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Triangle Pose in Yoga: Variations, Benefits and Tips

There are many different types of yoga poses, and among them is "Trikonasana", or triangle pose, a modern-day yoga posture. The name Trikonasana has been derived from three Sanskrit words— "Tri", "Kona", and "Asana". Tri means three, Kona means angle, and asana is a yoga position.

The three terms in conjunction become "three-angle pose". Let's learn more about the triangle pose in yoga, how to do it, and its benefits.

What Are the Benefits of Trikonasana?

Trikonasana, or Triangle Pose, is one of the first standings poses that you can learn under yoga asanas. Trikonasana can benefit you both physically and mentally. The benefits of triangle pose have been listed down below:

  • Muscles around the ankle, knee and hip get stretched when you do Trikonasana.
  • It boosts the metabolism of the body and helps in digestion as well.
  • Fat around the thighs and tummy area is reduced.
  • Stretching lets the muscles in the chest and the back region open up.
  • It calms the mind and energises the body.
  • Trikonasana is good for kidney functioning as well.
  • Hamstring flexibility is improved, and groin muscles become stronger.
  • It stimulates the nervous system and reduces nerve depression.

How to Perform Trikonasana?

You should start with the triangle posture after you properly understand the ideal method to get into this posture. For this reason, some steps have been listed below that can help you perform Trikonasana perfectly.

Step 1:  Stand straight in the Tadasana position and spread your legs wide apart.

Step 2: Place your right foot at 90 degrees and your left foot at 45 degrees with your arms wide apart. Make sure that the weight distribution on both your legs is equal.

Step 3: Bend your body to the right side downwards and the left hand upwards. Breathing is important. Make sure that you inhale and exhale while going down.

Step 4: Maintain the exact posture with your eyes towards the ceiling.

Step 5: Rest your right hand on your toes or ankle with your left hand upwards towards the ceiling.

Step 6: Maintain this position for around 25 seconds and relax your body.

Step 7: In order to return to the original position, come up while inhaling and bring your arms downwards to the other side.

What Are the Variations of Trikonasana?

Triangle Pose has several variations which can be performed for better practice. It can be beneficial to try other variations that are less challenging and easy to perform if you find any poses difficult. Add the following variations of triangle pose to your routine to elevate your mind and body.

1. Parivrtta Trikonasana

This is a revolved triangle pose. In this, the right-hand reaches the left foot, and the trunk is rotated with strength.

2. Supta Parivrtta Trikonasana

This reclining revolved triangle pose is similar to parivrtta trikonasana, with a minor difference in which the feet are pressed against the wall.

3. Supta Trikonasana

The body, legs, and arms are arranged exactly like standing Trikonasana, but it is done by lying on the floor.

4. Baddha Parivrtta Trikonasana

This is an advanced variation, which is the same as parivrtta trikonasana. However, it is performed with the hands joined.

5. Advanced Baddha Trikonasana

The legs and body are positioned the same as Trikonasana, but with the left foot forward. The left arm reaches the front of the left thigh to catch the right arm, which goes behind the back. The right foot may be turned outwards more than usual for additional upwards rotation of the torso.

What Are the Tips for Performing Trikonasana?

Practising the triangle pose requires balance, the flexibility of hips, open shoulders, open chest, strong hamstrings and quadriceps. Therefore, you must first know how to prepare for the triangle pose to carry it out effectively.

Follow these preparatory tips to get into the triangle pose properly:

  • Develop Strong Legs and Core: Developing strength in the legs and core is extremely important to perform Trikonasana. Increased strength enables you to hold the posture longer. Try the swaying palm tree position and standing spinal twist to build strength in the core and legs. Even Surya Namaskar can help you build strength in these areas.
  • Maintain Balance and Flexibility: Good balance and flexibility can do a world of good for alignment of the Triangle posture. For this, practice asanas such as Uttanasana (standing forward fold), Vrikshasana (tree pose), and even Malasana (runner's stretch and side squats). These asanas will improve your balance and flexibility, making you ready to perform Triangle Pose without any hassle.

What Are the Precautions and Contraindications of Triangle Pose?

Triangle Pose positively impacts the human mind and body. However, people who have the following conditions must avoid performing this asana.

  • Those who suffer from high or low blood pressure.
  • People who have migraines or vertigo.
  • People who have diarrhoea.
  • Those who have neck or back injuries.

It is recommended that you consult a doctor if you have these conditions to know if it is safe for you to perform Trikonasana.

What Are the Easy Modifications of Triangle Pose?

You may find it difficult to ace the triangle pose at the beginning. Therefore, keep reading to learn the easy modifications:

  • Take the Help of a Block: If you face difficulties keeping your bottom hand on your shin or ankle, place a block inside your foot and close your big toe. Rest your hand on this block without exerting much pressure on it. Try to keep your hand loose and energy moving upward.
  • Look Down: You can shift your gaze to your yoga mat or your big toe to avoid stressing your neck.
  • Rest Your Hand Higher on Your Leg: Instead of a yoga block, you can rest your hand higher on your leg, like on the shin or toward your knee. However, ensure to place your hand lightly on the leg with a strong core and legs for optimum support.

Triangle Pose in yoga brings balance to both the mind and the body and reduces nerve depression. Add variations along with the pose and practise them regularly for health benefits.

FAQs About Triangle Pose in Yoga

Is Triangle Pose good for people with diabetes?

Yes, the Triangle Pose can be good for people with diabetes. Stress affects blood sugar levels. Trikonasana can be performed to reduce stress and maintain a balance between the mind and the body.

Who can perform Triangle Pose?

People who are not suffering from high or low blood pressure and do not have neck or back injuries can perform Triangle Pose.