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Health Benefits of Naukasana (Boat Pose)

Naukasana is an effective yoga pose helpful for treating physical ailments. It strengthens the lungs, liver, and pancreas and is great for people who want to get rid of additional belly fat.

Keep reading this article to know more about the benefits of Naukasana and how to perform it. You will get a thorough insight!

What Is Naukasana?

The word "Nauka" means "boat" in Sanskrit, and "Asana" means "Posture" or "Seat". Therefore, this pose is known as Naukasana. In Naukasana, our bodies are shaped like boats; hence, it speeds up the blood circulation and oxygen throughout the lower back and abdomen.  Besides, this pose benefits people who want to tone their abs and lose belly fat.

What Are the 10 Health Benefits of Naukasana?

Boat pose is undoubtedly one of the most straightforward and effective yoga out there. Nevertheless, a few of the top advantages of Naukasana are –

1. Rejuvenates Iliopsoas Muscle

Together, Psoas and Iliacus form the Iliopsoas muscle, which acts as the strongest hip flexor. However, most importantly, this body muscle plays a crucial role in standing, moving quickly, and walking. Naukasana rejuvenates the Iliopsoas as it uses all four pairs of abdominal muscles.

2. Invigorates and Tones Abdominal Organs

The boat pose enables the abdominal organs to contract, resulting in toned abdominal organs and revitalising them. Also, stimulated abdominal organs look after digestion, absorption, and excretion. Furthermore, it provides a healthy digestive system by guarding against constipation and acidity while ensuring a robust metabolism.

3. Promotes Weight Loss

With Naukasana, you can get rid of stubborn fat in a better and healthier way. This is because, when you practise the Boat Pose, your abdominal organs are stretched, compressed, and relaxed, which aids in belly fat reduction. However, it is essential to pay close attention to alignment while practising the asana.

4. Strengthens the Muscles

When performing the Naukasana, your feet are hoisted up. The thighs are slanted at a 45-degree angle. Also, the shin is perpendicular to the floor, and the arms are stretched forward.

Since many muscle groups work in unison throughout the body, this asana is strengthened by the combination of motions. Hence, you improve your body from the inside out, giving you a strong appearance.

5. Cures Navel Displacement

According to ancient beliefs, a state in which the navel centre shifts is known as navel displacement. Constipation and appetite loss are frequently associated together with navel displacement. So, to keep it in optimum condition, practise Naukasana. It massages the navel, which aids in curing the issue.

6. Keeps Pancreas, Liver, and Kidneys Healthy

You can regularly practise the boat pose to keep your pancreas, liver, and kidneys in optimum health condition. Also, these three organs extract high stimulation to work at their best while practising the position.

7. Helps Attaining Peaceful Mind

The Naukasana, like the majority of yoga poses, relieves tension and promotes mental peace. Additionally, if your mind is at peace, you can live in the moment, work attentively, and keep your body in good shape.

Other Benefits

  • Regulates sugar level
  • Toughens muscle around shoulder, leg and neck
  • Eases digestion and constipation problems

How to Perform Naukasana?

The steps to perform Naukasana are –

Step 1: Lay flat on your yoga mat to begin, and put your feet together.

Step 2: Keep your arms at your sides. Next, straighten your arms and your fingers and extend them all the way to your toes.

Step 3: Maintain this posture while breathing rhythmically.

Step 4: Exhale deeply, then lift your chest and feet off the ground while extending your arms in the direction of your feet. Note that you will know you are performing it correctly if you feel tightness around your navel. This happens because your abdominal muscles are contracting and creating strain on your belly.

Step 5: Keep a straight line from the eyes to the tips of the toes and fingers.

Step 6: The full weight of your body should be supported by your buttocks.

Step 7: While holding your breath, stay in this position for 10 to 15 seconds. After that, extend the time if you feel comfortable, which comes with practice.

Step 8: Finally, as you release this pose and return to your starting position, breathe slowly.

What Are the 4 Tips for Practising Naukasana?

The following are some tips to better your Naukasana posture:

  • Practice Other Asanas: The forward bend in Paschimottanasana, which aids in loosening the muscles, can be practised before Naukasana. In this regard, keep your legs and hips loose rather than tense as you would in the actual practice of this pose.
  • Make a Right Angle: Your torso and legs should form a 90-degree angle while sitting upright in the staff pose.
  • Align your Chest and Shoulder: Keep your chest open and shoulder blades down away from your ears. Also, remember not to let your shoulder round forwards.
  • Maintain Correct Leg Posture: Your legs should be straight and your inner thighs engaged. Also, keep your feet pointed.

What Are the Precautions and Contraindications of Naukasana?

Although Boat pose is safe, but while performing it, you may take necessary precautionary measures if –

1. You Have Physical Discomfort

Naukasana is a workout for strengthening the core, so people with weak shoulders, ankles, or knee joints should not perform it.

Beginners with balance issues or who experience vertigo must avoid this asana. Additionally, those who experience severe back discomfort or who are aware of their breathlessness should prevent it. This is because the only way to create alignment and balance is through this particular combination.

2. You Have Injury

Naukasana can be challenging for some as it necessitates muscle and joint engagement across the body in order to perform the pose. The hips, knees, ankles, toes, rib cage, shoulders, and neck are all necessary to function properly to execute the posture.

3. Sensitive Cases

To be on the safer side, seniors, expectant women, and young children should avoid this asana. This is because the required core strength for this pose is not present in the elderly or young children, so there is a possibility of injury.

Also, in most cases, spines are fragile. Hence, balancing on the sit bones may also be more harmful than beneficial. Additionally, pregnant women should avoid this posture due to the pressure on the abdomen and the inability to balance on the sit bone with the weight.

Other conditions where you should avoid performing Naukasana are–

  • Low blood pressure
  • Asthma
  • Heart problem
  • Headache or migraine
  • Spinal problem

What Are the Easy Modifications of Naukasana?

To simply perform naukasana, you can opt for these simple modifications –

  • Bend the Knee: If the legs still need to be strengthened, bend your knees while slowly attempting to perform the posture. This way, the hamstrings and quadriceps will gradually strengthen if the knees are kept bent.
  • Take the Help of Finger or Block: In case maintaining your balance is uncomfortable, you can put your hands or the tips of your fingers on the floor. Additionally, you can also place yoga blocks next to you, with the palms resting on them, as it is a fantastic support to keep your balance.
  • Use Yoga Straps: If you are looking to get some confidence, use yoga straps over the feet and a lean back of the torso.
  • Place a Blanket: Placing blankets beneath your hips would provide sufficient support for the sit bones to let you go further into the pose. Doing so could eventually help you perfect the true posture without support.
  • Take a Wall’s Support: Using the wall as support for the upper back will give the proper body alignment for the position, and you can still benefit from practising it. However, keep in mind that the wall merely supports and that you shouldn't place your entire body weight on it. Also, make sure you aren't too far away from the wall.

It is evident from the above benefits of Naukasana that it is a yoga that can not only make you physically stronger but can also spiritually enlighten you. However, you can consult a yoga instructor if you are naïve in yoga or learn it from professionals. Additionally, avoid it if it becomes strenuous, painful, or you are in the first two days of your menstrual cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Naukasana help in weight loss?

Yes, Naukasana can help you attain a good physical form by shedding some extra fats. It happens when this yoga pose compresses, stretches and relaxes your abdominal muscles during the upward pull.

Can Naukasana help in regulating diabetes?

Yes, performing the boat pose or Naukasana can help regulate blood sugar levels. It does so in two ways. First, by regulating blood circulation in the body, so there is no extra glucose production. Secondly, it calms your mind, so there is no blood rush in your body.