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Complete List of Hospitals under Ayushman Card

What is an Ayushman Card?

Overview of Ayushman Bharat Yojana

List of Hospitals that Accept Ayushman Card

The Ayushman Bharat scheme has made massive empanelment of hospitals in different parts of India, where such hospitals provide free-of-cost health care to people holding the Ayushman Card. Here is a comprehensive list of empanelled hospitals in each state:

State Number of Empanelled Hospitals
Andhra Pradesh  2467
Arunachal Pradesh  50
Assam  353
Bihar  1022
Chandigarh  31
NCT of Delhi  67
Goa  16
Gujarat  2664
Haryana  1236
Himachal Pradesh 378
Jammu and Kashmir  253
Jharkhand  562
Karnataka  3549
Kerala  585
Madhya Pradesh 1052
Maharashtra  1008
Manipur  68
Meghalaya  172
Mizoram  88
Nagaland  76
Odisha  12
Punjab  774
Rajasthan  1904
Sikkim  19
Tamil Nadu 2213
Telangana  1389
Tripura  138
Uttar Pradesh  5798
Uttarakhand  294
Chhattisgarh  1623
West Bengal  42
Puducherry  30
Ladakh  9
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 7
Lakshadweep 5

How to Find the Ayushman Bharat Card Accepted Hospital List Online?

How to Download Ayushman Bharat Hospital List PDF?

Uses and Benefits of Ayushman Card in Hospital

Treatments & Surgeries are Covered Under the Ayushman Bharat Card

FAQs on Ayushman Card Hospital List