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Vitamin B12 Rich Foods, Fruits & Vegetables

The human body cannot synthesise vitamin B12 on its own. Hence, it is essential to know all about the vitamin B12 foods to ensure that one consumes them, thereby preventing a deficiency and related health issues.

If you landed on this page searching for vitamin B12 rich foods, make sure you stick through to the end and plan your diet accordingly.

What Is Vitamin B12?

Before diving into vitamin B12 foods, it is essential to know a bit about the vitamin itself.

Cobalamin or vitamin B12 is one of the eight B vitamins and is a vital nutrient that is water-soluble in nature. It is the most complicated vitamin in terms of structure and is also the largest one. Vitamin B12 is a cofactor in the synthesis of DNA and the metabolism of both amino acids and fatty acids.

In addition, through its role in the maturation of RBCs in the bone marrow and myelin synthesis, this vitamin is important for the normal functioning of the nervous system. It is also responsible for preventing megaloblastic anaemia.

20 Essential Vitamin B12 Rich Foods to Consume

One must keep in mind that vitamin B12 is not present in fruits and vegetables; however, some foods can act as good sources of this vitamin for vegetarians (some of which will be covered in the list below).

The top vitamin B12 foods are as follows:

1. Oysters

Besides being a source of vitamin B12, oysters also act as a rich source of iron.

2. Crab

3 ounces of crab consist of around 9.8 micrograms of vitamin B12.

3. Turkey

Heritage turkeys are loaded with vitamin B12.

4. Herring

Herrings are small-sized fishes, and 3 ounces of these provide 3.6 micrograms of vitamin B12.

5. Pork

Pork tenderloin is a source of vitamin B12 and lean protein.

6. Shrimp

Providing around 80% of the daily value, shrimps are a rich source of vitamin B12.

7. Mussels

Along with vitamin B12, mussels are filled with vitamin C, iron and lean protein.

8. Chicken

Chicken is also an ideal source of protein and vitamin B12.

9. Trout

Apart from being a rich source of vitamin B12, trouts are loaded with healthy fats, protein, phosphorous, selenium and manganese.

10. Salmon

Salmons are rich in vitamin B12 and also contain substantially high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

11. Fortified Non-dairy Milk

Like in other fortified food sources, the vitamin B12 present is made synthetically in non-dairy milk, and hence, it is vegan-friendly in nature.

12. Dairy Products, Including Milk

Dairy products, which includes milk, cheese and yoghurt, are good sources of vitamin B12 and protein.

13. Eggs

In addition to being a good source for providing complete protein, eggs also prove to be a great source of B vitamins like vitamin B12 and vitamin B2.

14. Beef

Besides vitamin B12, beef is also a rich source of vitamin B2, B3 and B6.

15. Animal Kidneys and Liver

Organ meats contain high levels of nutrients in them. Especially, the kidneys and livers of lamb and beef are loaded with vitamin B12.

16. Clams

Clams are shellfish that are small-sized and chewy in nature. These are packed with nutrients. Along with having significantly high levels of vitamin B12, clams are a great source of antioxidants and iron.

17. Sardines

These small-sized soft-boned saltwater fish have high nutritional value. Besides their high vitamin B12 levels, these are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

18. Fortified Cereal

Food fortification refers to the procedure of nutrient addition that is not present originally in the food. Since they are not derived from any animal source and are made synthetically, fortified cereals might work well as vitamin B12 food for vegetarians.

19. Tuna

This fish contains high levels of vitamin B12, mainly in the dark muscles, which refer to the muscles present right underneath the skin.

20. Fortified Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast does not naturally contain vitamin B12, but the fortified form of it acts as a rich source of this vitamin.

What Is the Daily Recommended Vitamin B12 Intake Level?

The recommended intake of vitamin B12 for an individual on a daily basis varies on the basis of age. 

Given below is the age-wise average daily recommended amount in micrograms that must be consumed:

Life Stage Average Daily Recommended Intake (in mcg)
Birth to 6 months 0.4
Infants: 7 to 12 months 0.5
Children: 1 to 3 years 0.9
Children: 4 to 8 years 1.2
Children: 9 to 13 years 1.8
Teens: 14 to 18 years 2.4
Adults 2.4
Pregnant women and teens 2.6
Breastfeeding women and teens 2.8

With this article coming to an end, you are now aware of the various vitamin B12 foods. So, now go ahead and prepare a well-balanced diet consisting of these sources to avoid becoming deficient in this all-important nutrient.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get vitamin B12 without consuming meat?

Apart from meat, vitamin B12 is present in dairy products and eggs.

How much vitamin B12 is needed for elderly people?

The dosage of vitamin B12 for elderly people primarily depends on their health condition. Research shows that consuming around 500mcg can prove to be effective in fighting B12 deficiency in the elderly.

Is vitamin B12 present in fruits?

No, vitamin B12 is not present in fruits.