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What Is ALT in a Blood Test?

The Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) test is performed to measure the severity of liver damage. In addition, the ALT in blood tests helps to determine the root cause of the liver damage, whether due to any disease, drug or injury.

Alanine Transaminase is an enzyme that is present mainly in the liver and other parts of the body. This enzyme is a natural protein responsible for the smooth flow of liver functions. Therefore, the ALT blood test assesses the level of ALT in the blood as a higher amount of this enzyme indicates possible liver damage.

What Is the Importance of Testing ALT in Blood?

It is essential to know the functions played by this liver enzyme to understand the importance of ALT in blood tests. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) are the enzymes that make glycogen in the liver. The AST and ALT in blood tests are the two essential factors in the liver function test, which is commonly known as LFT. Doctors recommend this test to identify any of the signs and symptoms mentioned below:

  • Measuring the severity of a liver disease
  • Understanding when a specified medication will start
  • Identifying liver ailment based on symptoms like dark coloured urine, continuous vomiting, fatigue, etc.
  • Comprehending response of ongoing liver treatment

What Are the Ways to Measure ALT Count in Blood Test?

The ways to measure the ALT value in blood tests include collecting blood samples using a small test tube or vial by a healthcare professional. The blood is collected through an injection, and individuals might need to fast for a few hours based on the health care provider guidelines.

How to Understand the Ranges of Normal ALT Count?

As per medical terms, the ALT blood test normal range is 7 to 55 units per litre (U/L). In addition to this, the LFT report consists of a few other components and its ranges:

  • AST (SGOT): 8 to 40 U/L
  • ALP: 40 to 98 U/L
  • Albumin: 3.5 to 4.8 grams per deciliter
  • Total protein: 5.7 to 8.2 grams per deciliter
  • Bilirubin: 0.1 to 1.2 milligrams per deciliter
  • GGT: 0 to 30 IU/L
  • LDH: 140 to 280 U/L
  • PT: 9.5 to 13.8 seconds

The normal range mentioned above is common for adult men and women. However, it may vary slightly depending on the methods and specific conditions during the test.

What Does a High ALT Count Mean?

As per medical surveys, ALT blood test levels are generally higher in men. Therefore, to understand the severity of liver damage based on ALT in blood tests, the causes of the rise of this liver enzyme have been divided into three groups.

  • Slightly High ALT Levels: This is caused due to overconsumption of alcohol, prolonged scarring in the liver, mononucleosis, and overdose of aspirin and sleeping pills.
  • Mildly High ALT Levels: This level of ALT in blood tests mostly occurs due to ongoing liver complications; block in bile ducts, heart attack resulting in blood clotting, damage to red blood cells, overconsumption of vitamin A, etc.
  • Extreme High ALT Levels: LFT tests show extreme high ALT levels occurring due to viral hepatitis, liver cancer, an overdose of Tylenol drug, etc.

What Does a Low ALT Count Mean?

A moderately low ALT in the blood is expected and does not cause major health issues. The cause of low ALT blood test levels could be deficiencies in Vitamin B6, excessive smoking, hormonal replacement therapies or chronic kidney failure.

As per medical science, the extremely low ALT level in blood can instigate occurrence of heart disease and a higher risk of death in the case of elders. That is why doctors recommend keeping ALT levels in check by conducting LFT every 6 to 8 months.

As per medical practitioners, individuals can maintain the level of ALT in blood tests by maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle, thereby keeping any liver ailment at bay. Some of the natural methods to keep stable are as follows:

  • Drinking coffee
  • Exercising regularly to maintain weight
  • Increasing folic acid consumption
  • Keeping cholesterol at a low rate
  • Adding nutritious ingredients to meals

However, it is to keep in mind that consumption of folic acid drugs or any other supplements should be started under medical guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes the high ALT in Blood?

The level of high ALT in blood indicates damage to the liver. This may occur due to several factors like infection, liver cancer, cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.

What is the normal level of ALT in the blood test?

Normal level of ALT in blood tests ranges between 7 to 55 units per litre for adults.

Why would the doctor recommend this test?

Doctors will recommend this test if the patient is suffering from any serious health complications. This may include swollen stomach, nausea, fatigue, dark coloured urine, signs of jaundice, etc.

Is fatty liver the reason for high ALT?

A higher level of Alanine Aminotransferase in the blood is a sign of liver inflammation or infection. A person with a fatty liver will have a higher level of ALT concentration in the blood.