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Diseases Caused by Stress: Types, Symptoms & Treatment

Stress and illness share a complex relationship. The susceptibility to stress is indicative and varies from person to person, irrespective of sex and age. Among the factors that trigger anxiety or tension include personality, genetic vulnerability, social support and coping mechanisms. Stress for a prolonged period makes human bodies anxious. However, when the body fails to restore equilibrium, the immune system gets adversely affected. Under such conditions, vital bodily processes are disrupted, and the body becomes susceptible to diseases caused by stress.

What Diseases Are Caused by Stress?

While short term stress enhances immunity, chronic stress manifests diseases. Chronic stress increases catecholamine and suppresses T cell levels. This weakens the immune system and attracts viral infections.

10 Diseases Caused by Stress

1. Cardiac Complications

Experts suspect that stress is one of the prime reasons behind high blood pressure and heart conditions. It negatively impacts heart rate and blood flow that eventually releases triglycerides and cholesterol into the bloodstream. Stress also invokes harmful habits like smoking, directly linked to heart disorders. Moreover, chronic stress accelerates plaque build-up in the arteries, leading to atherosclerosis due to a high-fat diet and sedentary lifestyle.

However, the correlation between stress and psychiatric conditions overpowers the relation between stress and physical illness.

2. Anxiety and Depression

The strong bond between stress and psychiatric disorder severely impacts neuroses that lead to depression and, in worse cases, schizophrenia. Besides, unresolved tension makes a person vulnerable and manifests nervousness and fear, resulting in anxiety or panic attacks.

Note: Mental health is equally important as physical health. Therefore, these conditions should be brought to the attention of professionals at the earliest opportunity.

3. Asthma

Stress releases histamine that causes severe broncho-constriction and asthma. Further, mental pressure is unhealthy for individuals with asthma, especially if someone is exposed to air pollution.

4. Diabetes

People who overstress adopt unhealthy lifestyles, including excessive drinking, overeating, starving and others. These habits raise blood glucose levels, which is pernicious for type 2 diabetic patients. Additionally, as stress interrupts insulin needs, it increases the chances of diabetes mellitus among overweight individuals.

5. Obesity

Another disease caused by stress is obesity. When a person is under constant pressure, the hypothalamus sends a series of signals to secrete the cortisol hormone. High cortisol secretion leads to fat deposition in the abdomen, leading to obesity.

6. Migraine

Human bodies react to stressful events by releasing chemicals responsible for physical changes in the blood vessels. This reaction brings on migraine pain and severe headaches.

7. Alzheimer’s Disease

Researchers in Australia claim in a study that chronic stress is a potential reason behind Alzheimer’s disease. This could be to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis response.

8. Gastrointestinal Complication

Some GI diseases caused by tension or stress are chronic heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) due to alteration in stomach acid concentration.

9. Insomnia

Psychological stress interrupts sleep patterns and often causes insomnia, and by the same token, sleeplessness contributes to stress.

10. Tumour

Stress is also correlated with tumour development. It also suppresses natural killer (NK) cells that actively prevent metastasis by destroying small metastases.

What Are the Symptoms of Stress?

Stress impacts all bodily functions, including emotions, behaviour, analytic skills and physical aspects. 

An individual suffering from stress may experience the following symptoms.

Emotional Symptoms of Stress

  • Low self-esteem
  • Getting easily agitated, frustrated or suffering from unusual mood swings
  • Feeling overwhelmed like losing control
  • Difficulties in relaxing and calming the mind
  • Isolating oneself

Cognitive Symptoms of Stress

  • Excessive tension
  • Racing thoughts
  • Disorganised and failing to remember
  • Lacks judgemental skills
  • Unable to focus
  • Pessimistic

Physical Symptoms of Stress

  • Weakness
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Indigestion, constipation, nausea and diarrhoea
  • Muscle tension and pain
  • Chest pain and irregular heartbeat 
  • Reduced sex desire or ability
  • Repeated infections and colds
  • Ringing in the ear, sweaty hands and feet, shaking and nervousness
  • Dry mouth
  • Tight jaws and grinding teeth

Behavioural Symptoms of Stress

  • Overeating or loss of appetite
  • Procrastination
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol, cigarettes or drugs
  • Nail biting, pacing and fidgeting

However, the symptoms are indicative and different people handle stress in different ways. They can be indistinct or due to medical reactions. Therefore, professional guidance is crucial to identify the signs of stress.

5 Effective Tips to Manage Stress

Feeling stressed out, emotional or nervous is a common human trait. Here are some practical and healthy ways to deal with such conditions.

1. Seek Professional Help

Sharing one’s insecurities and worries with others helps in unburdening stress. Individuals can visit a mental health counsellor for professional guidance.

2. Exercise and Yoga

A regular workout regime significantly improves physical health and rejuvenates the mind. Besides, several yoga asanas potentially relieve anxiety and stress.

3. Muscle Relaxation

Stress causes muscle stiffness and headaches. While some stretching exercises relieve muscle pain, a hot bath and whole-body massage equally heal oneself from within.

4. Proper Balanced Diet

Following a healthy diet helps in mood regulation by coping with stress. Fatty fish, vegetables, whole grains, fruits potentially releases tension. Besides, refreshments such as green tea and chamomile tea comprise healing properties vital for rejuvenation.

5. 8-Hours Sleep

Sleep is a potential stress buster. An 8-hour sleep routine will calm the mind and restore the body. It regulates mood, strengthens concentration and improves decision-making and analytical skills.

Apart from these, people suffering from diseases caused by stress should engage in activities to speed up the healing process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the foods that helps to cope with stress?

Salmon, blueberries, yoghurt, oranges, avocado, milk, eggs are among the top stress-buster foods.

What are the basic yoga asanas that helps to relieve stress?

The following yoga asanas are effective to unburden stress.

  • Sukhasana
  • Balasana
  • Paschimottanasana
  • Ananda Balasana
  • Uttanasana