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Reasons for a Car Breakdown and Ways to Avoid It

Nobody wants to be stuck in the middle of a road on the busy streets of India and cause more commotion while driving their car. Car breakdowns are common if the owner does not frequently take his or her car for servicing. Breakdowns are usually a sign of your vehicle reaching its limits. However, car owners can easily avoid it if they take precautions. For this, one needs to know the reasons for a car breakdown.

What Are the Reasons for a Car Breakdown?

Breakdowns can be extremely stressful for owners, especially if they need to get somewhere immediately. Here are some common reasons for a car to breakdown:

1. Dead or Faulty Battery

It is one of the most common causes for a vehicle to break down. A dead car battery makes it difficult for a driver to start a car's engine, and a driver will find himself stuck in the same place where he or she has parked the car. Typically, an average car's battery lasts up to 3-5 years. However, this battery lifespan might shorten if the owner lives in an extremely hot or cold place.

Individuals need to take their car to a mechanic every 3 years so that they can check it. Moreover, a few warning signs of a car battery failing include dim cabin lights, headlights, and power windows reacting slowly.

2. Engine Issues

A car's engine is its heart that helps in its proper functioning. Car owners should not compromise on the functioning of their car's engine and get it checked frequently. Some common issues related to car engine failure include:

  • Failing oil pump
  • Debris and oil deposits
  • Poor lubrication
  • Inadequate fuel and air compression
  • Blocked engine radiators
  • Leaking engine coolant
  • Damaged oxygen sensors
  • Prolonged engine detonation
  • Aged spark plugs

These reasons can lead a car engine to get overheated while driving. Eventually, it will lead to your car breaking down in the middle of the road.

3. Faulty Alternator

An alternator is important because it recharges a car's battery from the power that it takes from its engine. In addition, it also provides power to the entire car's other electrical components. If the alternator becomes faulty, it will cause issues for the battery and the car's other electrical components. If, while driving, an individual sees that their car's ignition warning light is coming on and the engine temperature has risen quickly, then the belt that drives the alternator is broken.

4. Damaged Tyre & Wheels

We often associate car breakdowns with flat tyres. Facing a punctured/flat tyre is a common cause of car breakdowns. A major reason for tyre failure is under-inflation which causes the tyres to overheat. Moreover, if an individual notices that their car tyres frequently require air, it has a valve problem or a slow puncture. As a result, you should get your car's tyre pressure and tread checked regularly. Before taking it out for a drive, one should also look for any damage to the car tyre's walls.

5. Electrical Issues

The more advanced and loaded a car's features, the more electrical problems start occurring in those cars. These electrical problems are hard to detect and cannot be fixed in the middle of the road. Electrical short circuits can drain the car battery's life. Moreover, to check the short circuit mechanics, first need to identify the circuit's problems and then fix the leaking current. So, to avoid car breakdown due to electrical problems, one must get their cars checked beforehand.

6. Starter Motor Problem

These are signs of starter motor problems if individuals notice a screeching sound while turning on the engine or a simple click. However, a click sound can also be a sign of faulty batteries. Starter motor problem comes with no deadlines, but it can run without any problems for 2,00,000 km. However, it will start showing problems after travelling 3,00,000 km. There isn't much a car owner can do to prevent this from happening except for taking preventive measures like taking the vehicle for service on time.

7. Damaged Clutch Wire

It is known that manual cars rely on a clutch for running and transmission. If any damage is caused to the clutch, it will affect a vehicle's overall performance, and if the wire is broken, the car will stop running. Some signs that points towards clutch damage are:

  • When changing gears, you feel a grind between each gear.
  • One can visibly notice the clutch pedal at a higher spot when in a resting position.
  • The way the clutch feels when a driver presses the pedal changes.

8. Brake Problems

If your brake pedal does not respond to you the way it normally does, then surely there is a problem with the car's brake system. Moreover, if it takes a lot of effort to get the brakes to engage when the driver presses on the vehicle, one should immediately call for help or get the car towed to the nearest service station. Other brake problems include steering wheel shimmy when pressed on the brake pedals or vehicle pulls to one side when brakes are applied.

9. Fuel Problems

It is always wise to fill your car fuel tank to the brim while travelling via a road over a long distance. Your car can break down if it is low on fuel, and without fuel, your vehicle will not move even an inch because it is the fuel that powers the engine. Another common issue includes feeling the car fuel tank with the wrong fuel. If you have poured the wrong engine oil into your car, it is advisable not to move even an inch as it can damage the engine. Some fuel-related issues include filing the fuel tank up to the wrong levels.

10. Lost Car Keys

Losing your car keys is one of the most common causes of car breakdown. You can lock your car keys inside your vehicle or drop them on the streets. These days, most cars contain a microchip, making it difficult for the owners to replace the lost key as the microchip protects the vehicle from getting stolen. If you lose your car keys, there is a high chance that your car will remain stuck where you had parked it previously for quite some time before you can find a spare key.

How to Prevent Your Car From Breaking Down?

Now that you know all the common reasons for a car breakdown, you should know about some preventive measures. So here are a few tips that you can follow to stop your car from breaking down:

1. Keep your car's engine oil topped up

Engine oil is imperative for your car to function properly. It stops build-up of heat and friction within the engine and permits moving parts to work properly. While driving, if you see your engine oil light coming up, stop and park to the side to check underneath the car. If you see any liquid dripping down, you must stop driving as your car can break at any time. Further, you need to get your car towed to the nearest service station. However, if you see no liquid dripping, drive to the nearest garage and top up your engine oil.

2. Remove all unnecessary weights from your car

While going out on a road trip can be very exciting, one must remember not to overload the vehicle as it will cause irreversible damage to the car. Most people don't understand the amount of pressure they are putting on their car with luggage and passengers. Overloading causes unnecessary pressure on the mechanical parts like struts and rear shocks of the vehicle.

3. Ensure adequate fluid levels

As a car owner, you must ensure that all car fluids are up to the mark. All vehicles require optimum fluid intake to function and move smoothly. Most mechanical parts of a vehicle require frequent fluid top-ups to avoid friction and overheating. This allows all the movable parts to function effortlessly. Car owners must maintain the right brake fluids, coolant and engine oil to keep their car fluid levels adequate.

4. Do not delay car servicing

If individuals get their cars regularly serviced, they will not have to go through any of the causes mentioned above that lead to a car breaking down. However, if the car owner delays or misses out on services, he or she only puts the car in danger. However, if the alternator tears down, the battery will not be charged as the alternator takes power from the engine. The battery will also malfunction if it does not receive the power on time. The car owner will have to pay for all the malfunctioning spare parts.

5. Drive carefully

A car owner's driving habits can directly impact their car and car parts' health. Drivers must avoid hard start and stops, and riding their car's clutch, as it will wear down the rotors and brake pads. Another grave mistake drivers tend to make is applying brakes while driving downhill. It causes heat to build up in a car’s braking system and causes significant damage.

In addition, to all these preventive measures, car owners can opt for a breakdown insurance cover. It will come in handy if your vehicle breaks down in the middle of the road; then insurance will cover all car servicing expenses and even contact the insurer's service centre. Moreover, one can also be in touch with service stations that provide mobile services. Hopefully, the reasons for a car breakdown and the various ways one can avoid it will give you an insight into how to maintain your vehicle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a car breakdown?

A car breakdown is a motor vehicle's electrical or mechanical failure. It happens so that it stops the car from operating or makes conditions dangerous for a car to move.

At what mileage do cars break down?

If one keeps their vehicle well maintained and periodically takes it for servicing, then one can push the car well over 2,00,000 miles.