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Raktamokshana Ayurveda Treatment: Types, Procedure and Health Benefits

The term Raktamokshana is derived from the Sanskrit word "Rakta", which means blood, and "Moksha", which means liberation. This treatment involves a process where impure blood is released from one's body. It is believed that India's legendary surgeon Sushruta had massively contributed to this Ayurvedic treatment.

Raktamokshana is an effective blood purification therapy that decreases an increased level of Pitha Dosha. As a result, all this treatment relieves all Pitta-related diseases. This blog aims to cover the types and benefits of this ancient Ayurvedic treatment.

What Are the Different Types of Raktamokshana Treatments?

Sushruta had cited Raktamokshana as one of the five purification methods in Panchakarma. One can divide this procedure into two parts, and these are:

1. Shastra Visravana

This type of Raktamokshana procedure uses metallic instruments. Furthermore, Ayurvedic practitioners have divided Shastra Visravana into two subcategories, and they are:

  • Siravyadhana- We know this method as venipuncture in the modern day. One uses a syringe to remove impure blood from a person’s veins in this method.
  • Pracchana- In this method, a physician uses a blade or scalpel to make superficial incisions on this skin. This way, blood exudes out through several superficial incisions.

Furthermore, a sub-type of this method is Alabu Pracchana, where an Ayurvedic practitioner uses a bottle gourd or any other conical-shaped vegetable. These vegetables are used to create a vacuum over an incision. Many believe this technique to be the forerunner of Chinese and European wet cupping techniques, which appeared many years later.

2. Anushastra Visravana

This type of Raktamokshana Panchakarma does not involve any metallic instruments. Anushastra Visravana is also divided into two sub-categories which are:

  • Jalaukavacharana- In this method, an Ayurvedic practitioner applies leeches to specific areas of a person's body.
  • Shrungavacharana- This method uses a cow's horns. The Vata conditions are also treated alongside Pitta imbalances in this procedure.

What Are the Procedures of Raktamokshana Treatments?

One can do the Raktamokshana treatment using various methods like applying leeches to specific areas or puncturing the veins. We have already discussed the various types of Raktamokshana previously in this blog. Now, we will discuss the procedures to perform this Ayurvedic treatment based on the four different types of Raktamokshana treatments:

1. Siravyadhana

Step 1: An Ayurvedic practitioner generally performs this procedure in the morning or late afternoon. He/she selects a prominent vein for puncture.

Step 2: An antiseptic is used to clean the site where the puncture has been done.

Step 3: The practitioner covers his/her patient's eyes using a cotton pad during this treatment.

Step 4: He/she can also use a tourniquet to tie just over the puncture site for the patient.

Step 5: An Ayurvedic practitioner uses a sterile needle to prick one’s skin.

Step 6: Furthermore, he/she collects this blood that flows out after pricking in a glass measuring jar.

Step 7: This tourniquet will be removed from the patient's arms once the blood stops flowing naturally.

Step 8: Next, the Ayurvedic doctor will remove the needle and clean this punctured site with antiseptic.

2. Pracchana

Step 1: Typically, an Ayurvedic practitioner performs this procedure in the morning or afternoon. He/she selects an area where he or she will make cuts and treats it with antiseptic.

Step 2: In addition, the doctor also washes the site with medicated liquid.

Step 3: Then the practitioner covers the patient's eyes with cotton pads and a bandage.

Step 4: The Ayurvedic doctor will then use a sterile blade or lancet to make several cuts over the selected area.

Step 5: The oozing blood coming out from these cuts is wiped off immediately.

Step 6: After this procedure, the practitioner cleans the cut area with an antiseptic and applies herbal medicine.

3. Jalaukavacharana

Step 1: Just like the previous two methods, Ayurvedic doctors perform this method in the morning and late afternoon. First, he/she will apply antiseptic to a selected area.

Step 2: Next, he/she will wash this site with medicated liquid.

Step 3: Like Siravyadhana, here also, the practitioner will cover the patient's eyes with cotton pads in this procedure.

Step 4: One or two needles are pricked on the skin to let out a drop of blood.

Step 5: Then, the practitioner applies one or two leeches to the area where he had pricked the needle.

Step 6: He/she will remove those leeches from the patient's skin once the leeches are enlarged and satiated.

Step 7: After the Ayurvedic doctor removes the leeches from the skin, he or she will clean the skin and disinfect it with herbal Ayurvedic medicine.

4. Shrungavacharana

This method is not that popular; hence it is less used in Ayurvedic centres and hospitals in the modern day.

Step 1: In this procedure, an Ayurvedic doctor applies cow's horns on a patient's selected body part.

Step 2: The doctor will select a fleshy area and clean it with antiseptic before using the horn.

Step 3: Next, the Ayurvedic practitioner will prick this area before putting this instrument on one’s skin.

Step 4: This instrument sucks the air out and creates a vacuum. Blood oozes out into this vacuum.

Step 5: One can use a bottle gourd or any other conical-shaped vegetable in place of using the animal horns to create the same effect.

What Are the Benefits of Raktamokshana Treatments?

Ayurveda stated that the Raktamokshana treatment works both as a curative and preventive treatment. The benefits of this ancient treatment technique are:

  • Raktamokshana alleviates acute pain in one's body.
  • It helps in reducing the redness of one's skin.
  • This treatment gets rid of skin pigmentation and patchy dry skin.
  • It aids in combating various bone-related disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gouty arthritis, osteoarthritis and pericarditis.
  • Using it, one can remove scars and wounds from his/her body.
  • It gets rid of various skin disorders like eczema, allergies and inflammations.
  • Patients can also get relief from sciatica and tonsillitis with this Ayurvedic treatment.

Furthermore, Ayurvedic doctors and specialists often ask patients to donate blood. Not only donating blood can save others' lives, but it is also a great way of performing Raktamokshana without going through elaborate procedures.

Who Should Avoid Getting a Raktamokshana Treatment?

Following people should avoid getting a Raktamokshana treatment:

  • Pregnant women
  • A person suffering from haemorrhoids
  • Anaemic person
  • Emaciated person

These days Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners rarely use Raktamokshana, but it is still an integral part of the Panchakarmas. We have now covered this ancient blood purifying technique's types, procedures and benefits for your reference.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the essential benefits of Raktamokshana?

The primary benefits of Raktamokshana include the treatment of scars, pigmentation, osteoarthritis, atopic dermatitis, and sciatica.