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How to Change a Bike Tyres in 10 Simple Steps?

It is ideally recommended to replace your bike tyre within 5 years of its manufacturing. However, you may encounter severe damage after a long road trip and want to change it yourself even earlier.

In such a case, you must essentially keep in mind the proper techniques to remove and install a tyre. Using inappropriate methods can not only damage your motorcycle but also cause trouble later on. Therefore, you need to know the following techniques if you are wondering how to change bike tyres.

Step-by-Step Process to Change Bike Tyres

Thinking about how to replace bike tyres? You can simply follow these 10 easy steps to replace your bike tyre effortlessly:

Step 1: Detach the Wheel From Your Motorcycle

The first step is to lift your bike’s end to raise its wheel off the ground and remove its axel by using a socket. Then unleash its chain and take out its brake calliper. Lastly, put its axel back to grasp the calliper’s position.

Step 2: Remove the Schrader Valve and Let the Air Escape

The Schrader valve plays an essential role in filling and keeping your bike tyres' air pressure. Therefore, letting the air completely out of the tyre makes your job easy to replace it. You must use a valve core tool to screw or snap into the valve to keep it exposed. Make sure to hold this tool tightly as the leaking air is generally quite strong.

Step 3: Mark Your Wheel’s Spin Direction

Draw an arrow with a marker at the outer edge of your bike’s rim to denote your wheel’s spinning direction. Make sure to use a permanent marker as it may fade due to lube spray during the following steps. This step is essential as you need to put a new wheel in the same spinning direction. It is a very small but essential step if you are figuring out how to change bike tyres.

Step 4: Break Your Bike Tyre’s Bead

The bead is your bike tyre’s inner edge that meets the wheel's rim. Use a bead breaking tool to insert it between the wheel rim and tyre and start moving it around its bead. Spray silicone lubricant or a soap and water mixture to ensure it does not stick back. Next, flip your wheel and repeat this process on its other side. You can also use a C clamp to push out the beads.

Step 5: Lift Your Bike’s Tyre off the Rim

You must need at least 2 tyre levers or spoons to raise the bead and remove it from the rim. These tyre levers or spoons are nothing but metal tubes. Carefully shove one lever under the bead and push it down to pull out your bike tyre. Next, insert another lever a few inches away from the first spoon and keep it in its place. Then remove the first lever and move it slightly away from its first position. Do the same with the second rim and repeat this whole thing on the opposite side until your bike tyre completely separates from the rim.

Step 6: Clean and Lubricate the New Tyre and Inside of the Rim

This is another essential step to replace bike tyres. Clean the rim’s inner part to ensure there is no leftover debris. In addition, coat your new tyre’s boundary with bead lubricant. You can also use any hand soap or sanitiser as they work the same.

Step 7: Place That New Tyre on Your Bike’s Rim

Place that new tyre on the rim, matching the spinning direction you marked previously. You also need to be careful about a red dot on your bike’s tyre that you must locate beside the valve stem. These aspects are essential to ensure all your further hard work does not go to waste.

Step 8: Attach One Side of Your Bike’s Tyre on the Rim

If you are thinking about how to change bike tyres and place a new one, this step is essential. Squeeze and shove your tyre under one side of the rim using the tyre spoons. Then flip your bike’s wheel and repeat the same process on the rim’s other side.

Step 9: Inflate Your Tyre and Reinstall the Valve Stem

Start filling your tyre with some air but not completely inflating it until you hear a popping sound. You can always use a Breezer tool to push the bead in if you miss that “pop” while inflating your bike’s tyre. After that, reinsert your valve stem and tighten it again in its place. Finally, you can inflate this tyre completely with the recommended air pressure until it fits across the rim.

Step 10: Re-mount the Wheel onto the Motorcycle

Lastly, remount the wheel following your user’s manual and check your motorcycle tyre’s air pressure once again. Also, align both the wheels with each other, adjust the chain tension and tighten every fastener on your vehicle.

What Are the Things You Will Need to Change a Bike Tyre?

Following are the things you will need to change a bike tyre:

  • Valve core tool
  • Bead breaker
  • 2 C-clamps (optional)
  • Tyre irons or spoons
  • Silicone lubricant spray
  • Breezer tyre tool
  • Air pump compressor

Things That Do Not Come With Your Vehicle but Are Useful While Changing a Flat Tyre

The following things do not come with your bike but are essential to change a flat tyre:

  • Gloves
  • Waterproof attire
  • Wheel wedges
  • Working flashlight
  • Flat wooden board

What Are the Do’s and Don'ts of Changing a Bike Tyre?


You must consider the following things if you are thinking about how to change bike tyres:

Do’s of Bike Tyre Replacement Don’ts of Bike Tyre Replacement
Make sure to remove the wheel and let all air out from your bike’s tyre before starting with any further step. Do not inflate your bike tyre before fixing the bead properly.
Do not forget to spray lube to your bike tyres after each step. It is recommended to change both bike tyres simultaneously. Avoid using the wrong type of lube.
Make sure to air your motorbike’s tyre up till its right PSI (pounds per square inch). Do not use lubricant before cleaning your bike tyres and chain.
Tighten all the screws properly Avoid messing up with wheel alignment.

Now you know how to change bike tyres successfully with these 10 essential steps. From detaching the wheel to remounting it, the whole process can take half an hour on average. However, you can definitely check some additional steps if you feel essential accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it affect my ride if the wheels are not balanced after a tyre change?

Yes, poorly balanced wheels will definitely cause you an uncomfortable ride and risk feeling a vibration throughout. In addition, you may experience a buzz in your hand or the feeling of riding a hastily prepared vehicle.

Yes, poorly balanced wheels will definitely cause you an uncomfortable ride and risk feeling a vibration throughout. In addition, you may experience a buzz in your hand or the feeling of riding a hastily prepared vehicle.

How long can it take to change a motorcycle tyre?

Changing a motorcycle tyre takes nearly half an hour or a little more, depending on the tyre fitter's efficiency.

Changing a motorcycle tyre takes nearly half an hour or a little more, depending on the tyre fitter's efficiency.