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Health Benefits of Chakrasana

Yoga has numerous health benefits for people of all ages. It improves strength, balance and flexibility. People, who practise yoga, experience an increase in their energy levels, alertness and a decrease in negative feelings. Good management of stress and promotion of better self-care are some more advantages.

Often, the first thing that comes to mind when someone says yoga is the Chakrasana. It is a flexible exercise that has lots of advantages. Read the following sections to know the benefits of Chakrasana.

What Is a Chakrasana?

Chakrasana, also called Wheel Pose, is a strong back-bending yoga asana. It is a Sanskrit word. The word ‘chakra’ denotes wheel while ‘asana’ means pose. When you practise this asana, you need to bend your body backwards like a wheel. Therefore, another of its names is Wheel Pose.

Chakrasana is also called Urdhya Dhanurasana. When seasoned yoga practitioners perform the Chakrasana pose, their body resembles a rainbow.

What Are the Health Benefits of Chakrasana?

Listed below are the various health benefits of Chakrasana:

  • Improvement of Blood Circulation: Chakrasana makes the heart pump faster, which improves blood circulation in the body. This reduces the risk of cardiac problems and relieves any stress. It also leads to better immunity which further improves health.
  • Spine Flexibility and Strength: Chakrasana significantly strengthens and improves the elasticity of the spine. It builds stamina and strength. The human skeletal frame starts shrinking as we age. Asanas like the Wheel Pose help in maintaining our form and posture.
  • Tones the Abdomen: The benefits of Chakrasana include toning of the core muscles and reduction of fat in the abdomen. Moreover, it reduces the risk of diseases linked to chronic obesity like diabetes, kidney problems and cardiac problems.
  • Addresses Respiratory Disorders: People who suffer from respiratory problems can try Chakrasana. It expands the lungs and improves the intake of oxygen. Additionally, this asana is beneficial for asthmatic people.
  • Stimulates the Endocrine and Nervous System: Practising Chakrasana stimulates the pituitary glands and thyroid. It leads to the secretion of dopamine, the happy hormone. As a result, it gives people more energy and reduces stress and tension in the body.
  • Beneficial for Diabetics: Chakrasana results in a deep stretch that improves different body functions. It has been shown to reduce blood glucose levels which is helpful for patients with type 2 diabetes.
  • Beneficial for Thyroid Disorders: Practising Chakrasana is beneficial for people who suffer from thyroid disorders as well. This is because regular back-bending stimulates the cells in the endocrine system.
  • Improvement of Overall Internal and External Wellbeing: Chakrasana ensures both physical and mental improvement. It works on all the muscles in your body, which strengthens them. It also helps with metabolism and posture and can be used for weight loss. Regular practising of Wheel Pose provides clarity of thought and mental peace.
  • Other Benefits:
    • It improves the strength of the arms, shoulders and wrists.
    • Practising Chakrasana is also good for patients who have osteoporosis and infertility.
    • Additionally, it helps in removing dullness from the mind.

How to Perform a Chakrasana?

Now, it is time to take a look at the Chakrasana procedure.

A step-by-step guide is provided below explaining how to perform this asana:

Step 1: Lie on the ground. Place your feet hip-width apart. Then raise your knees. Your feet should be flat on the floor.

Step 2: Place your arms overhead and bend your elbows. Place the palms on the floor beside your ears. Make sure your fingers are pointing forwards.

Step 3: As you inhale, exert pressure on your palms and legs. Gradually, lift the entire body up to form an arch.

Step 4: Drop your head gently behind. Make sure that your neck is relaxed.

Step 5: Make sure that your body weight is evenly distributed between the four limbs.

Step 6: Stay in that position and focus on your breathing. Gradually lower your back to the ground. Do not lose focus from breathing evenly.

Step 7: Lie down on your back. Remain in that position for a few minutes before moving on to the next asana.

What Are the Tips for Practising Chakrasana?

While Chakrasana is a beneficial asana, beginners might find it difficult to perform it. Here are some tips for Chakrasana for beginners that will make it easier to perform:

1. Perform Chakrasana After a Proper Warm-up

Before performing Chakrasana, prepare your body by doing a few cycles of Surya Namaskar at the beginning. Then proceed to Bhujangasana and Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana. You can also try Setu Bandha Sarvangasana before proceeding to do Chakrasana.

2. Hold the Posture

When you are performing the asanas mentioned above for preparing the body, make sure you hold the poses for a minimum of 15-30 seconds. This will ensure that your back is thoroughly ready to perform this deep back bending. Furthermore, this will reduce the risks of any injury.

3. Proper Supervision Is Essential

If you are a beginner, then the best idea would be to perform this asana under the supervision of a yoga instructor. This will reduce the chances of getting hurt.

4. Do Not Overstretch

It is not a good idea to overstretch your body while performing Chakrasana.

5. Consult a Medical Practitioner if Necessary

If you are suffering from any particular medical condition, consult your doctor before performing deep backbends like Chakrasana. Moreover, if you experience discomfort, talk to your instructor and, if necessary, to your doctor.

What Are the Precautions and Contraindications of Chakrasana?

  • It is essential to keep in mind the following precautions and contraindications to avoid an accident while performing Chakrasana:
  • Make sure you wear comfortable clothes while performing Chakrasana. Light and comfortable cotton clothes are ideal as it helps in easy movements of the body.
  • Do not consume heavy meals for at least 3 hours before performing this asana. Generally, yoga experts recommend practising asanas on an empty stomach.
  • You must prepare your body through subtle exercises and asanas before doing this deep back-bending asana.
  • Perform Chakrasana slowly, and beware of your breathing.
  • Make sure you are well-hydrated before performing yoga.
  • The yoga mat upon which you perform Chakrasana must have a good grip.
  • Additionally, if you are suffering from tendonitis of the wrists or carpal tunnel syndrome, you should not practise this yoga asana.
  • If you are suffering from elbow pains, vertigo, slipped disc, diarrhoea and hernia, you should not perform Chakrasana.
  • Make sure the room you are practising Chakrasana in is well-ventilated.
  • People suffering from spinal injuries or back pain should avoid performing Chakrasana as it might cause stress.
  • If anyone has weak wrists, performing Chakrasana is not a good idea. This asana requires the practitioner to exert pressure on the wrists. So, a weak wrist may cause injuries.
  • Additionally, pregnant women should avoid performing Chakrasana, especially during the later stages of pregnancy.
  • If anyone is suffering from glaucoma or high blood pressure, they may want to avoid this asana.
  • Additionally, if a person has recently undergone cataract surgeries or has a medical history of eye pressure, he or she should avoid Chakrasana.
  • This asana is not ideal for people who are suffering from migraines.
  • People who are suffering from cardiac problems should avoid Chakrasana.
  • Additionally, if a person suffers from cervical injuries or any other form of neck injuries, he or she should avoid Chakrasana.
  • Furthermore, even if someone is fit but lacks the flexibility or confidence to perform Chakrasana, the instructor should not force him/her to do it.

What Are the Easy Modifications for Chakrasana?

You can incorporate the following methods to perform this yoga asana with ease.

  • Wall Support: You can use the wall to support your shoulders and arms. Stand approximately 3 feet away from the wall with chest close and arms on the wall. This will help you gain confidence in performing Chakrasana.
  • Use a Gym Ball: Keep a gym ball on the floor to get into this posture easily. However, ensure that the floor is rough to avoid injuries from slippage.
  • Place Block Below Your Palms: Try out this pose by keeping a block of layers of blankets below the palms for support. This way you will not hurt your neck and shoulders as well.
  • Use a Stool: Keeping a stool of height is another way to provide proper support to your back. You can also use cushions on the stool to ensure your entire back gets rest.
  • Seek Help: For beginners, individuals can seek help from the instructors, friends or any family member to give support for going up. However, ensure your feet and palms are well rooted to avoid injuries.

To sum up, it is time to get on your yoga mat to get the benefits of Chakrasana. This asana, also called Wheel Pose, helps to strengthen muscles, improves blood circulation and has other benefits. However, maintaining consistency in practising is necessary. Furthermore, the tips and precautions mentioned above are also essential.

FAQs About Chakrasana

Does Chakrasana reduce belly fat?

Regularly practising Chakrasana tends to reduce fat in the abdominal area. Furthermore, it would tone the reproductive and digestive organs.

What are the preparatory and follow-up poses for Chakrasana?

Before doing Chakrasana, people should do Surya Namaskar, Virasana, Bhujangasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana and Urdhva Mukha Svanasana. After completing Chakrasana, people should do Ardha Matsyendrasana and Supta Padangusthasana.