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Top 6 Benefits of Nitrogen Tyre

Nitrogen in its purest form is primarily used in tyres because it does not support combustion or moisture. Nitrogen is nothing but dry air from which oxygen is removed. It is an inert gas which means it is inflammable. Also, nitrogen molecules are bigger than normal air molecules; thus, it is hard for them to leak out.

If you are interested to know more about the benefits of nitrogen tyres, keep scrolling.

What Are the Benefits of Nitrogen Tyre?

Out of the number of factors which determine the ride quality of a car, the shape of tyres determines a big part. By good shape, it usually means the pressure inside them. So now, a lot of car owners prefer nitrogen over normal air for their car tyres. Here are a few of the benefits of nitrogen in tyres.

1. Nitrogen Increases Fuel Economy

The use of nitrogen in one's car's tyres can have a positive effect on its fuel economy. When a tyre is filled with natural gas, the air has a tendency to migrate through the tyre material. Although the process is slow, it does have an impact on the tyre pressure. However, on the contrary, nitrogen is not very good at escaping from the tyre cavity.

This, in turn, leads to a nitrogen-filled tyre's pressure to remain intact for a long time. The engine is able to perform optimally when the tyre pressure is ideal. The car can accelerate better in a linear way, leading to better fuel economy. In the long run, one ends up saving some money.

2. Ensures Better Grip on the Roads

If the tyre of one's car is properly inflated, one can have a better grip on the road. Correct air pressure becomes very necessary to have a proper grip on the road during wet road conditions. It is important for tyres to be properly inflated since it maintains an optimum contact patch and connects the tyre with the road.

However, in the case of natural air, the tyres lose their pressure comparatively sooner than nitrogen-filled tyres. This leads to an increase in the size of the contact patch to a great extent. This reduces grip on roads and increases fuel consumption.

3. Enhances Tyre Durability

Natural air contains an amount of water vapour in it, and this, in turn, can lead to the formation of rust and corrosion in the tyres. Moreover, the corrosion rate increases when the tyre is inflated with natural air. This results in the tyres becoming less durable, and one might need to change them sooner.

However, with the use of nitrogen in tyres, these issues like rust and corrosion do not come into the scene. Thus, the need for changing tyres does not occur in a short time, and it is good for both the tyres and pockets of car owners.

4. Offers Better Safety

Another advantage of filling nitrogen in tyres is that it makes the tyres safe for driving in all road conditions, be it dry or wet conditions or be it any weather condition- cold or warm. These tyres ensure consistent performance throughout any road condition. If one drives a car mostly on the highways, one must get it filled with nitrogen. One is sure to experience a better driving experience and better riding quality.

5. Improves Ride Quality

When it comes to maintaining tyre pressure, nitrogen tyres are more effective than compressed air-filled tyres. This provides a better driving experience because when the tyre pressure is within an optimal range, it ensures the tyres can absorb shocks and undulations better. The benefit of nitrogen air in tyres is it makes driving over highways and having long journeys smoother and easier.

6. Operates in High Temperatures

In nitrogen-inflated tyres, the tyre pressure does not increase with high temperatures. These tyres offer a stable tyre pressure range despite the tyre temperature. So, car owners do not need to worry about the tyres bursting in extremely high temperatures and can drive safely.

Also, since nitrogen is more stable than natural air, the temperature rise in nitrogen tyres remains moderate during the heat cycle. This, in turn, increases the life of tyres.

Nitrogen Vs Standard Air: Which Is Better For Tyres

Now that individuals know the benefits of nitrogen tyres, one must also know which one would be better for his/her car. Here is a comparison table to help one understand which is better for one's car tyres- Nitrogen or standard air.

Parameters Standard Air Nitrogen
Availability Available easily at all tyre retailer shops, fuel stations and tyre dealers. It might not be available very easily everywhere.
Tyre temperature Tyre may gain higher temperature than nitrogen-filled ones during heat cycle Maintains cooler temperature of tyres than standard air tyres during heat cycle
Loss of Tyre pressure The rate of loss of tyre pressure in standard air tyres is somewhat the same as nitrogen-filled tyres. Thus, it is often insignificant for one to notice the difference. Due to nitrogen molecules being greater in size than normal air molecules, the tyres retain pressure for a much longer time. The loss of tyre pressure takes place at a very slow rate.
Tyre wear Since the tyre pressure range in these tyres is unstable and retains a certain amount of moisture, it can cause oxidation which might lead to rusting of tyres. Thus, the tyre wear rate is high. The tyre wear is minimal and slow due to the absence of moisture in these tyres, and it also maintains a stable pressure.
Tyre maintenance It is easy to maintain as one can find normal air filling stations everywhere. It is a bit tricky to maintain because if one cannot locate a nitrogen filling station, one cannot mix it with standard air.
Safety Since the chance of tyre explosion is high, it is not as safe as nitrogen-filled tyres. It is safer than standard air-filled tyres since explosion chances are low.
Cost of inflation Low/nil High

How Safe Are Nitrogen Filled Tyres?

When it comes to nitrogen, it is non-flammable, non-combustible and non-corrosive in its pure form and eco-friendly. Moreover, it does not oxidise or attack the rubber of the tyre from the inside as natural air does. Since it is a pure gas, it also does not retain moisture, and the tyres run cooler.

Moreover, nitrogen-filled tyres do not contain any water vapour in them; thus, it does not accelerate rust, damage or corrosion to the wheels and also maintains tyre pressure. Due to the very little presence of water vapour in these tyres, no heat is absorbed and turned into vapour from liquid. This, in turn, saves the tyre from getting inflated with wet air and creates fluctuations in tyre pressure.

Many tyre brands such as The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Company of USA and Michelin USA support the usage of nitrogen due to its ability to retain pressure for a long time.

So, this is all for the benefits of nitrogen tyres. Overall, nitrogen tyres can be a better choice for one’s car if one looks at the safety and durability and performance of these tyres. Although it is a bit difficult to maintain and costlier than standard air tyres, it will benefit one in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are nitrogen tyres a good option in terms of affordability?

Before, filling nitrogen in tyres was rare because it was too expensive. However, it has been made affordable after many stations have introduced various equipment to facilitate this process.

What is the general average life of nitrogen tyres?

You can expect a well-maintained nitrogen tyre to last three to four months. Here we refer to those tyres filled with air that lose up to 1.5 psi each month.