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Top 10 Popular Indian Dog Breeds You can Bring Home

Are you planning to bring a pet dog to your home? Then, research thoroughly the various kinds of dog breeds you can buy or adopt in India. According to some reports, the country’s pet market has risen at a 20% rate annually since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pet adoption has risen by 10%, with mostly GenZ becoming the new pet parents. This blog aims to cover a list of top 10 Indian dog breeds. Keep scrolling if you live in India and wish to adopt or buy a dog!

Pet adoption agencies and animal welfare NGOs have reported that there has been a considerable increase in the number of people adopting or fostering pets. This can be because these troubled times have resulted in a significant surge in psychological distress and anxiety issues among the masses. 

Consequently, Indians are re-discovering the mental health benefits that come with caring for another animal, especially a pet dog. Studies have shown that caring for a pet helps to cope with loneliness and reduces stress and anxiety. Moreover, the unconditional love showered by these little goofballs acts as a strong emotional support for individuals.

So, if you are planning to adopt, here are some of the top 10 indian dog breeds that you can consider:

1. Indian Pariah Dog

  • Size – Medium
  • Origin – India
  • Height – Around 46 to 52 cm in male; 40 to 45 cm in females.
  • Coat – Dense and short

These are one of the only few dog breeds that are native to India. They have evolved along with human beings, and there has hardly been any outside intervention in their breeding process.  As such, they are one of the most healthy and hardy dog breeds in our country!

Indian Pariah dogs are among the best options for pet dogs for Indian households. They are often called indie, desi or mixed breed dogs in India. These dogs are the only purebred dogs that have originated in India, meaning no human has ever intervened in their breeding process. Moreover, these dogs require minimal grooming and are a perfect match for people who have allergies to dog fur as they hardly shed. 

They are incredibly loyal and courageous animals that can adjust well with all members of a family. However, they are also very cautious and territorial, which make them good watchdogs.

You should remember that this trait of theirs may make them a bit aggressive towards other dogs and human beings at times. Besides Indian Pariah Dogs, you can also consider other purely Indian breeds for adoption. These include Rajapalayam, Mudhol hounds, Kumaon Mastiff, Vikhan Sheepdog, etc.

2. Golden Retriever

  • Size – Medium to large
  • Origin – Scotland 
  • Height – 51 to 61 cm
  • Coat – Dense, water repellant, medium to long outer coat and soft inner coat

Golden retrievers are one of the most popular breeds not just in India but also all over the world. They are known for their amicable and affectionate nature and charming smiles that are guaranteed to warm anyone’s heart. These big fur-babies are also very intelligent and even-tempered. 

Because of these characteristics, golden retrievers are suitable as family dogs and get along with everyone. Golden retrievers are also trained to be service dogs for the blind and differently-abled individuals.  

However, these dogs are prone to obesity and health diseases and therefore will need plenty of exercises to stay fit.

3. Labrador

  • Size - Medium
  • Origin – Newfoundland
  • Height – 56 - 57 cm
  • Coat – Short, dense, and double coat

Labradors make intelligent and energetic pets that need lots and lots of exercise and obedience training. If they don’t get in enough activities, their pent-up energy will make them frustrated and destructive. They will start chewing, barking, digging etc.

Labradors love to be around people and are great for families that go for many outdoor activities. They are the best companions for older people because of their energetic nature. They will keep the elderly adults at your home entertained. Furthermore, they are brilliant and can sense whether somebody is sick at home and are great at alerting people when they need to ask for help from others. 

These dogs are known to be highly loyal, and that is why they make excellent guard dogs. Besides that, labs are also excellent as service dogs, sniffer dogs for military and police, search and rescue dogs and so on! 

4. Rottweiler

  • Size – Medium to large
  • Origin – Germany
  • Height – 63 – 69 cm
  • Coat – Flat and short

A Rottweiler is known for its headstrong attitude and courageous nature. Though overly attached to their families, they can come off as aggressive towards strangers if not properly trained and socialised, from the start. 

Rotties are natural guard dogs and can be ferociously protective about the people they love. You need to raise them right so that they grow up to become a gentle and playful companion for your family and an ever-protective loving guardian for your kids if you have any. 

For first-time pet parents, Rottweilers can be a little overwhelming since they require experienced leadership, extensive socialisation and constant training. On the other hand, if you are already a parent of energetic dogs like a golden retriever or german shepherd; a rottweiler may be the perfect choice for you since they will get lots of time to mingle with other doggo babies.

5. German Shepherd

  • Size – Large 
  • Origin- Germany
  • Height – 62 – 63 cm
  • Coat – Medium length, double coat, golden tan, black 

Natives of Germany, these are working dogs and are known for their courage, loyalty, intelligence, strength, obedience and training abilities. Because of these traits, they are very popular as police and military dogs. However, they are also excellent as guide dogs or search and rescue dogs.

These highly energetic, certified good boys require daily exercise and make for perfect companions to those who are always looking for new adventures. German shepherds also need to be socialised from a very young age, or they can become aggressive or nervous. 

Also, while adopting, you must make sure that it has a good pedigree.

6. Beagle

  • Size – Small
  • Origin – Great Britain
  • Height – 33-41 cms
  • Coat – Short and straight, brown, black, tan, white

One of the main assumptions made by many new doggo parents regarding beagles is that they won’t require to spend much energy on them owing to their small size. This, however, is a huge mistake. Beagles may be little in size, but they are a massive bundle of energy.

As such, they will be more suited to families that have an active lifestyle. Beagles descended from hunting hounds, so exploration and curiosity are in their nature. They are never happier than when they get a chance to explore any interesting scent. So proper precautions are necessary to prevent them from wandering off. 

Besides a very active lifestyle, a beagle also has a very handsome, intelligent face and friendly disposition which makes them a very lovable albeit mischievous pet baby. They are also very low maintenance as their short coat doesn’t require regular grooming. 

Beagles can, however, be stubborn therefore obedience training from a very young age is essential

7. Pug

  • Size – Small
  • Origin – China
  • Height – About 27-28 cm
  • Coat – Flat Short coat, apricot fawn colored

Peaceful is the word that comes to mind whenever someone mentions pugs. They were bred first in China as lap dogs and require human companionship the most. They will spend most of the day sleeping in a comfy corner if allowed and are therefore very suitable for families that are not that active.

Pugs are easy-going and are therefore suitable for individuals who are apprehensive about getting a fur baby for the first time. They also have a very affectionate nature and get along well with the hoomans around them. New parents should remember that pugs need a lot of grooming. They have a thick coat that requires frequent brushing. Their wrinkles or facial folds also need to be cleaned daily to prevent infection and skin disease.

They do have a stubborn side to their character, which may make it difficult to train them properly. In such a case, training with some tasty treats might be well-received.

8. Pomeranian

  • Size – Small
  • Origin- Germany/Poland
  • Height – 18 to 30 cm
  • Coat – Double coat 

Pomeranians may be small and cute, but they don’t consider themselves that way and often end up challenging other dogs that are twice their size. They have what can only be described as a very sassy personality, a cute face that always seems to be smiling and a magnificent coat. 

Poms can, however, be stubborn and bossy, which is why they should be trained and socialised from the get-go. This is especially crucial if your household has multiple dogs and cats. 

They also require some routine exercise for a few minutes every day. However, the coat of a Pom involves a lot of care and maintenance, including regular brushing, trimming nails, etc.

Poms are suitable for apartment living, but they do tend to bark a lot which can create problems for your neighbour.

9. Dachshund

  • Size - Small
  • Origin - Germany
  • Height – 8 to 9 inches
  • Coat – Straight flat coat, wirehaired or longhaired 

Affectionately referred to as ‘sausage dogs’, dachshunds are an icon of the canine world. They are incredibly versatile with a lively disposition which adds significantly to their popularity quotient. 

These extremely confident and courageous creatures were bred initially to hunting hounds who were trained to go after larger prey like badgers, foxes, rabbits and other tunnelling animals. Dachshunds also have a very independent spirit, and their courageousness sometimes leads them to do rash things such as take on a much larger animal than themselves.

They also have a very playful nature which makes them an excellent family dog, even though they can be difficult to train owing to their stubbornness. 

If you have a lot of stairs in your home, you should avoid adopting a dachshund as they suffer from disk problems due to their long back.

10. Doberman

  • Size - Large
  • Origin - Germany
  • Height – 26 – 28 inches
  • Coat – Short and flat, tan, black or fawn

Dobermans are energetic and highly active dogs that need loads of exercise. They, however, need to be trained with care and should be exposed to other people and dogs from an early age. Positive reinforcement is very crucial for dogs of this breed. 

Well trained Dobermans are affectionate and good with children. Despite that, there is a common myth that these dogs only bond with one person. Since they are guard dogs by nature and have very fierce protective instincts, experts advise against any special guard training. It can make them aggressive. 

Lastly, if you are looking to welcome a new member into your home, remember to adopt instead of purchasing. That way, you could be saving a pup from getting euthanized. It is also one tiny step towards the fight against puppy mills!

FAQs on Indian Dog Breeds

What do I need to consider before adopting?

Before adopting a dog, you need to consider some points such as the activity level of your family, the average age of family members, who will be the dog’s primary caretaker and so on. It is crucial as if you have young kids; then you should not adopt toy dogs like Pomeranians, Spitz, etc.

What kind of toys can I get for my furry baby?

It would be best if you bought toys depending on your dog’s age. For instance, if you are adopting a puppy, then buy chew toys and the ones that will help in mental stimulation. In the case of big dogs, rope toys and stuffed toys are more suitable.

Which dog breed should I consider getting for my home?

There are several dogs that can mix well with your family. Among them, golden retrievers, Labradors, Pugs, Indian Spitzes and Indian Pariah dogs are the most popular.


Are huskies a good option to have as pets in India?

Not at all. These are Siberian natives and adapt to temperatures that sometimes go below -50 degrees. They have a thick coat for this purpose.Huskies can be adopted and adapted to Indian climates, but it is recommended and highly preferable to house Huskies in colder climates. Places like northern India, where temperatures can get much lower, can acclimate Huskies.


Which are the smartest dog breeds?

Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Border Collies, etc. are often considered the smartest dog breeds since they can obey almost 95% of the commands and can learn them in about 5 exposures.