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Top 10 Exercises to Do on a Stepper

The modern generation is health conscious and is trying to get into a better life by leading a healthy life. Hence, to reach the core of a healthy life, exercise is one of the most important things to consider. Stepper aerobics are exercises on high platforms for losing weight and muscle benefits.

The piece will discuss some important exercises to do on a stepper for better health.

What Are the Best Exercises to Do on a Stepper For Beginners?

Beginners can start with the following stepper exercises to get effective results -

1. High Knee March

High knee march is an effective exercise for beginners that can help in proper blood flow and warm-up muscles. The exercise is quite simple and improves heart functioning as well.


The exercise is effective for high muscle strength and active lower body movement. In addition, it improves the function of the core and abdominal muscles. Further, this exercise is beneficial for better cardiovascular permanence.

Who Should Avoid:

People with pain in the ankles, hips or knees should consult a physician before doing this exercise. Physicians can suggest a better way or modify the exercise for them.

2. Box Squat Jump

In this exercise, you must jump from the floor to the elevated surface like a box. Box squat jump is a dominant hip movement that helps to improve the performance of your quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves.


Besides, calorie-burning exercise helps by giving you swift movement and explosiveness. Further, if you are a sports enthusiast, then it will help you to improve your jumping skill.

Who Should Avoid:

If you have any injury and are doing this exercise for the first time, then it is suggested not to proceed further to avoid consequences.

3. Low Step-ups

This is one of the stepper exercises for beginners and also helpful for those with low fitness levels. Further, it is also a good warm-up for more advanced exercises.


The exercise is highly beneficial for strengthening the legs and improving any imbalance. Therefore, it helps in the stabilisation of leg movements.

Who Should Avoid:

Low step-up is a quite basic exercise that is even helpful for novices. However, people with ankle injuries can avoid this.

4. High Knee and Push

This is also one of the exercises to do on a stepper through which you can activate multiple muscles at the same time. These muscles include the triceps, core, chest and quads. Thus, it is beneficial in every aspect.


This exercise can help with improving the functionality of the upper body. In addition, it increases core stability. Further, it acts as a beginner-level push-up variation.

Who Should Avoid:

If you have any pre-existing health issues, you should avoid doing high knee push-ups without consulting a doctor.

5. Centre Hop and Squat

The exercise is considered one of the high-strength aerobics step movements. It is highly effective on the major muscle groups of the body.


Centre hop and squat help to strengthen the lower body and core muscles. In addition, it also helps make the bones strong. Therefore, doing this exercise can get multiple benefits along with calorie burning.

Who Should Avoid:

If you have backache or serious spine injury, you should skip this exercise to avoid further risks.

6. Side Steps and High Kicks

Side steps and high kicks are effective and advanced exercises for fitness enthusiasts. The exercise can be done in the gym as a warm-up, or beginners can do it at home as daily exercise.


This exercise is beneficial for losing calories and improving quads and core muscle performance. In addition, it is also a great cardio workout.

Who Should Avoid:

People with back and leg injuries should avoid this kind of exercise.

7. Lift and Reach

This is also a great stepper workout effective for whole body movement. In addition, the workout is quite beginner-friendly as well.


Along with lower body muscle movement, this exercise is also helpful for the shoulders. Further, it improves the function of the core, glutes and hamstrings.

Who Should Avoid?

If you have a serious back injury, consider consulting a doctor before opting for this exercise.

8. V Step

V step is a very basic stepper based exercise. Therefore, it is helpful for beginners as well. This exercise further enhances lower body performance.


The exercise boosts cardiovascular performance and improves overall fitness by giving extra strength.

Who Should Avoid:

Though this is a very basic kind of exercise, people with ankle injuries can avoid this exercise or consult a doctor before proceeding

9. Charleston

Charleston is one of the most effective exercises to do with a stepper. However, it is also a popular exercise cum dance step that benefits both body and mind. Exercise is beneficial for lower body activity and overall health.


Apart from a full body workout, Charleston exercise effectively boosts positivity in your mind. Therefore, it reduces anxiety and depression also. Further, it improves the blood circulation of the body and improves the functionality of the lower body.

Who Should Avoid:

People with serious back and ankle injuries should consult a doctor before performing this exercise.

10. Grapevine

Grapevine is one of the best stepper exercises for the core muscle and tones glutes and calves.


This aerobic exercise is beneficial for burning calories and improving muscle and heart functionality.

Who Should Avoid:

Grapevine is one of the basic aerobic exercises. Still, as this exercise is related to calf muscles and ankles, people with problems in these areas can skip the exercise until healing.

Important Things to Keep in Mind While Doing Exercises on a Stepper

Stepper aerobics are specifically beneficial for lower body muscle movement. In addition, some of them also work on full body movement and even boost mental freshness. Hence, certain tips can help to get the most out of these exercises. These are -

  • Using a non-slippery step surface
  • Keeping the step height suitable for you
  • Uphold a good posture
  • Take steps gently
  • Not doing exercises with any kind of injury

Therefore, take this guide of exercises to do on a stepper to reduce calories and improve muscle functionality. The exercises are simple, and anyone can perform these with perfection. However, keep in mind the precautions to avoid any harm during exercise.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are stepper exercises good for reducing belly fat?

Stepper exercises work on the lower abdomen movement. Therefore they are effective in reducing belly fat. Furthermore, they can work on reducing extra fat in any lower part of the body.

Can one do step exercises without steps?

Step exercises mainly work on knee movement. Therefore, people with a knee injury can face difficulty in doing these exercises with an uplifted step. In this case, they can exercise without a step to reduce the discomfort.