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14 Best Exercises to Recover From Back Pain

Lower back pain is one of the most common health concerns. People of different age experiences go through this condition due to varied reasons. For instance, some may develop back pain due to an acute disease like pancreatitis or some injury. At the same time, others go through this for not maintaining their posture.

However, you can get relief from this pain by doing exercises for back pain. It is the best and the most convenient method to strengthen the lower back. In addition, these exercises also improve flexibility and motion.

What Are the Symptoms of Back Pain?

Back pain symptoms can either come all of a sudden or emerge gradually. Other than grave medical conditions, posture and daily habits play an important role in developing this pain. People can experience different kinds of back pain depending on how it is caused. Here is a list of symptoms that indicate a person is suffering from back pain.

  • Muscle Stiffness: This is a common condition when people find it difficult to move or straighten their back. In this situation, it becomes difficult for them to stand or even sit upright.
  • Spasms: Spasms are caused as a result of muscle strain. This is an extremely painful symptom, and it restricts every kind of body movement.
  • Crooked Posture: Someone with a bent or crooked posture and misaligned structure might be suffering from back pain. Now that you are aware of the symptoms let's move on to their causes.

What Are the Causes of Back Pain?

There are countless causes that can eventually result in unbearable pain in the back. Some of the common causes include:

  1. Strains on Muscles or Ligament: Muscle strain can result from two situations, either continuous heavy lifting of objects or any sudden movement. However, if someone gets regular muscular strains in the lower back region, it will eventually lead them to suffer from back pain.
  2. Bulging or Ruptured Discs: Discs are like cushions between bones in your spinal cord. These can get ruptured from any accident and press the nerves. Many people continue to live with this condition without feeling any ache. However, you will feel like a push down on the nerve.
  3. Degenerative Disc Disease: This is a kind of condition where the discs shrink or tear. Resulting in the bones getting rubbed. A condition like this is very common in older people.
  4. Inflammation And Wear of the Sacroiliac Joint: The sacroiliac joint is the juncture where the spine connects the pelvis. This joint does not move as much. However, it is responsible for the movement of the upper body. Hence any kind of accident or injury causing inflammation or wearing off this joint can result in tremendous lower back ache.
  5. Spondylolisthesis: A condition when the vertebrae in the spine slip out of place. Those suffering from this situation also encounter lower back aches and leg pain.
  6. Spinal Stenosis: In simpler terms, this is a structural problem. It happens if the spinal column is very narrow for the spinal cord. It results in causing severe sciatic pain in the nerves as well as in the back.

Other than these, there can be some additional causes for back pain, this includes:

  • Vertebral Fractures
  • Arthritis
  • Overweight
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Heavy lifting
  • Slouching while sitting
  • Smoking
  • Wearing high heels
  • Pregnancy
  • Kidney stones
  • Endometriosis
  • Fibromyalgia

What Are the Best Exercises to Recover From Back Pain?

There are two types of back pain relief exercises, one that strengthens the core and the other is stretching. Here are some of the effective and expert approved exercises.

Muscle Strengthening Exercises

1. Glute Bridge

As the name suggests in this strengthening exercise, your aim is to work on the glutes. It helps stabilise and support the lower back and hips. This is how you can do the exercise at home. Lay down with your knees bent and the hips width apart. Keep your arms on the side and palms facing upwards.

Now, tighten the abdominal muscles and squeeze your glutes. Then, lift your pelvis until it forms a straight line through your shoulder. Hold it for a few seconds and then return to the first position. Repeat these steps 10-15 times.

2. Bird-dog

Among the other back pain exercises at home, the bird-dog position is probably the most effective one. Along with working on the glutes, this also impacts the back extensor muscles. This is how one can do the bird-dog pose. At first, kneel and place your hands on the ground. Ensure the shoulders are over your hands and the back is above your knees.

Tighten your core, slowly stretch your right arm, and hold this position. Now, extend the left leg, and stay in this posture for a while. Slowly get back to your resting position. Repeat these steps at least five times.

3. Plank

Although plank primarily works on the abdominal region, it also engages arms, shoulders, flexors, hips and feet. Therefore, planks help do a full-body workout. It is also a great exercise for back pain. Follow these steps to do a plank in the right way.

Start by lying on your stomach with your arms against the floor, and the elbows align with your shoulders. Tighten your gluteal muscles along with your abdominal muscles.

Lift your hips and the knees, and come to a straight position. Stay in this position for 10-30 seconds, or as long as you can, without bending your knees or sagging your pelvis. Slowly lie down and rest for a minute, then repeat five times.

4. Abdominal Drawing-in Manoeuvre

Weaker abdominal muscle is one of the many reasons for back pain. Therefore, by doing this manoeuvre, one can strengthen their core. To do the ADIM at home, you must follow these steps. First, lie down on your back with bent knees and your arms on the side. Ensure the spine is straight. Inhale and pull the belly button.

While exhaling, tighten the abdominal muscles and keep drawing your belly button towards the spine. Stay in this position for at least 10 seconds, then slowly release the muscles. Rest for a few seconds, and then repeat this 10 times.

5. Abdominal Crunches

By doing abdominal crunches, you can develop stronger core muscles. Particularly, experts suggest this exercise to reduce back pain. This is how you can do this. At first, start by lying on your back, knees bent and hips wide apart.

Keep your hands crossed on your chest or reach the sides of your body towards the feet. Now, you need to tighten your abdominal muscles. While exhaling, slowly lift the head as well as the shoulder blades off the floor. Return to your starting position, and repeat this 10-15 times.

6. Pelvic Tilt

This exercise is known for strengthening muscles in the abdominal region. By doing pelvic tilt, you can eventually feel relieved from back pain. You can follow these steps to impact the glutes and hamstrings as well.

Lay down with bent knees and flat feet. Then, ensure to engage your abdominal muscles while laying down. Keep breathing naturally while concentrating on inhaling and exhaling. Release and take deep breaths. Keep doing this in repetitions for some time.

Stretching Exercises

7. Knee-to-chest Stretch

The first stretching exercise you can do to get rid of back pain is the knee-to-chest stretch. This can relieve your back pain tensions and elongate the muscles in your lower back. One must follow these steps to do this stretching. First, lie down with your back. Uplift the right leg and slowly bend the knee to the chest.

Try pulling the knees towards your chest. Hold onto this position for as long as possible, and keep breathing normally. Repeat the same with another leg. Finally, return to your starting position.

8. Modified Seated Side Straddle

This particular exercise is performed to stretch the hamstring, abductors as well as extensor muscles in the middle and lower back. By following these steps, you can do this at your home. At first, sit upright with your legs forming a ‘V’ shape. Bring your left leg to touch the right knee and let the left knee fall out.

Keep your back straight, bend from your hips and reach the toes of the right floor. Round your back, and bring your hands to the right ankle or shin while lowering your head towards the right knee. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, then relax and repeat 5-6 times.

9. Kneeling Back Stretch

This exercise also stretches your back muscles while easing the pain and tension. You can easily do this stretching by following these simple steps. Get to the position in such a way that you are on your hands and knees. Your shoulders must align with your hands and the hips width apart. Pull your belly button to the spine while tilting the lower back towards the floor so that you are making a circle.

Stay in this posture for a while. Gently rock backwards, and lower your hips to bring them closer to the heels while your arms are stretched out. Again, hold this position. Slowly get back to the starting pose and repeat 10-15 times.

10. Piriformis Stretch

One of the best exercises for back pain at home is stretching the piriformis muscles. In addition to reducing back pain, it also strengthens your hips and lowers your back. This is how you should do the stretch.

At first, lie down with your bent knees. Put your right ankle to touch the base of your left thigh. Keep your hands behind your left thigh, and pull them up to the chest. After that, stay in this position for at least a minute. Repeat the same on your other side.

11. Sphinx Stretch

This gentle backbend stretching ensures strengthening of your hips, spinal cord, and chest. Here are the steps to follow for sphinx stretch. Start with lying down on your stomach. Your elbows must be aligned with your shoulders. Your hands must be extended with palms facing the ground. Keep your feet slightly apart.

Lift your upper body and engage the lower back, hips and thighs. Maintain the strength of your back and the abdominal region while focusing on heavy breathing. Your pelvis must stay on the floor. Keep your face straight but your eyes closed. Stay in this position for a minute and repeat these steps.

12. Balasana or Child’s Pose

This posture strengthens your glutes, spinal extensors as well as thigh muscles. Balasana is also one of the best exercises for back pain. It is proven beneficial in loosening tight back muscles and promoting flexibility. These are the steps for doing the child’s pose. While sitting on your knees, extend your hands.

Fold forward, keeping your hands out in front and your belly on the thighs. Move your arms alongside your body. Concentrate on your breathing while relaxing muscle tightness. Hold this position for a minute, then come back to the starting position and relax for 30 seconds before repeating.

13. Ardha Matsyendrasana or Seated Spinal Twist

This classic twist pose stretches your hips, glutes, back, shoulders and neck. The pressure generated from this yoga asana also stimulates certain internal organs. To perform this posture at home, follow these steps. Sit on the floor and keep your legs extended.

Now, bend your left knee and place your foot outside the right thigh. Keep your right arm outside of your left thigh, and support yourself with the left hand behind you. Gently try to twist your body to the left side. Try to stay in this position for a minute. Slowly get back to the starting position and repeat the same for the opposite side.

14. Marjaryasana or Cat-Cow Pose

One of the most effective exercises for back pain is marjaryasana. This posture wakes your spine while stretching from the neck, shoulders to chest. You can follow these steps to do this movement at home. Get on your knees and hands for a tabletop formation.

Push the ground as you tilt your head back while inhaling. Then, exhale, tuck your chin into the chest, and make an arch with your spine. Keep doing this pose with every breath for 1-2 minutes.

How Does Exercising Benefit Back Pain?

As already mentioned, back pain can be caused due to many ailments. This is why doctors generally prescribe exercises to get rid of back pain alongside medicines.

Regular exercising makes your muscles regain flexibility which then results in relieving the tensions and stiffness. Moreover, stretching and doing yoga helps rejuvenate certain hormones and stimulate internal organs. Thus, creating a major impact on your health.

What Are the Exercises to Avoid if Someone Has Back Pain?

Exercises that involve heavy lifting or activities that stress joints can worsen the situation for those with back pain. Here’s a list of such exercises.

  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Step-Aerobics
  • Shoulder Press
  • Exercises with weight overhead
  • Weighted Squats

What Precautions Should a Patient With Back Pain Take While Exercising?

Lying down to subside the pain is the worst decision rather than exercise for back pain relief. Nevertheless, you must be aware of some precautions to take while doing any kind of physical movement for back pain relief. Otherwise, the situation can become dreadful.

Hence people with any kind of back pain condition must take these preventive steps.

  1. Go for gentle stretching so that you don't strain any muscle
  2. Do not skip out on warm-up and cool-down before and after a workout session
  3. Avoid touching toes and sit-ups
  4. Avoid leg-lifting exercises if you have back pain

Doing strengthening and stretching exercises for back pain is a great way to get relief from such acute pain. However, there are other related things one must do to reduce their back ache. This includes healthy eating habits, not smoking, maintaining a good posture, avoiding extra soft mattresses etc.

FAQs About Exercises for Back Pain

Is walking a good form of exercise for back pain?

Walking at a moderate pace is definitely a good exercise for those suffering from chronic lower back pain. It is recommended to walk at least 10-15 minutes daily. Once it eases your pain, you can switch to light exercises to reduce back pain.

How can one differentiate between muscle pain and disc pain?

The disc is located in the lower back, so if you experience a tingling and crippling pain in this region, it is because of the disc. On the other hand, if you feel sore in your back post workout or after a walk, the pain is in your muscles.

Can walking relieve back pain?

Yes. Walking in the correct posture can cure chronic back pain. One should have a neutral pelvic tilt while walking and take care to not lose the position. Furthermore, one should keep in mind to not strike with their heels while walking.