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Jogging vs Walking: Which Is Better?

We often end up making New Year’s resolutions of getting slim and end up in gyms, stressing and overworking ourselves. However, we often fail to understand that weight loss and fitness is a journey, and we need to work on it regularly to derive maximum results. A good way to begin your fitness journey is by walking or jogging.

If you are curious to know which one is the best for you when searching for “jogging vs walking”, continue reading.

What Is Jogging?

Running slowly for a prolonged period of time is referred to as jogging as a sort of exercise. It is regarded as one of the best types of aerobic exercise and is essential for preserving general health. However, jogging does carry some risk, just like many other kinds of cardiovascular exercises. As a result, each person needs to be aware of their own limitations.

Jogging is intended to improve endurance and is frequently used as a technique to prepare for other kinds of physical activity. Almost all professional athletes engage in some level of jogging, and many others do so to a lesser extent.

What is Walking?

One of the most often used kinds of exercise is walking. It offers a variety of health advantages and doesn't call for pricey equipment or specialised training. Walking is a pretty simple way to stay active, whether you select a solitary journey outside in the great outdoors, a bustling route on city streets, a treadmill workout, or a few laps around your office building.

Walking is a cardiovascular exercise that makes your heart beat faster. Blood flow is enhanced, and blood pressure may drop as a result. By releasing specific hormones, such as endorphins, and distributing oxygen throughout the body, it aids in boosting energy levels.

What Is the Difference Between Walking and Jogging?

While both these exercises primarily focus on maintaining a healthy weight and improving fitness, there are a few differences between jogging and walking. Knowing it will help you decide better on which one to choose between the two. The following table will help you with this regard.

Parameters Walking Jogging
Impact Low-impact activity in which your one foot will always remain on the ground to help you maintain balance by supporting your weight. High-impact exercise in which both your feet leave the ground while doing it. There is more pressure on your joints when your feet hit the ground.
Intensity Levels Walking is a prime example of moderate aerobic activity. Your heart and respiration rate increases to moderately during this activity. Your heart and respiration rate will speed up to a great extent. Breathing becomes rapid during jogging.
Duration of Exercise Walking is easier and you can be motivated to do it more often. Jogging may make you exhausted quickly and burn you out.
Weight Loss If you are overweight, walking would be a better option for you to lose weight. Jogging will help you lose weight faster.
Risk of Osteoarthritis Walking is a safer exercise, and the risk of injury is less. Jogging is more strenuous, and the risk of injury is more.

Which Is Better Between Jogging and Walking?

Now, one question might come to your mind- jogging or walking, which is better?  However, it is more important for you to know that regular exercising is vital to derive your desired fitness goals.

You can walk or jog indoors, and it totally depends on what you prefer to do more and what your body feels comfortable doing. Everyone has their own personal mechanism and tolerance levels. So, you must try doing both and see which one is more beneficial for you.

While walking is beneficial for some, jogging might be beneficial for others. If you want a steady weight loss while putting less pressure on your joints, you can go walking. However, if you want to lose weight comparatively faster, you can choose jogging.

Benefits of Jogging

Now that you know the differences between jogging and walking, you should also know their benefits. Benefits of jogging are as follows:

  • Improves cardiovascular fitness
  • Builds muscle strength
  • Makes bones stronger
  • Improves muscular endurance
  • Boosts the immunity
  • Helps in weight loss
  • Improves mental health
  • Reduces the risk of developing diseases

Benefits of Walking

The benefits of brisk walking are as follows:

  • Improves cardiovascular fitness
  • Helps lose body fat and maintain weight
  • Strengthens your muscles and bones
  • Reduces stress and tension
  • Increases your energy levels
  • Prevents and manages various health conditions like disease, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer
  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Improves your cognition, memory, sleep and mood

Is it Safe to Indulge in Both Jogging and Walking?

Both jogging and walking are efficient forms of cardiovascular exercise and are the first choice among individuals who want to lose a considerable amount of weight without going to the gym. While one is a low-impact exercise, the other one pushes your body off its limits.

If you are wondering whether you should indulge in both jogging and walking, then the answer is yes. If you have just begun with your exercise routine, then it would be better if you begin with walking. Once you get used to it, you can increase your pace and burn more calories.

After a week or two of walking, you can gradually shift to jogging. However, if you are someone who is above 50 or you suffer from any joint or heart problems, then you should prefer walking. Putting extra pressure on your joints, bones or heart can have adverse effects and worsen your health conditions.

However, remember that only walking or jogging is not enough for you to maintain your weight goals. You should also incorporate a healthy diet and cut down your calorie intake to reach your ideal weight management goal.

How Much Jogging or Walking Is Suitable for a Week?

Involving in any kind of physical activity is important to keep your body moving. Whether you choose jogging or walking, you should know that each week an adult needs 150 minutes of physical activity, according to Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. 

However, this is general information for all and is not specified for any body type of fitness goals. For example, if you are someone who is overweight, you will need more exercise per week to lose weight than someone who maintains a healthy weight already.

The amount of exercise or jogging needed by individuals differ according to their BMIs and capacity. Thus, it would be best if you consult a physical instructor or physician to help you decide exactly how much exercise you should do every week.

That is all when comparing jogging vs walking. Before starting your fitness journey, you should remember that maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for your body. Do as much as you can instead of overworking yourself. If you face severe difficulties while walking or jogging, do consult a doctor before proceeding further.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which exercises will help in strengthening one's legs?

To improve one's leg strength, one must combine walking and running with other forms of aerobic exercises like cycling, swimming and elliptical training. One can also try sports like volleyball and soccer to improve leg strength.

What are some exercises which can replace walking?

If one wants to replace walking with some other exercise, one can try dancing, badminton, running, pilates or playing squash or badminton.