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What is Gomukhasana - Health Benefits, How to Perform & Precautions

A good way to improve body posture is by practising yoga. Gomukhasana is one such posture which stretches the muscles in the chest, knees, ankles and shoulders and helps improve overall body structure. Curious to know more about the benefits of Gomukhasana, then keep scrolling!

What Is a Gomukhasana?

Gomukhasana is commonly known as cow-face posture because the body resembles a cow's face when one forms this position. It is a seated yoga position that aids chest, triceps, shoulders, and arm stretches. In addition, this pose is soothing and helps reduce tension in the hips and shoulders.

It is also the most dependable and efficient way of holistically nourishing and toning the body.

What Are the Health Benefits of Gomukhasana?

The following are the health benefits one can derive by performing this asana.

1. Enhances Posture

Gomukhasana stretches the muscles in the ankles, knees, chest, and shoulders, strengthening them while also enhancing your posture. Nearly all of the body's joints move while performing the asana, which improves blood flow and guarantees the body receives adequate amounts of blood and nutrition. Over time, it helps to avoid injuries to the shoulders, back, chest, and ankles, thereby also improving posture.

2. Cure for Sciatica

Another advantage of Gomukhasana is that it can either alleviate or prevent sciatica pain by lengthening and stretching the spine.

3. Improves Kidney Function

One of the best asanas for supporting the kidney's efficient operation is Gomukhasana. It lessens the development of kidney stones. Additionally, it promotes frequent urination, which helps to wash out all toxins, acids, and other undesirable substances.

4. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Juggling work and personal obligations is a hard part of everyone's life. One of the best poses for de-stressing is Gomukhasana. The ideal mix of physical and mental exercise reduces blood pressure and heart rate, the two main signs of stress.

5. Enhances Sexual Performance

Many yoga teachers advise performing Gomukhasana frequently to maintain a healthy sexual life. This pose tightens our genital organs, which helps them produce sex hormones, boosts blood flow, etc. Additionally, it tones the thighs, calves, and hips, which is vital for sexual performance.

6. Improves Cardiovascular Health

Numerous studies have demonstrated that regular practice of Gomukhasana can enhance cardiovascular health and aid in the prevention of various cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack, stroke, high cholesterol, and others. This is because Gomukhasana helps to open the chest muscles, which enhances blood circulation and lessens the strain on the blood vessels, preventing the buildup of fat and cholesterol in our bodies.

7. Helps to Reduce Diabetes

Practising Gomukhasana daily can enhance the body's ability to produce insulin, which helps to reduce blood sugar absorption, the leading cause of diabetes. Therefore, practising this asana for persons dealing with diabetes is highly beneficial.

How to Perform Gomukhasana?

The following are the steps one needs to follow to perform Gomukhasana. 

Step 1: First, take a seat on the mat with your back straight and legs extended in front of you.

Step 2: Bend your left knee and place your palms on the ground. Raise your body a little and put your left foot below your right hip.

Step 3: Right leg should be folded and placed over the left thigh. Then put your left arm in a folded position behind your back.

Step 4: Stretch your right arm as far as possible until it reaches your left hand by gently crossing it over your right shoulder.

Step 5: At first, you might not be able to join your hands, but with practice, you will be able to.

Step 6: Lean slightly back, open up your chest, and keep your body upright.

Step 7: For a few breaths, maintain this posture. Keep your breathing in mind as you gently return to the starting position.

It is suggested that you hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds while continuously breathing. Then, you can gradually extend the time as you excel.

What Are the Tips for Practising Gomukhasana?

Like any other yoga pose, Gomukhasana involves a few considerations that must be made before performing it. Here are some pointers for performing the Gomukhasana steps properly and maximise your benefits:

  • Beginners may initially find Gomukhasana challenging, particularly placing their legs evenly on the floor. In turn, this makes it challenging to stack legs. To elevate and support your bones, use a blanket.
  • The ideal time to perform Gomukhasana is in the early morning. This is the time when your mind is clear, and your stomach and bowels are empty.
  • To prevent injuries, never begin practising Gomukhasanas before learning the right techniques from a qualified instructor. You can find this information on health apps or at yoga sessions nearby.
  • When beginning Gomukhasana, anyone with stiff shoulders or those who are overweight should hold off on clasping their hands behind their back.
  • If your hands don't lock together in the cow face position, you can use a strap behind your back to keep them together.
  • Between the Gomukhasana steps, never rush. Instead, to reap the most rewards, practise gently and comfortably.
  • To prevent exhaustion and injury, perform a warm-up before practising Gomukhasana and a cool-down afterwards.
  • The use of breath is crucial when performing Gomukhasana. Therefore, to fully benefit, make sure you are conscious of your breathing.
  • Avoid performing Gomukhasana if you have a fever, the flu, or a cold.
  • Avoid performing this asana if you are agitated or anxious to prevent your body from being fatigued.
  • Avoid performing Gomukhasana in a confined area. The area where you do this asana should be tidy and clutter-free. Additionally, it should have good ventilation and be quiet.

What Are the Precautions and Contraindications of Gomukhasana?

Following are several occasions where practising the cow face pose may not be beneficial.

  • Injury and Surgery: Individuals who have had surgery on their internal organs or have recently sustained a knee, hip, hamstring, quadriceps, neck, or shoulder injury should not engage in this activity.
  • Physical Strength and Weakness: It is typically hardest to open the lower body while seated in the outside upper thighs. In order to do revolved Gomukhasana, individuals with tight hips and lower back problems should sit on a pillow or blanket to support their hips.

The practice of the cow face pose expands and activates the body's different meridians and the upper thighs' deeper tissues and ligaments. Additionally, in this position, the pelvic floor muscles are stressed, and the flow of blood to the pelvis is constrained.

What Are the Easy Modifications of Gomukhasana?

Gomukhasana might be difficult for individuals to master at first, So let's find alternate approaches or adjust this position to make it a little more straightforward and uncomplicated. Some of them are as stated.

  • Less strain will be placed on the hips and lower back if a decent blanket is used below the buttocks.
  • Using a block and seating on it will assist in bringing the knees near to the floor, allowing for easier thigh overlapping.
  • Yoga straps or elastic bands can be used between your hands if your elbows are not strong and flexible enough to allow your palms to interlock.
  • Alignment is necessary when performing the Cow Face Pose since balancing the body's two sides is crucial. Gomukhasana is one pose that can help to enhance this balance. Working on the body's weaker side is essential to achieve equilibrium between the two sides.
  • While attempting to hold your palms together behind you, your head shouldn't drop. Ensure your chin is up and in line with your collarbone and chest.
  • Folding one leg at a time without overlapping the thighs can be done slowly. Start the exercise by folding only one leg and one elbow, then progress to the full stance after many repetitions.

So, now that you know the benefits of Gomukhasana, it is clear that practising it with the help of an instructor can improve your mental and physical health. In addition, individuals should remember that a better body posture would boost their confidence. Apart from that, it increases their productivity and reduces the risk of injuries.

FAQs About Gomukhasana

Can menstruating women perform Gomukhasana?

If individuals do not have knee-joint problems, they can perform the Gomukhasana pose and additionally, it can prove soothing to menstruating women.

Name some preparatory poses of Gomukhasana

Before starting Gomukhasana, individuals should perform 10 rounds of Surya namaskar, as it helps open up the arms, lower back and shoulders. Then, one must perform the Baddha Konasana, which will help open up the knees and thighs. Finally, one has to perform the Dhanurasana, which will help in relaxing the shoulders, legs and chest.