Indian citizens, both corporates and non-corporates, can file TDS challan 281 before making a transaction of a specified category.
Want to know the online filing of income tax challan 281? If yes, keep scrolling.
Here is the following procedure to file TDS Challan 281 online -
Step 1: Visit the official income tax e-filing website.Income tax e-filing website. Click on ‘e-Pay Taxes’. Enter your TAN and mobile number to continue. Proceed with "Challan No. /ITNS 281".
Step 2: This step includes filling up the details of the deductee. This means on whose behalf you are making a payment. You can make a separate payment for-
- Company Deductees
- Non-Company Deductees
Step 3: Choose from either option under types of payment -
- Payable amount of TDS or TCS by a taxpayer
- Regular assessment of TDS or TCS
Also, select the payment category and mode, that is, debit card or net banking.
Step 4: Verify all the details in the challan generated and make the payment using a payment method. Download the challan receipt after successful completion of payment.
Once submitting the details, a page redirects to a bank portal. Once you complete the transaction, a challan counterfoil will be generated. This is how to generate TDS challan 281.
To file the same offline, follow the simple steps:
Step 1: Calculate the total TDS payables based on the payment and deductee type. You must also calculate the applicable interest rate, if any.
Step 2: Follow the same method described above. But select ‘Over The Counter’ as your payment method.
Step 3: Take a printout of the challan generated by the website after you fill in the relevant information. If you are wondering how to fill TDS Challan 281, take a look -
- Write your TAN or Tax Deduction Account Number, name, contact details, address and payment type. Additionally, don't forget to specify the correct deductees – company or non-company.
- Fill in the payment details such as income tax, surcharge, penalty, and other important information.
- Mention the payable amount, cheque number, and bank's name. Write the assessment year as well.
Step 4: Visit your nearest bank and submit the duly filled form along with the payable TDS.
Step 5: Once you submit, the bank will issue a stamped receipt as proof of payment.