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Best Exercises for People With Low Blood Pressure

Eating healthy and exercising are the two effective ways of leading an active life. However, certain medical conditions like low blood pressure or hypotension can restrict one’s exercise regime.

This is why individuals feeling nauseated or dizzy while exercising need to revise their workout routine to suit their current health condition.

Here is a detailed overview of exercises for low blood pressure and their effectiveness for reference.

4 Best Exercises to Cure Low Blood Pressure

Individuals with low blood pressure can feel dizzy while rapidly changing exercise positions. Such movement can also lead to symptoms of orthostatic hypotension. This is why medical practitioners suggest light hand exercises and yoga for an active lifestyle.

Here is a list of exercises to cure low blood pressure –


Walking is the best remedy for almost every health condition. It improves blood circulation and keeps the body active. Beginners should start with brisk walks for 5 to 10 minutes and gradually increase the pace. Individuals can increase the time up to 30 minutes per session under the doctor’s discretion.

Normal Squats

Aerobic activities are always beneficial for blood and oxygen circulation. Individuals can practice squats with a chair to support their body when facing dizziness. Initially, one can start from 15 to 20 reps and increase the pace.


Lunges are a good way to improve back and muscle strength. It helps in improving the core strength for almost every activity. However, lunges can be quite straining for people with low blood pressure. Therefore, it is suggested to start with five to ten sets and gradually increase it if the body supports it.


Push-ups are again a good way to strengthen the arm and leg muscles. It is an ideal low blood pressure exercise that helps in lowering abdominal fat and obesity. Since hormonal disbalance also impacts blood pressure fluctuations, practising exercises that balance the hormone is always efficient. One can start with ten push-ups daily and increase the sets gradually.

Yoga Asanas for People With Low Blood Pressure

Practising simple asanas for 4 to 5 minutes daily can help bring the body back to homeostasis. The following yoga asanas are recommended for low blood pressure patients:

  • Uttanasana- It can improve blood flow towards the brain and alleviate fatigue and dizziness.
  • Matsyasana- This pose ensures that the neck and back muscles are stretched properly. It helps the adequate flow of blood throughout the body and control pressure fluctuations.
  • Pavanmuktasana- This pose enhances blood circulation and eases tension in the lower back.
  • Sarvangasana- This pose improves the blood flow to the brain and removes the issue of dizziness and fatigue
  • Shishuasana- This pose relieves the body of stress and fatigue and calms the brain
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana- This pose calms the brain and relieves the body of fatigue.

Apart from the mentioned exercises, activities like swimming or recumbent bicycling are also beneficial for hypotension patients. In addition, practising free hand exercises are a good way to warm up the body before moving to the workout sets.

Can Exercise Improve Low Blood Pressure Level?

The mentioned simple exercises for low blood pressure can support normalising the systolic and diastolic measurements. They help in increasing muscle strength, improving heart health and limiting blood pressure fluctuations. In addition, low blood pressure exercises also improve lung function by increasing blood and oxygen circulation. This removes the risk of low BP and its symptoms.

However, one must avoid standing for long periods while working out. Instead, they should take rests between postures. An efficient way to minimise blood pressure fluctuations is by performing asanas on the floor. Always take several minutes to shift slowly from a lying position to sitting or kneeling.  Stand up only when the body feels stable.

How Is Exercising Beneficial for People With Low Blood Pressure?

As already mentioned, exercise helps improve blood circulation and treat hypotension. Here are additional benefits of exercises for low blood pressure -

  • Regular exercise helps in maintaining a healthy weight which is an effective way to increase low blood pressure level. Scientifically, losing at least 2.3 kilograms can help maintain blood pressure.
  • A non-active lifestyle leads to many chronic health conditions and irregular blood pressure. Hence, imbibing low-intensity activities such as taking a quick walk can help in improving low blood pressure.
  • Physical activities, such as exercises and yoga, make the heart muscles stronger, aiding in effective pumping of blood, thereby increasing low blood pressure levels.

Besides the beneficial exercises discussed above, individuals must also note the ones to avoid to prevent adverse outcomes.

Exercises to Avoid for Patients With Low Blood Pressure

Typically, an individual with low blood pressure can practice almost every form of workout and physical activity. However, they must avoid straining themselves.

Here are some exercises to avoid for low blood pressure patients -

  • Heavy cycling
  • Zumba
  • Jump squats
  • Exercise sets that combine sit-ups,  push-ups, and  lunges
  • Walking, if experiencing symptoms of dizziness or postural hypotension

Hypotension is a medical condition that can be treated by following the suggestions of a medical practitioner and medicines. In addition, certain exercises for low blood pressure can support the goal.

However, it is always advisable to consult a personal trainer when experiencing symptoms of postural hypotension. Additionally, a balanced diet can speed up the process of normalising the blood pressure level.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are strenuous exercises harmful for people with low blood pressure?

Yes, heavy exercises can lead to blood pressure fluctuations, leading to dizziness and nausea. Individuals can also faint from low blood pressure.

Can exercise completely cure orthostatic hypotension?

No, orthostatic hypotension is a medical condition that needs proper attention of clinical professionals. Typically, doctors suggest lifestyle changes including, reducing alcohol consumption, avoiding crossing your legs when sitting, and standing up gently. In addition, practising simple exercises can be effective for blood circulation.