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8 Diseases Caused by Obesity & How to Prevent Them

Obesity is a health condition that happens due to the accumulation of excess body fats in a certain part of the body. This condition may lead to several other diseases. 

Continue reading to know what diseases are caused by obesity.

What Are the Diseases Caused by Obesity?

Individuals suffering from obesity have several conditions. Some of the diseases caused by obesity are -

  • Stroke and Heart Diseases: People who are overweight or obese are prone to high cholesterol and high blood pressure. These conditions make an individual more susceptible to heart diseases and stroke.
  • Type 2 Diabetes: It is one of the most common diseases associated with obesity. This happens because of inflammation and an increase in the level of fatty acids.
  • Certain Types of Cancer: Obesity causes cancer such as breast (after menopause), colon, kidney, endometrium and oesophagus.
  • Gallstones and Gallbladder Diseases: These are very common if you have obesity. Ironically, rapid weight loss itself can cause the formation of gallstones. Therefore, consider losing weight at a rate of about one pound per week to avoid gallstones.
  • Osteoarthritis: The extra weight puts additional pressure on the knee joints of individuals and damages the cartilage that protects them. These anomalies gradually cause osteoarthritis.
  • Gout: It is a condition that affects the joints. Gout happens when the uric acid levels in the blood increase and this disease is common for people with obesity.
  • Sleep Apnea: Due to the fat deposit, the upper tract of the respiratory system narrows significantly. Thus, the muscle activities in this region decrease, resulting in sleep apnea.
  • Asthma: According to the American Lung Association, excess accumulation of weight around the abdomen and chest constricts the lungs and makes it difficult to breathe. Therefore, asthma is one of the many diseases due to obesity.

Now that you know about the diseases caused by obesity, let’s move on to the risk factors.

What Are the Factors that Increase the Risk of Obesity Related Diseases?

The risk factors for obesity diseases include –

  • Improper Diet: When you consume more calories than you consume, the risk of obesity increases. Consumptions of processed foods are one of the primary causes of obesity.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle: Not following a proper diet, sleep schedule, exercise, and taking stress can lead to obesity, resulting in several health conditions.
  • Genetics: Genetic mutations are one of the major causes of obesity-related diseases.
  • Medical Conditions: Several conditions lead to weight gain, which slows down metabolism. These conditions include hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, arthritis, hormonal imbalance, polycystic ovary syndrome, Cushing's syndrome and many more. 

Now that individuals have understood the risk factors, let’s find out the preventive measures to be taken in this regard.

What Are the Preventive Measures to Control Diseases Caused by Obesity?

The diseases caused by obesity can be avoided by following the preventive measures for obesity. Let us take a look at how to prevent obesity for kids and adults.

Preventing Obesity for Kids

Following practices can prevent obesity in kids -

  • A study conducted by WHO showed that breastfeeding can lower the chances of obesity in a child by up to 25%.
  • Following a healthy diet regularly.
  • Eating slowly and only when you are hungry.
  • Remove unhealthy foods from the house.
  • Encourage exciting and fun physical activities.
  • Ensure that your kid is getting enough sleep.

Preventing Obesity for Adults

Adults can prevent obesity in the following ways –

  • Limit the consumption of bad fats such as saturated and trans fats
  • Eat less processed and sugary foods.
  • Incorporate adequate amounts of vegetables and fruits into your diet.
  • Eat low glycemic index foods.
  • Engage yourself in daily aerobic activities.
  • Do not take stress unnecessarily. 

People who have psychological conditions like depression, anger, etc., are more likely to get obese or overweight. Therefore, individuals suffering from such issues must exercise, do yoga, or go out for a bicycle ride to keep their minds stress-free. Preventing obesity is the key to avoiding the diseases caused by obesity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the “bad” fats?

Saturated and trans fats are considered "bad" fats as they increase cholesterol levels and the odds of several other associated diseases.

What are some diseases related to obesity?

Some diseases related to obesity include hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart diseases, etc.