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15 Best Resistance Band Exercises for a Full Body Workout

The most effective and affordable workout equipment you can get is probably resistance bands. Resistance band workouts may provide a nice challenge for your muscles, regardless of your level of fitness, whether you are a novice or well accomplished.

Exercises using resistance bands may appear simple at first glance, but they have significant benefits for your strength training. Hence, if you are looking to train your muscles, a full body resistance band workout might be the right choice.

What Are the Top Full Body Resistance Band Exercises?

Resistance band exercises are some of the best methods to train your full body. So, here is the list of best full body resistance band exercises that you can do to work your full body –


1. Russian Band Twist

A Russian band twist causes escalating resistance, which will effectively work your obliques more than a medicine ball. Simply make sure there is no slack in it while performing it continuously.

  • Place your feet flat on the ground and cross them for this exercise.
  • Then, holding either end with your hands, wrap the resistance band around your feet.
  • After that, turn quickly from side to side while quickly twisting the torso.

2. Band Plank With Row

For executing band plank with row, follow the steps listed below.

  • Start with securing the band to a post.
  • Then, assume a plank position with your glutes and core contracted.
  • After that, by maintaining a flat lower back, reach forward with one arm, grip the handle, and controllably row it to your rib cage and back.

3. Band Horizontal Wood Chop

This is a fantastic functional core workout that shakes your abs and obliques as you rotate through each rep. Here are the steps to execute it.

  • Grab the band’s end with both hands while standing sideways and secure it to a post.
  • Then pull the band across the body while twisting your torso with your arms fully extended.
  • Finally, return to the starting position gradually and safely.


1. Band Chest Press

You may reduce your range of motion and relieve some of the strain on your shoulders by doing your chest press on the floor. The following steps will help you execute it.

  • By holding both grips with your upper arms in contact with the floor, place a resistance band beneath your shoulders.
  • Then, pull the band up with both arms as you extend them until they are straight. Repeat by lowering them back to their initial position.

2. Banded Push-ups

For this exercise, the band should first be wrapped around your back. Then, hold the band firmly with both hands and exercise like you would a typical push-up, but in this case, emphasise strength. Drive your hands into the ground while explosively pushing your body up into full lockout before resuming the starting position.

Back and Shoulders

1. Band Shoulder Press

Whether you use weight or not, this exercise will burn your shoulders, and the continual stress will draw in additional muscular fibres for accelerated growth.

  • Stand on a resistance band and grip the other end with your palms facing forward at shoulder height.
  • Then, set your arms out in front of you shoulder-width apart. Finally, repeat by bringing the band back down.

2. Upright Band Row

Your delts, rhomboids, traps, and even your biceps are worked during the upright band row.

  • Stand on a resistance band and lay your palms on your thighs while holding the grips with the palms facing inward.
  • Then, lift the band toward your chin while maintaining the back straight and your elbows higher than your forearms.
  • Lastly, repeat the original posture to complete the exercise.

3. Band Bent-over Row

Apart from stabilising muscles like your biceps, forearms, and shoulders with the banded bent-over row, you'll target your rhomboids and lats as well. Your posture and spine will be supported, preventing lower back issues.

  • For this, you must keep holding both grips below your knee and lean forward a little while standing on a resistance band.
  • Then, lift the band up towards your upper rib by tightening the muscles in your shoulder blades. Finally, repeat after lowering the band.

4. Band Reverse Fly

Band reverse fly exercise fortifies your rhomboids and balances the muscle in your shoulders to keep them safe from harm.

  • Keep holding a handle by your shins with each hand, and stand on a resistance band.
  • Then, kneel slightly, bringing your back to the floor so that it is parallel.
  • After that, as high as you can, raise your arms to the side. After pausing, raise the band to its initial position, then repeat.


1. Band Hammer Curl

Banded Hammer curls work several stabilising muscles, including your delts and traps, and working your forearms and strengthening your grip. For the execution, follow the steps mentioned here.

  • Ensure that your elbows are tightly positioned against your body.
  • Hold each side while standing on a resistance band with your palms towards your hips.
  • Keep your palm in place as you curl up until your shoulders are just over your thumbs.
  • Then bring it back down to where it was before.

2. Band Tricep Kickback

This isolating exercise puts the focus on your triceps. Here are the steps to execute it.

  • Hold the handle of your resistance band with one hand, palm facing in, and fasten it to something at waist height.
  • Remember that your knees should be slightly bent as you lean forward at the waist to lower your back while maintaining it straight.
  • Then, pull the band behind you using your triceps until your arm is completely stretched. Pause, lower, and then repeat.

3. Band Concentration Curl

Concentration curls let you concentrate on flexing your bicep without using your body's motion, boosting strain on the muscle for higher growth.

  • Firstly, step onto the resistance band while holding one of the handles in your hand and your elbow on your thigh.
  • Then, bend your back slightly as you lean forward. After that, curl the band as far as it will go while keeping your upper arms stationary.
  • Lastly, repeat by lowering it again.

4. Band Bicep Curls

For gaining strength, band bicep curls are an ideal way. Here are its steps.

  • Hold the resistance band with an underhand grip while standing on it, holding it about shoulder-width apart.
  • Then, curl the band so that your forearms are in contact with your biceps and it is parallel to your collarbone.
  • Finally, repeat after lowering.


1. Band Squat

For squats, resistance bands are very effective. This is because you'll be under tension the entire time, and you'll receive more out of each repetition.

  • Place a resistance band under the feet and squat down.
  • Your palms should be facing inward while you hold each handle at the side of your body.
  • Then, pull the band up until it is parallel to your thighs as you push up to straighten your legs.
  • Drop down and do it again.

2. Band Thrusters

Banded thrusters, which combine a squat and an overhead press, offer excellent value. In addition to working your hamstrings, quads, and shoulders, they also raise your heart rate, which improves your fitness.

  • By holding either end of the resistance band with your hands, stand on it with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • As the band descends behind your shoulders, bring your hands to your shoulders.
  • Then, squat down while bracing your core and maintaining your chest up, then explode upwards.
  • After that, push the resistance bands above as you first stand up and then gently drop your arms.

What Are the Different Types of Resistance Bands?

Before starting exercises using resistant bands, it is essential to know their classification for better results. Below mentioned are the 5 types of resistance bands that you can find –

  • Power Resistance Bands or Loop Bands: Power resistance loop bands resemble thick rubber bands in many ways. They are endless flat loops that can serve a number of functions. These can be used for static stretching, full-body exercises, physical therapy, bodyweight resistance, warm-ups, and resistance when combined with free weights. Additionally, you may attach it to a pole or bar for rehabilitation activities that include pulling and pushing. Power loop bands may be utilised for every area of training, whether athletic-focused or bodybuilder-oriented. They are incredibly adaptable, letting you work across all three planes of motion.
  • Rubber Mini-Bands & Fabric Non-Slip Hip Circle Bands: These are similar to Power Resistance Loop Bands but are considerably shorter and broader. You may use these bands to strengthen and stabilise your lower and upper body with certain exercises. Besides this, you can also achieve excellent hip and glute activation by positioning them slightly above your knees or at your ankles. They are also beneficial to use when lifting weights. Moreover, when performing movements like hip thrusts, squats, and leg extensions, mini bands may help you stabilise, engage your core, maintain good form, and get that extra tension and activation in the hips.
  • Tube Resistance Bands With Handles: The tube resistance bans with handles quickly get secured on a pole or bar, and the grips on tube resistance bands are designed to resemble the handles on gym equipment and dumbbell activities. They are ideal for chest presses, back rows, curls, shoulder presses, and other pulling or pressing workouts. Additionally, tube resistance bands are ideal for people who don't have access to a gym or who prefer to work out outside and want something basic and readily portable to work for all muscle groups.
  • Figure 8 Bands: The form of Figure 8 bands is precisely what the name implies. At the top and bottom of the figure-8 form, there are soft handles for grip. They may be stretched as far as necessary to target your upper and lower bodies. Moreover, Figure 8 bands can also be used for lateral movements in a similar way to mini bands. Additionally, resistance bands can mirror workouts that resemble machine and dumbbell exercises. In the lateral and sagittal planes of motion, pulling and pushing workouts benefit most from their utilisation.
  • Light Therapy Resistance Bands: Therapy bands are 'free bands,' which do not loop and can be exceedingly long (up to 7 feet). These are designed for senior persons who desire a very low-impact workout as well as for people who are recovering their strength from an accident. The light therapy resistance bands are very effective when paired with pilates exercises and fat-burning routines since all you need is a little extra resistance to initiate the fat-burning process. Apart from these, they may also be used for dynamic stretching warm-ups and static stretching after a workout. These can also assist you in extending your stretch and enhancing your mobility and range of motion.

What Are the Benefits of Doing Resistance Band Exercises?

Using resistance bands for performing exercises has multifarious advantages. Some of the most notable benefits of resistance band exercises for full body are provided below –

  • Resistance band workouts are ideal for static stretching and cooling down after workouts.
  • These are also beneficial for mobility and warming up.
  • If you are looking to start exercises at home, resistance bands are ideal for you.
  • You may safely do large rep volumes with brief rest intervals between sets while maintaining continual stress on your muscles by using resistance bands for metabolite training.
  • Resistance bands are the perfect tool for weight loss and muscle building.
  • Resistance bands are ideal for plyometric training. If you're exercising alone, anchor the band and start performing resistant box jumps, resisted push-ups, and many more exercises to burn heaps of fat and build lean muscle.
  • Resistance bands are adaptable in terms of their uses and advantages, as well as the range of workouts that may be performed. Frontal, sagittal, and transverse axes of motion can all be struck with bands.
  • Resistance bands may significantly increase the difficulty and entirely alter the dynamics of basic exercises like bench presses, squats, and deadlifts.
  • To help you with bodyweight exercises like dips, pull-ups, and push-ups, as well as many other callisthenics exercises, resistance bands are ideal.
  • Resistance bands are excellent for injury recovery. As with weightlifting, you may use them to strengthen your motions in the first place without putting as much strain on your joints and spine.

Things to Consider For Safety During Resistance Band Exercises

Due to typical wear and tear from use, resistance bands can degrade over time. Hence, they should be regularly inspected to ensure they are in a safe functioning state. Nevertheless, here are a few things to consider for maintaining safety while using resistance band exercises –

  • Never put the grips of the resistance band over your feet. They are simple to remove and hit the user.
  • Full body resistance band training should be started carefully to establish band strength.
  • Never unwind a resistance band while it is still taut. Because a release, when the band is under stress, might force it to snap back toward the user, seriously injuring them.
  • Always check the handles and bands before each usage. Also, don’t forget to examine the band for any signs of weakness, such as nicks, cuts, scratches, cracks, discolouration, or anything similar.
  • Never try to fix a broken band and throw away the band right away if any defects are found.
  • Do not jerk the band.

Irrespective of your present fitness level, a resistance band is a piece of equipment well worth investing in. Also, without placing additional strain on the joints, a full body resistance band workout can target any portion of the body. Resistance band exercises may also be excellent for focusing on those smaller muscles that serve as stabilisers and also for targeting larger muscular groups.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I store my resistance bands?

You should keep resistance bands away from direct sunlight to increase their longevity. Also, they should not be stored outside in cold environments.

What are the two best types of resistance bands that I can use for exercises?

A small loop resistance band and a large loop resistance are the two best types of bands that can be used in multiple exercises.

Can I use cleaning products to wash my resistance bands?

No. Cleaning products can make resistance bands more slippery with time and can also deteriorate strength.