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Blood Donation Myths Regarding Smokers

Blood donation offers extreme help to the individual who needs a blood transfusion. It is a primary medical necessity, and there is a constant need for donors all around the globe.

However, there are multiple stigmas attached to blood donation. Whether smokers can donate or not is one of them. 

Can Smokers Donate Blood?

An individual’s lifestyle choices including smoking do not disqualify him/her from donating blood. However, there are specific eligibility criteria like health condition, lifestyle and history of medication you must know before donating blood. 

What if You Inhale Cannabis?

Like cigarettes, smoking cannabis does not determine your eligibility for blood donation. As per American Red Cross, substances like cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis, etc., do not rule out a person from giving blood.

However, if the doses of cannabis debilitate the individual’s memory or power of comprehension, they will be disbarred from donating. Nonetheless, these health effects do not affect the quality of the donated blood.

What if You Inhale Nicotine?

There are no such rules for smokers while donating blood. However, both smoking and vaping before the appointment will increase your blood pressure, and the clinic might turn you away in such cases. In addition, smoking after donating blood will lead to dizziness.

Also, consuming either tobacco cigarettes or electronic cigarettes contain chemicals like acetaldehyde, propylene glycol, etc., that affect the blood.

How Does a Smoker Prepare to Donate Blood?

You should follow a proper diet to prevent adverse health effects if you are donating blood. Here are a few things you should give attention to before donating blood:

  • Drink Plenty of Fluids: One might feel dizzy and can faint as a side effect of donating blood. To prevent that, one must intake adequate water and remain hydrated. Furthermore, drinking sufficient water and juices keeps the blood pressure stable.
  • Include Iron-rich Food: Before donating, it is recommended to have iron-rich foods like meats, fish, eggs, lentils, etc. You may suffer from iron deficiency or anaemia if you don’t compensate for the iron lost from the body after donation.
  • Have Vitamin C-rich Food:  Including only iron-rich food in the diet will not suffice. Vitamin C-rich foods like tomato, orange, lemon and green leafy vegetables help absorb iron better in the body.

Things that smokers should avoid before donating blood are as follows:

  • Refrain from Smoking or Drinking: Alcohol and tints of nicotine stay in the blood for a long time, affecting the individual on the receiving end.

.In addition, there are many other foods and beverages, like the ones rich in fat, that will harm your blood. Moreover, you should avoid aspirin for at least 48 hours and keep away from any vigorous exercises.

What Should Smokers Do After Blood Donation?

A potential donor must look after these aspects after donating blood:

  • Stay Hydrated: Water will help balance the blood pressure that may fluctuate after you have donated blood. Avoid caffeinated drinks and aerated beverages. 
  • Have Light Snacks: Eating nutritious snacks after donating blood will provide you with energy and maintain your blood glucose level.
  • Ingest Food Rich in Folic Acid or Vitamin B9: Blood cells are lost during donation. Folic acid helps regain the red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body quickly. Lack of red blood cells leads to anaemia.

In addition to this, riboflavin-rich foods like spinach and mushrooms also help in producing red blood cells. Besides, you should eat food rich in protein content.

Individuals can donate blood if they smoke. However, it is recommended that they wait for at least 1 hour after donating blood before smoking. People who smoke just after donating blood may experience light-headedness and can meet serious injuries.

What Are the Circumstances Under Which a Smoker Cannot Donate Blood?

Even though smoking doesn’t disqualify one from donating blood, it can lead to certain diseases that make one ineligible for donating blood, like:

  • Cancers: Individuals suffering from diseases like leukaemia or lymphoma cannot donate unless they have received complete treatment.
  • High blood pressure: People with high blood pressure are not eligible to donate blood.
  • Heart or lung diseases: Individuals with any heart or lung disease won’t be able to donate blood. Moreover, a person who has experienced a heart attack or stroke needs to wait for six months before donating.

 Smokers can donate anywhere across the globe; no such obligation is made only for them. One can give blood even if they use a nicotine replacement like a nicotine patch. On the whole, donating blood is the noblest act one can do to save a life. Smoking cigarettes and cannabis or consuming alcohol does not disqualify an individual from donating blood.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any age limit for donating blood?

People aged between 18- 65 are eligible for donating blood. However, in a few countries, 16-17-year-olds can donate blood only if they fulfil the physical and haematological criteria.

Does smoking e-cigarettes disqualifies me from donating blood?

No, smoking electronic cigarettes do not disqualify one from donating blood. However, both normal tobacco cigarettes and e-cigarettes have harmful chemicals affecting the blood.

How does smoking impact human blood?

Smoking increases the concentration of carboxyhaemoglobin in red blood cells. This can reduce the amount of oxygen that RBCs can carry.