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Best Time to Visit Germany from India

The best time to visit Germany is during the summer season. It lasts from June to September and is the most preferred time of the year for tourists. However, if you want to avoid the peak season rush, you can also consider visiting during the spring or autumn months.

Each time of the year has its season-specific activities, and you can plan your holiday based on what you want to experience. Keep reading to know more.

Best Seasons/Months to Visit Germany

Choosing the best time to visit Germany depends on your preferences for weather, activities, and crowd levels. There are four seasons in which you can plan your holiday to Germany:

Month Average Temperature Description
March-May (Spring Season) 8 to 19 degrees Celsius Blossoming landscapes and mild weather are ideal for exploring cities like Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg. Enjoy outdoor activities and explore beer gardens.

Popular events during this time: Berlin Film Festival, Walpurgis Night, and May Day Celebrations.
June-August (Summer Season) 10 to 24 degrees Celsius Warm weather, perfect for visiting the Baltic Sea beaches, hiking in the Bavarian Alps, and attending music festivals.

Popular events during this time: Berlin Pride, Oktoberfest, and the Rhine in Flames.
September-November (Autumn Season) 1 to 19 degrees Celsius Mild temperatures and stunning fall foliage, ideal for wine tours in the Rhine Valley, cultural festivals, and scenic drives.

Popular events during this time: Oktoberfest (continues through early October), Frankfurt Book Fair, and Berlin Marathon.
December-February (Winter Season) -5 to 5 degrees Celsius Cold weather and heavy snowfall, great for skiing in the Bavarian Alps, Christmas markets, and enjoying winter sports.

Popular events during this time: Christmas Markets, New Year's Eve Celebrations, and Berlinale Film Festival (February).

March-May (Spring Season)

Everything turns green in March. This is when nature blossoms anew in Germany. As temperatures rise, brilliant colours are revealed through flowering plants spread nationwide.

Here are some of the key details you should know about this season when planning for a trip to Germany:

Weather Moderate temperature with occasional showers
Temperature 8°C to 19°C
Season Moderate
Season for Localities International Women's Day, Easter, May Day, Father's Day
Key Highlights
  • Visit Berlin for cultural experiences
  • Enjoy the blooming gardens like Sanssouci Park in Potsdam or the English Garden in Munich
  • Hike in the Black Forest or along the Rhine River

June-August (Summer Season)

In Germany, summer is known for long daylight hours, warm weather and vibrant outdoor festivities. This is the best moment to explore historic locations and experience the country's natural beauty.

Here are some of the key details you should know about this season when planning for a trip to Germany:

Weather Warm to hot temperatures with occasional rain
Temperature 10°C to 24°C
Season Peak
Season for Localities Midsummer festivals, Christopher Street Day (Pride parades), Oktoberfest preparations
Key Highlights
  • Relax at the Baltic Sea or North Sea beaches
  • Attend open-air concerts and festivals
  • Explore castles and picturesque villages

September-November (Autumn Season)

In autumn in Germany, it means cooler weather and stunning foliage, transforming the landscapes into reds, oranges, and yellows. This period offers culinary adventures and cultural discoveries.

Here are some of the key details you should know about this season when planning for a trip to Germany:

Weather Cool temperatures
Temperature 1°C to 19°C
Season Moderate
Season for Localities Oktoberfest, Wine festivals, Halloween
Key Highlights
  • Visit vineyards and wine festivals in regions like the Moselle Valley
  • Experience traditional Oktoberfest celebrations in Munich
  • Explore historic towns amidst autumn foliage

December-February (Winter Season)

In Germany, winter is the Christmas time due to its snow-covered landscapes and places for winter sports. It is a snug period dedicated to tradition and heat.

Here are some of the key details you should know about this season when planning for a trip to Germany:

Weather Cold temperatures with snowfall in some regions
Temperature -5°C to 5°C
Season Off-season
Season for Localities Christmas markets, New Year's Eve, Carnival (Karneval)
Key Highlights
  • Visit Christmas markets in cities like Nuremberg and Dresden
  • Enjoy skiing and snowboarding in the Bavarian Alps
  • Experience traditional winter treats like Gluhwein (mulled wine) and hearty dishes

When to Avoid Visiting Germany?

Each season has its appeal, but certain climatic conditions might affect your travel plans; hence, knowing when not to visit will make your trip enjoyable without any hitches.

Months to Avoid Reason
December to February (Winter Season)
  • During these months, the country experiences cold temperatures ranging from -5°C to 5°C, with even colder conditions in mountainous areas. Snowfall is frequent there, especially in the north and higher-altitude parts, which can stop you from doing outdoor sports activities or touring as a tourist.
  • Despite the festive atmosphere and appeal of winter sports in regions like the Bavarian Alps, fewer tourists venture to Germany during this season unless those who are searching specifically for winter experiences.

Seasonal Travel Costs of Visiting Germany from India

Depending on your time of visit, travelling to Germany from India can be fairly cheap. Here’s a detailed table outlining the average costs of flights and hotels across different seasons:

Season Average Flight Cost Average Hotel Cost per Night Description
Spring (March-May) ₹22,000 - ₹35,000 ₹5,000 - ₹10,000 Moderate season with moderate prices; ideal for exploring cities and enjoying mild weather with blooming flowers.
Summer (June-August) ₹28,000 - ₹45,000 ₹7,000 - ₹12,000 Peak season with higher prices due to increased tourism; perfect for outdoor activities and festivals.
Autumn (September-November) ₹22,000 - ₹38,000 ₹4,500 - ₹9,000 Moderate season with slightly high prices; great for sightseeing and enjoying the vibrant fall foliage.
Winter (December-February) ₹20,000 - ₹30,000 ₹4,000 - ₹8,000 Off-season with the lowest prices; best for winter sports and festive Christmas markets.

Things to Know Before Visiting Germany

Here are a few things that you need to know before visiting Germany:
  • Most supermarkets, malls and retail stores in Germany remain closed on Sundays.
  • Take a note of the transport zones.
  • Keep cash handy in your wallet.
  • Respect the rules and cultural etiquettes.
  • Recycle your waste.

Tips for Travelling in Germany

These are the few tips that you need to keep in mind before you set out to travel to Germany:
  • Do not speak loudly in public
  • Avoid walking in the bike lane
  • Do not jaywalk on the streets
  • Try not to engage anyone in small talk
  • Don’t ask for tap water at restaurants
  • Expect to see nudity if you visit the sauna
  • Keep details of the Indian Embassy handy
  • Purchase an international travel insurance plan

What Phrases You Should Know Before Travelling to Germany?

It is always helpful to know a few local phrases before you visit a foreign country. The phrases you should know before visiting Germany are:

English German
Excuse me Entschuldigung
How are you? Wie geht’s?
Where is the airport/city centre/supermarket? Wo ist der Flughafen/das Stadtzentrum/der Supermarkt?
Yes/No/Maybe Ja/Nein/Vielleicht
Goodbye Auf Wiedersehen/Tschüss
Sorry Tut mir leid
No Problem Kein Problem
Please Bitte
Thank you Danke
You're welcome Gern geschehen
Good morning Guten Morgen
Good night Gute Nacht
My name is... Ich heibe...
How much does it cost? Wie viel kostet das?
Can you help me? Können Sie mir helfen?
I don't understand Ich verstehe nicht
I speak a little German Ich spreche ein wenig Deutsch
Where is the bathroom? Wo ist die Toilette?
I would like... Ich möchte...
Can I have the bill, please? Kann ich bitte die Rechnung haben?
Do you speak English? Sprechen Sie Englisch?
I am lost Ich habe mich verlaufen
I need a doctor Ich brauche einen Arzt
Cheers! Prost!
Enjoy your meal Guten Appetit
What time is it? Wie spät ist es?
Where is the nearest pharmacy? Wo ist die nächste Apotheke?

The words “taxi” and “bank” are the same in both German and English.


Now that you are aware of the best months to visit Germany, you can plan your trip accordingly. However, before you start packing your bags, do remember to buy an international travel insurance policy. It will serve as a backup by providing financial coverage for expenses incurred due to medical emergencies, loss of valuables, flight delays, etc.

FAQs about Best Time to Visit Germany

What is the peak season in Germany?

The peak season in Germany is during summer, from June to August. This is when the weather is warmest, and many festivals and outdoor events occur.

What is the moderate season in Germany?

The moderate seasons in Germany are spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November). The weather is mild and pleasant during these times, making it ideal for outdoor activities and sightseeing.

What is the off-season in Germany?

The off-season in Germany is winter, from December to February. Except for popular Christmas markets, this period sees colder weather with snowfall and fewer tourists.

Is Germany expensive to visit?

Germany can be moderately expensive, with varying accommodation costs, dining choices, and activities. Budget options are available, especially outside major cities.

When to go to Berlin?

The best times to visit Berlin are late spring (May and June) and early autumn (September and October). These months offer pleasant weather, fewer crowds, and ideal city exploration conditions.

Do Indians need a visa for Germany?

Yes, Indians generally need a visa to visit Germany unless they qualify for visa-free entry or are eligible for a specific visa waiver program.

Which month is there snow in Germany?

Snowfall in Germany typically occurs from December to February, with timing and amount varying by region.

Which month is good for Germany?

May and September are generally good months to visit Germany. The weather is pleasant, and there are fewer tourists than during the peak summer season.

Why is Germany worth visiting?

Germany is worth visiting for its rich history, diverse culture, beautiful landscapes, renowned festivals like Oktoberfest, art, music, and scientific contributions.

Is Berlin worth visiting?

Yes, Berlin is worth visiting for its vibrant arts scene, significant historical landmarks such as the Berlin Wall, dynamic nightlife, and multicultural atmosphere.

Is Berlin hot or cold?

In Berlin, summers can be warm, with average highs around 25 to 30°C, while winters are cold, often dropping below freezing with occasional snowfall.

Is it safe to go to Berlin at night?

Yes, Berlin is considered safe at night, especially in tourist areas and well-travelled neighbourhoods.

Is Germany good for nightlife?

Yes, Germany is known for its vibrant nightlife, especially in cities like Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich. There are plenty of bars, clubs, live music venues, and cultural events to enjoy.

What is the speciality of Germany?

Germany is known for specialities such as beer, sausages like bratwurst and currywurst, pretzels, black forest cake, and its efficient engineering and automotive industries.

What is the most visited place in Germany?

Berlin is typically the most visited city in Germany, known for its historical significance, cultural attractions, and vibrant atmosphere.

What is the prettiest place in Germany?

Some of the prettiest places in Germany include the Rhine Valley, the Bavarian Alps, and the Romantic Road towns such as Rothenburg ob der Tauber.

What to buy from Berlin in Germany?

Popular items to buy in Berlin include traditional German handicrafts, local designer goods, Berlin's famous street art, and items from flea markets like Mauerpark.

What foods is Germany famous for?

Germany is famous for foods such as sausages like bratwurst and currywurst, schnitzel, pretzels, black forest cake, beer, and a wide variety of breads and pastries.

What are 5 facts about Germany?

Following are the five facts about Germany:

  • Germany is the most populous country in Europe.
  • Germany is known for its engineering prowess (e.g., Mercedes-Benz, BMW).
  • It is home to the Autobahn (highway system).
  • It has over 1,500 types of sausages.
  • Germany boasts a rich cultural heritage with contributions to philosophy, music, and literature.

Is Germany good for shopping?

Yes, Germany is excellent for shopping, offering a range of options from high-end designer stores to unique local boutiques, especially in cities like Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg.

What are the best dates to travel to Germany?

Late spring (May and June) and early autumn (September and October) are the best times to travel to Germany for pleasant weather and fewer crowds.

How many days are enough in Germany?

Around 7 to 10 days are typically enough to thoroughly explore major cities and regions in Germany, depending on your travel pace and interests.

What is the cheapest time to visit Germany?

The cheapest time to visit Germany is winter (December to February), excluding the peak holiday season around Christmas and New Year's.

What is the hottest month in Germany?

July is usually the hottest month in Germany, with an average temperature of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius varying across regions.

How long is the direct flight to Germany from India?

Direct flights from India to Germany typically range from 8 to 10 hours, depending on the departure city and specific flight route.

Which month is the coldest in Germany?

January is the coldest month in Germany, with a temperature decreasing below freezing point and receiving heavy snowfall.

What is the most expensive time to travel to Germany?

Peak season, from June to August, is the most expensive time to travel to Germany as ticket prices and travel increase.

Is Munich colder than Berlin?

No, in terms of cold, Munich has a higher temperature and is better than Berlin.