Difference Between Yoga and Power Yoga

What Is Yoga?

What Is Power Yoga?

What is the Difference Between Yoga and Power Yoga?

Now, you must wonder about the difference between power yoga and yoga. Even though they sound similar, there are some major differences between them. The following table will help you understand the same.


Power Yoga Yoga
Basic concept Such a type of yoga is more concerned with physical activities than mental well-being. Yoga focuses on both physical and mental fitness. It includes exercises for both body and mind to create harmony between the two.
Speed Power yoga is done faster as it focuses on the flow of one position to another. Moreover, it aims to test individuals' physical endurance with this speed. Regular yoga is done at a slower pace. This is mainly because these exercises improve physical strength and peace of mind.
Sequence Power yoga does not focus on any one posture or position of yoga. Rather it assembles and creates a flow between multiple yoga poses. Regular yoga, on the other hand, focuses on specific poses. Therefore, you need one pose effectively to move on to the next one.
Focus Point It focuses on physical strength and endurance. Individuals must attempt each position through the created flow, which can be pressurising. It focuses on mental and physical well-being, making the process easier for most people. They can choose the positions that will be suitable for them.
Participation While starting, you might require the supervision of a fitness professional. This is mainly because such positions can negatively impact your body if done incorrectly. You can participate independently, as regular yoga positions can be easy for beginners. However, it is better to seek professional help when moving to advanced positions.
Stability Power yoga mainly enhances physical endurance stability, which can effectively stabilise cardiac output and improve heart health and blood flow. Regular yoga helps to maintain internal and external stability. It also contributes to mental stability and well-being with peace of mind.

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Myths vs Facts about Power Yoga


Power yoga is painful. If you overdo power yoga, it will add to your discomfort. Practise power yoga according to your comfort level, and you'll feel no pain. 
Power yoga is expensive. There are no expenses involved if you practise at home. You may have to spend on yoga lessons. 
Power yoga is all about difficult postures. There are many complex poses which is not necessary when you begin for the first time. Gradually increase your flexibility with simple poses. 
Only women and young can practise power yoga. Power yoga is for everyone, regardless of age or gender. 

Myths vs Facts about Yoga


You have to sweat to feel the benefits of yoga. Yoga is not a stressful, strenuous activity that should make you sweat. 
Yoga is boring. Many yoga poses are challenging and interesting to perform. 
Yoga is religious. The spiritual aspects of yoga should not be confused with religion. 
Only skinny people can perform yoga. Yoga is for everybody. It welcomes every person to come as they are. 

Hopefully, now you know all about the difference between power yoga and yoga. As this article pointed out, power yoga is an intense physical workout routine compared to traditional yoga, which is more about mental well-being. Therefore, selecting your workout routine should know its benefits and drawbacks.

You can blend power and traditional yoga into your routine to get the best benefits. Power yoga and yoga is equally suitable for beginners of all ages, shapes and sizes. 

FAQs about the Difference Between Power Yoga and Yoga