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Headlights are one of the most important components of cars. They provide assistance in the dark. The most popularly used headlights are either reflectors or projectors. Reflector headlights have been there since the beginning of car manufacturing. In contrast, projector headlights are fairly modern.
In this article, we will discuss the working principle, features, benefits and disadvantages of reflector headlights in car.
Reflector headlights have always been the standard type of headlights for cars. The apparatus of reflector headlights in automobiles consist of a bulb enclosed in a steel bowl. Reflective mirrors are placed around it to reflect the light produced by the bulb onto the road.
An older type of car reflector headlights is the sealed-beam headlights. The shapes of its light beams produced are based on the lens used in front of them. However, one problem that persists with reflectors is that their casing cannot be easily removed. This makes it very difficult to change a weary bulb.
Both reflector and projector headlights work on the same principle. This is, they use reflectors to disperse light on the road. However, the methods by which they disperse light differ. So first, let us discuss the working principle of reflector headlights.
Reflector headlights in cars are the simplest type of headlights. Its apparatus consists of a bulb surrounded by a reflector situated at the focal point. When the bulb is switched on, the light it produces spreads across the headlight’s surface. The lens in front of these headlights guides the beams and reflects the light upon the road based on its configuration.
Reflector headlights are the most suitable for people who are looking for a budget-friendly and simple option. Read the above sections to know the working, advantages and disadvantages of reflector headlights in cars.