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What Factors in Life Affect Women's Mental Health?

Maintaining a state of good mental health is vital for everyone. However, some studies indicate mental health conditions are more prevalent in women than men. Hence it is essential to be aware of the factors that affect women’s mental health. Overlooking chronic mental health issues keeps piling on and eventually becomes life-threatening.

Keep reading to learn more about factors leading to mental health conditions among women.

What Are the Factors That Affect Women's Mental Health?

According to a study by Mental Health Ireland, the well-being score of women is lower than men. This instigates curiosity to learn about the factors affecting mental health in women.

1. Biological Factors

Hormonal changes and other biological aspects are crucial in mood fluctuations and psychological issues. To understand the biological factors, we have some further sub-factors.


It is common to experience a mental breakdown during or after pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Studies have proven every 1 in 10 women goes through a phase of depression during pregnancy. At the same time, every 1 in 6 women experiences distress in their postpartum.

The major reason for this condition is adjusting to significant transitions and managing the changes in their lives. In addition, changes in their social role and relationship pressure of becoming a good parent are other challenges that impact women’s mental health.

Infertility or Perinatal Loss

Many women experience miscarriages and infertility. These issues are tough and can immensely impact those who desire to be a mother. Unfortunately, although many latest technologies can help women bear a child after a perinatal loss, it is not affordable to all.

The psychological conditions after such situations are not always acknowledged. Thus it leads to feelings of abandonment that, over time, become severe mental health problems. Moreover, it can also lead to a loss of identity, hopelessness and failure.


Menopause is another life-transitioning event for all women. This is a phase when women go through serious hormonal changes again, leading to irritability and sometimes even depression and anxiety.

Besides certain hormonal changes, many physical symptoms are equally challenging for women. Such symptoms are hot flashes, night sweats, inadequate and disturbed sleep, etc.

2. Social and Cultural Factors

Despite living in the 21st century, women still face socio-cultural backlashes, which affect their psychological health. Here are a few factors that negatively impact their state of mind.

Discrimination on the Basis of Gender

Gender discrimination is still prevalent in many parts of the world. Excluding or restricting the participation of women in various fields is done purposely to nullify women's contribution. Research states only 34% of women at work feel they have the same opportunities as men.

This may not even be an issue for some, but this discriminatory practice should stop. Discrimination like this diminishes self-esteem and hampers confidence among female employees. In addition, this causes a sense of worthlessness and failure among women.

Unrealistic Social Standards

The media portrays unrealistic beauty standards, and women often find themselves trapped in this vicious cycle. To live up to the requirements of perfection, women tend to neglect their health, and it eventually costs their well-being.

Due to such social expectations, most women feel uncomfortable in their bodies. Henceforth, they feel bound to maintain a certain appearance to be more accepted among their social groups. To attain this, these women often over-exercise, skip meals, stress eat, try purging, etc. All of these can cause mental health issues in women.

Abuse and Harassment

As per reports, 30% of women are victims of rape, physical abuse, and stalking. In most cases, their intimate partners are involved.

These conditions cause critical mental health consequences, which often lead to PTSD. Such traumatising incidents keep haunting the victims for a long time. Overcoming incidents like this can be difficult; those women should seek professional help.

3. Psychological Factors

Psychological factors are among the major reasons that can cause mental illness in women. Some common parameters of this category are listed below.

Lower Social Support

If women, for whatever reason, have no or very lower social support, they feel unwanted and alone. In most of these cases, they incline towards substance use to overcome the emotional pain.

Women engaging in such unhealthy strategies are at higher risk of developing mental illness and poor health. Furthermore, substance abuse can also lead to various psychological health issues.

Personality Traits

Traits like always being anxious and self-critical about oneself is an example that causes tension among women. Those with these characteristics are at greater risk of developing psychological disorders like depression and anxiety.

Being the opposite of such a personality can help protect those risk factors. For example, women experiencing depressive symptoms can try to have a positive outlook towards life, develop mindfulness, and be involved in positive coping mechanisms. This will allow them to manage their recurring symptoms.

No Alone Time

Whether a woman is working a full-time job or dedicating their life towards homemaking, they always feel the pressure of being compared. As a result, most women work hard to balance their professional and personal lives to avoid such situations.

However, this leads to a point when they get no time for themselves. This may seem negligible, but it is not. Having no time for oneself can feel devastating at times.

4. Environmental Factors

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a medical condition when climate changes affect the mood of all beings. Henceforth, women must consider their surroundings and environmental factors as key influencers on their mental health.

Exposure to Toxins

In the modern world, exposure to harmful chemicals is quite common and often overlooked. Not many are aware of the fact that these can harm pregnant women.

A common way of consuming these toxins is via food, dust, water, or inhaling harmful gases and foreign particles in the air.


Pollution has a connection with health risks and fertility. Scholars have proven air pollution has adverse effects on egg and sperm production along with epigenetic changes and birth defects. Women, who fall under such circumstances, have a tough time overcoming the psychological impacts.

In addition, noise levels negatively impact an individual's mental and physical health by increasing heart rate, blood pressure and stress hormones. Therefore, if any woman experiences extreme distress and the noise becomes intolerable, they must seek medical assistance.

Climatic Aspects

Psychological outcomes due to climate change can range from mild stress to clinical disorders like anxiety attacks, sleep deprivation, and depression. For example, people experiencing natural disasters undergo extreme stress and other mental health consequences.

Women who had to go through extreme life disruption like losing resources, habitat or death of loved ones due to any natural disaster may end up having PTSD, anxiety disorder, suicidal thoughts or episodes of other psychological disorders.

What Is the Importance of Women's Mental Health?

Since mental health and physiological issues are related, it is essential to address the psychological problems of women. Besides impacting physical health, those deep-rooted issues can affect their self-esteem, social relationships and work.

Primary caregivers always recommend seeking professional help if any mental health concerns or mood disorders are noticed. This is because, in most cases, it can become severe over time and ultimately result in deadly outcomes.

Tips to Improve Women's Mental Health

If you can identify a symptom of mental health disorder and get immediate medical assistance, you will most likely overcome the condition. However, not everyone can attain this. Therefore, learning ways to manage and prevent minor psychological problems from becoming severe conditions is essential.

  • Exercising Regularly: Endorphins are chemicals released during exercises, known for relieving stress and calming one's mind. Therefore, being involved with regular exercises helps in treating depressive symptoms or mood disorders. In addition, it also improves sleeping habits.
  • Eating a Balanced Diet: Women, who are suffering from mental health disorders, often develop irregular eating habits. Thus, resulting in health risks like obesity, heart ailments, gastrointestinal issues, etc. Hence, primary healthcare providers suggest following a healthy diet by incorporating all the required nutrients.
  • Having a Prosperous Work Life: Many women complain about their careers as it becomes a major stress factor. To avoid such scenarios, they can look for a job that motivates them. Having a career that one likes impacts their work as well as keeps one at peace.
  • Self-Care: Self-care is pampering oneself in a way that helps manage stress, anxiety and other mood disorders. Besides getting a spa or massage, there are other ways of self-care as well. For example, rewarding yourself for achieving small goals, doing something you enjoy, etc. Nevertheless, some confuse self-care activities as selfish, but it is a misconception.
  • Become Self-Aware: Getting information on women’s mental health and becoming aware of the subject is another tip for managing ailments. Unfortunately, since most women are unaware of their psychological conditions, overcoming those ailments becomes difficult.
  • Stay Positive: You can try this experiment; think about all the negative things for a whole day. Then, the next day, you become extremely positive about everything. Now compare how your mood changed from day one to day two. You will notice by staying positive, you have a calm and peaceful mental state.
  • Get Enough Sleep: Studies have shown that the brain's activities during sleep profoundly impact emotional and mental health. Whether it is a man or woman, getting REM sleep is necessary. Lack of sleep can be harmful as it affects the formation of positive emotional content.

Additional tips to improve women's mental health:

  • Build stronger relationships
  • Try to quickly adapt to changes
  • Express gratitude
  • Partake in activities you like
  • Develop coping mechanisms
  • Boost your self-esteem

What Are the Treatment Methods for Women’s Mental Health Conditions?

The treatment methods generally depend on the type of mental health condition one suffers from. However, some general treatment procedures can help women overcome their mental disorders.

  • Psychotherapy: This is a therapeutic process guided by professionals to explore an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
  • Support Group: Support groups help individuals discuss their conditions and progress. In addition, these associations aim to help each other work towards their shared goals.
  • Medication: There is no particular medicine to treat the psychological problems of women. However, there are effective medications to reduce certain symptoms.
  • Alternative Medicine: This may include herbal remedies or any other forms of alternative medications which have a different approach than traditional medicines.
  • Peer Support: Sharing your condition with someone who has been through the same is also an effective way of treating psychological issues.
  • Case Management: This is a process where an expert helps assess a plan and implement strategies to help those with specific mental health issues.
  • Other Treatments: This may include out-of-the-box treatment methods like music and art therapy.

Since women's psychological illnesses can also be a by-product of their physical conditions, they might need to consult an OB-GYN.

As you have read so far, you now know about the factors affecting women’s mental health and the importance of addressing those problems. Though it is still taboo to speak about mental health, especially for a woman, this needs proper medical assistance.

FAQs About Women’s Mental Health

Which is the most common mental health disorder among women?

Clinical depression and anxiety disorders are the most common psychological disorders among women. Additionally, research shows women are more prone towards depressive symptoms than men.

Does women's mental health provoke any other kinds of disorders?

Psychological illness in women can result in the development of certain types of eating disorders. Some types of such conditions are bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and compulsive overeating.

Are mental health for women curable?

Yes, mental health problems for women are curable and preventable.