up to a degree.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to get started with walking and begin your weight-loss journey?

Try a small goal such as 15 minutes of walking a day for a week to get started with walking. Then increase the duration by 15 minutes until you are comfortable walking for an hour or so.

How much should I walk a day to lose weight?

Around 30-45 minutes of walking per day is sufficient to lose weight. However, at the same time, one should also control his/her diet.

What is the exact speed of walking while trying to lose weight?

There is no exact speed to maintain while walking. However, if you walk briskly, you are more likely to lose weight. Too fast, however, and you can tire out your muscles, leading to a slower metabolism.