Difference Between Jogging vs Walking & Which One is Better?

What Is Jogging?

What is Walking?

What is the Difference Between Walking and Jogging?

While both these exercises primarily focus on maintaining a healthy weight and improving fitness, there are a few differences between jogging and walking. Knowing it will help you decide better on which one to choose between the two. The following table will help you with this regard:


Walking Jogging
Impact Low-impact activity in which your one foot will always remain on the ground to help you maintain balance by supporting your weight. High-impact exercise in which both your feet leave the ground while doing it. There is more pressure on your joints when your feet hit the ground.
Intensity Levels Walking is a prime example of moderate aerobic activity. During this activity, your heart and respiration rate increase moderately. Your heart and respiration rate will speed up to a great extent. Breathing becomes rapid during jogging.
Duration of Exercise Walking is easier, and you can be motivated more often. Jogging may make you exhausted quickly and burn you out.
Weight Loss If you are overweight, walking would be a better option to lose weight. Jogging will help you lose weight faster.
Risk of Osteoarthritis Walking is a safer exercise, and the risk of injury is less. Jogging is more strenuous, and the risk of injury is higher.

Which Muscles are Involved During Jogging & Walking?

Which is Better - Jogging or Walking?

Now, one question might come to your mind: Which is better, jogging or walking? 

However, it is more important for you to know that regular exercise is vital to achieving your desired fitness goals.

You can walk or jog indoors, depending on what you prefer to do more and what your body feels comfortable doing. Everyone has their own personal mechanism and tolerance levels. So, you must try doing both and see which one is more beneficial for you.

While walking is beneficial for some, jogging might be beneficial for others. You can go walking if you want a steady weight loss while putting less pressure on your joints. However, if you want to lose weight comparatively faster, you can choose jogging.


Jogging  Walking 
Weight Loss Jogging regularly for a month can help you lose 5 kgs a month. Brisk walking can help you lose at least 1 kg per month.
Cost  Jogging does not incur any expenditures. If you do it outdoors, you may need good running shoes. Walking is zero-cost. It is a fun outdoor activity that requires time, willingness, and a good pair of shoes.
Convenience  Jogging requires an empty pathway with no disturbance. You need to take out one specific time in the day to jog. Waking is possible at any time of the day on a pathway less frequented by cars or vehicles.
Calories Burned  Jogging for one hour will burn 700 calories for an adult. Walking for an hour burns 340 calories for an adult.
Equipment Required  Jogging does not require any specific equipment. You may need a pair of good running shoes for jogging. Walking requires no equipment other than a good pair of comfortable shoes.

Benefits of Jogging

Benefits of Walking

Is it Safe to Indulge in Both Jogging and Walking?

How Much Jogging or Walking Is Suitable for a Week?

Who Should Avoid Jogging or Walking?

Myths vs Facts about Jogging


Jogging is the only way to get fit. The right fitness depends upon your needs. For people seeking a general workout, jogging is perfect. 
You need special jogging equipment. Starting a jogging routine does not require any equipment. A good pair of shoes is all you need. 
Jogging is too hard on the joints. Jogging is joint-friendly with the right shoes and gear. Wear proper shoes to mitigate the impact of jogging on joints. 
You can't jog if you're out of shape. Jogging is advisable for people of all shapes. Gradually build your speed or time according to your comfort level. 

Myths vs Facts about Walking


Walking is not a real workout. Walking is a gentle and effective low-impact exercise with numerous health benefits.
Walking doesn't help with weight loss. Walking helps with weight management by burning calories.
You can't go for a walk in bad weather. There is no fitness-specific weather. Go for a walk in any weather to get in shape. 
There is no need to walk every day. There is no harm in walking every day. In fact, walking daily is beneficial for cardiovascular health. 

Walking and jogging are important activities that have a considerable impact on people's mental and physical well-being. An individual can choose either of the two activities depending on their choice and requirements.

Anyone considering starting a jogging or walking routine, especially if they have any medical concerns or conditions, should consult with a healthcare provider or a qualified fitness professional to determine the most suitable exercise plan for their individual needs and health status.

FAQs about Walking vs Running