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What is Cardiovascular Exercise: Benefits & Types Explained

Do you feel your heart beating fast once you are on the treadmill? This is followed by an increase in the breathing rate and you start sweating.

Well, this is due to large muscle groups in your arms, legs and hips that have been moving for a long time. This increases the rate of respiration to produce more energy leading to increased breathing and heart rate. Such activities are known as cardiovascular exercises or cardio, in short.

Keep reading to know what cardiovascular exercise is!

What Is Cardiovascular Exercise?

Any exercise that uses aerobic metabolism is known as cardiovascular exercise. These exercises are also known as endurance or aerobic exercise. The reactions in the cells require a large amount of oxygen to produce the energy and carry out the activity. The heart and breathing rates increase, which helps the body use oxygen efficiently. This is why one feels more energized and works out without getting tired quickly.

Apart from increasing the heart rate and breathing rate, cardiovascular exercise also raises the flow of blood throughout the body. This occurs due to the repetitive and rhythmic use of large muscles. Cardio improves heart health, sleep, mental health, weight regulation, mood and metabolism.

What Are the Different Categories of Cardiovascular Exercise?

There are basically three categories of endurance exercises for cardiovascular, high-impact, low-impact and no-impact.

High-impact cardio constitutes those types of exercises where both of your feet are off the ground at some point in the activity. Conversely, low-impact cardio refers to those where one foot always remains on the floor. No-impact cardio is any activity that is performed in water.

List of Cardiovascular Exercises

Some of the most common types of cardiovascular exercises are as follows –

  • Running
  • Brisk Walking
  • Bear crawls
  • Burpees
  • Jogging
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Circuit training
  • Dancing
  • Stair climbing
  • Golfing
  • Hiking
  • Rollerblading
  • Kickboxing
  • Martial arts, etc.

What Are the Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise?

Here are some of the benefits of cardio exercises –

  • Helps in weight loss
  • Heart becomes stronger 
  • Reduces the risk factor of several diseases 
  • Improves capacity of the lungs
  • Boosts energy naturally
  • Improves sleep
  • Strengthens the immune system 

There is no point in sitting around all day. Everyone needs to keep their body moving and active. Cardio can be the best way to treat the body as a temple and remain fit. Moreover, these activities do not require heavy gym equipment and gadgets. Individuals can do cardio anywhere outside and at home as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best endurance exercises for cardiovascular that can be done at home?

Jump rope, jumping jacks, squat jumps, burpees and lunges are cardio exercises that can be done at home.

Which cardiovascular activity burns the most fat?

Running is the fastest way to burn fat per hour.