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Weight Training vs Cardio: Which Is Better?

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It is always a struggle to start working out to reduce weight. People wonder if weight training will be more effective than cardio. It is therefore advisable to know about these two types of workouts before starting. This will help you choose the suitable type based on your requirements.

Curious to know more about weight training vs cardio? This article will give you a detailed understanding of the difference between the two.

What Is Weight Training?

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Strengthening body muscles is always beneficial, particularly as people age. According to research, most adults lose about 3%-5% of body muscles by age 30. This is because they are not as physically active at this age as they used to be. Weight training helps gain more muscles, which burns the required calories. 

Moreover, building muscles can also be effective for developing resting metabolism. A study conducted among recipients of weight training revealed that it could increase up to 9% of metabolism. Thus, weight training has gained much popularity among most people trying to stay fit or maintain a healthy weight.

What Is Cardio?

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According to past research regarding calorie-burning exercises, one can use body weight to estimate the number of calories they can burn in physical activity. This means that the more you weigh, the higher calories you will burn from physical activity. Cardio exercises are beneficial for this.

These exercises have gained popularity as they are easy to attempt without requiring much resources and equipment. You can do it easily from the comfort of your home. They are beneficial for losing a higher amount of calories compared to the other kinds of exercises without spending much money or effort.

What Is the Difference Between Weight Training and Cardio?

While both have the same goal of maintaining a healthy weight, there can be many differences between cardio and weight training. Knowing these will help you choose the most suitable workout routine based on your requirements. The following table will help you in this regard.

Parameters Weight training Cardio
Calorie burning This type of exercise might not be as efficient if you want to burn calories. It will be a slower process, as it enables you to burn calories throughout the day. This is the most appropriate exercise for losing calories. With this workout, you will lose more calories faster based on weight.
Weight loss Weight training is more appropriate for gaining and building muscles. While it can reduce excess fat, it will not be the right workout if you plan to lose weight faster. Cardio will be suitable if you are planning to lose weight faster. It effectively reduces fat and body mass much faster while working out. The weight loss results are more effective here.
Muscle development Weight training will be suitable if you are looking for muscle development. It helps you avoid the loss of energy and strength by building lean muscle mass. Cardio does not promote muscle building. It rather focuses on weight loss. Hence, you should avoid it if you need to develop muscles.
Heart health While weight training strengthens your overall physical conditions, this workout has no specific role in strengthening the heart. Cardio is known for strengthening the heart. It helps to increase the heart rate, so your body tries to get more oxygen for the blood.
Mental health Weight training can help you maintain motivation in case you are down. It helps you set targets and fulfil the same. Cardio can help improve your mental health along with your physical health. According to a study conducted in 2017, resistance training improves the chances of anxiety in all kinds of participants.
Diet Minimally processed food is usually considered best when conducting weight training. An ideal diet should include protein, carbs, and fibre. Turkey, non-fat yoghurt, eggs and fish will add value to your training. In this training, avoiding processed food and focusing on whole food items is advisable. The maximum contribution comes from carbs, including food items like rice, pasta, bread, cereals, fruits, vegetables, etc.

Which Is Better Between Weight Training and Cardio?

You probably got an idea regarding cardio VS weight training for overall health in the above section. However, you must be confused about choosing the right workout routine. It depends on your physical condition and goal. For instance, if you are simply looking forward to losing excess fat from your body, cardio will be the right routine for you. It helps to burn calories in a short span.

On the other hand, if you are planning to grow muscle strength and stay physically fit, weight training can help you. It is effective for underweight people aiming at building some muscles. Moreover, it strengthens the bones and muscles, making it easier to stay physically fit for longer.

Benefits of Cardio

  • Firstly, cardio exercises help improve your heart health. the heart rate will increase and thereby allow the heart to function effectively.
  • This exercise also helps to regulate your appetite. It helps to avoid sudden urges for snaking, thereby allowing you to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Cardio exercising helps to shed the extra fat from your body. It burns calories faster and helps to lose fat.
  • It is a budget-friendly means of exercising, and you can practise it easily from your home premises. You hardly need any professional assistance.
  • It also helps you maintain a healthy blood pressure and boosts your brain health.
  • You can improve your immunity with the help of a cardio workout routine.

Benefits of Weight Training

  • This type of exercise helps to build muscles. It triggers your body’s response to heal the broken tissues quickly, thereby gaining muscles.
  • It can boost your metabolism, thereby helping you maintain a healthy weight. It also helps to increase muscle mass, which burns calories.
  • This workout routine is suitable for strengthening your bone health. It enables you to have better bone density for a longer time.
  • You can get better sleep and a relaxed mental state with this workout routine.

Is it Safe to Indulge in Both Cardio and Weight Training?

Now that you know the differences between cardio exercise VS weight training, you must realise that these routines have separate goals and outcomes. Therefore, people can incorporate cardio and weight training into their workout routines. However, their body should be prepared for such routines. 

If you plan to lose weight by burning calories, consider a cardio routine after completing your weight training routine. A study revealed that if you go for cardio after lifting weight, your heart rate will be 12 times faster than a regular cardio routine. 

On the other hand, if you plan to enhance your energy and strength, you should go for cardio before weight training. This routine will help you enhance endurance by strengthening your bones and muscles.

How Much Weight Training or Cardio Is Suitable for a Week?

The condition of your physical form and goals will determine the right amount of exercise for a week. In this regard, you can seek the opinion of your trainer or physician. The American College of Sports Medicine generally suggests 150-250 minutes of vigorous cardio for people with moderate diets. It is likely to help them shed some pounds in a week. This means that 5-8 sessions of 30-minute cardio will be necessary to meet this goal.

On the other hand, a study suggests weight training at least twice a week for those aiming to build some heavy muscles. While 2-3 days of the week should focus on full body exercises, 3-5 days should focus on separate muscle groups.

Hopefully, now you understand all about weight training VS cardio. If you are still confused, consider discussing the same with a professional trainer. Consider your health and vision before choosing a workout routine, and select your diet accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I lose weight by lifting weights only?

Lifting weights can help you lose extra fat and build strong muscles. However, the process can be longer in comparison to cardio.

Which type of exercise will help burn belly fat?

Cardio can help burn belly fat faster. However, consider weight lifting after cardio if you plan to build a shape for your stomach.