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Health Benefits of Blood Donation

The history of blood donation dates back to 1942 when India’s first blood bank was set up in Kolkata and managed by the Red Cross. Since then, the number of voluntary donors has kept on increasing. In 2020, around 12.7 units of blood were donated in India. The benefits of donating blood do not limit themselves to the recipients only, but donors also benefit a lot from this process.

Read on to know the various advantages of donating blood to a donor!

What Are the Health Benefits of Donating Blood?

Illustrated below are the several benefits of donating blood to donors -

1. Helps In Weight Loss

There is a massive benefit of donating blood when done on a timely basis - it helps reduce weight and improves the fitness of healthy individuals. As per University of California researchers, donating one pint of blood (or 450 ml) helps the body to burn around 650 calories. This can prove helpful to obese individuals and those at an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and other health issues. However, despite being one of the most important benefits of blood donation, it should not be considered a weight loss plan.

2. Lowers Excessive Iron Storage

Wondering how the benefits of donating blood regularly  are linked to reducing iron stores in the body?

Read on to know all about it.

The body requires iron for the production of red blood cells. However, some individuals have hemochromatosis - a health condition that arises because of excessive iron absorption by the body’s bloodstream. Individuals can inherit this condition due to alcoholism or if they suffer from anaemia or other disorders.

Excessive amounts of iron can get deposited into different organs in the body, including the heart and liver. This, in turn, affects the way these organs function.

As per a 2003 article by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) individuals having hemochromatosis can benefit from phlebotomy, a similar procedure for blood donation. Blood donation on a regular basis may reduce iron overload, thereby proving it beneficial for those with hemochromatosis.

Though all agencies do not allow donations from individuals with this condition, several use their donated blood in the general donation pool. In other words, blood donation can be a treatment option for those suffering from hemochromatosis and a way of helping others as well.

3. Might Reduce Risk of Experiencing a Heart Attack

As per a study conducted by the American Journal of Epidemiology, blood donation at least once a year can lower the risk of a heart attack by 88%. According to a healthcare expert at Money Crashers, high iron content in the blood constricts the blood vessels and leads to an increased risk of a heart attack. Reducing these extra iron deposits through blood donation allows more blood vessels to operate, which is an incredible health benefit of donating blood indeed!

4. Reduces the Risk of Cancer

Are you looking for the benefits of donating blood related to lowering cancer risk?

Here is all about it.

Iron increases free-radical damage in the body and raises the risk of ageing and cancer. There is a huge benefit of donating blood regarding this condition. The Miller-Keystone Blood Center states that donating blood consistently is linked with a reduced risk of lung, colon, liver, and throat cancers. This is because of the lowering of oxidative stress when the body releases iron into the bloodstream.

Blood donation helps maintain healthy iron levels, which lowers the risk of cancer development. A study published by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found phlebotomy to be an iron-reduction procedure linked with reduced cancer risk and mortality.

5. Helps Keep the Liver Healthy

Iron overload affects the health of the liver. The National Center for Biotechnology Information reported that NAFLD, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, has touched epidemic proportions recently.

Research has associated excessive iron levels with Hepatitis C, NAFLD, and other liver infections and disorders. Consuming an iron-rich diet might increase the nutrient level in the body, but the body absorbs it in only limited proportions. Therefore, the liver, heart, and pancreas store excessive iron content. This further leads to an increased risk of liver failure or cirrhosis.

There is a huge advantage of donating blood when it comes to keeping the liver healthy. Blood donation helps maintain iron levels, thereby reducing the risk of several health issues.

6. Enhances Production of New Blood Cells

Donating blood helps stimulate the production of new blood cells. This turns out to be a significant benefit of donating blood. After an individual donates blood, the body gets to work within 48 hours of the donation through the help of bone marrow to replace the lost red blood cells. New blood cells replace all the lost cells within 30 to 60 days.

7. Can Reveal Significant Health Issues

Individuals undergo tests for Hepatitis, HIV, syphilis, and other diseases when they donate their blood. The American Red Cross states that specific tests indicate whether or not an individual is eligible for donation depending on what is found in the bloodstream.

One of the pros of donating blood is that it can be an effective way to keep an eye on an individual’s cardiovascular health. One receives a “mini-physical” or brief medical checkup before the blood draw occurs. At this stage, professionals check the donor’s body temperature, pulse, blood pressure, haemoglobin and other parameters. This can help reveal issues that one was not aware of till then.

Donating blood is a voluntary process that helps save many individuals' lives and comes with significant benefits as discussed above. However, interested individuals must make sure to eat well and drink adequate amounts of water before donating blood.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should individuals donating their blood consume iron supplements frequently?

It is recommended that individuals donating blood frequently consume a multivitamin with iron or an iron supplement. Teenage donors, especially, must take these supplements because they might become iron deficient after donating blood.

Can an individual exercise after blood donation?

No. Individuals can consider going to the gym prior to blood donation, but they must not do so afterwards. Exercising after donating blood can make an individual feel dizzy.