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Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) - Health Benefits, How to Perform & Precautions

The name Vrikshasana is a combination of two terms; "vriksha", which means tree and "asana", which stands for posture. Hence it is commonly called the tree pose. Vrikshasana is one of the most basic yoga poses.

In case you are searching for “health benefits of Vrikshasana,” this is the right place. Keep reading this blog and find other related information on tree pose.

What Is Vrikshasana?

If you look at what kind of stances ancient Hindu sages used to perform, you will find their posture similar to Vrikshasana. So you can understand the source of inheritance. Some of the ancient scriptures state this is the posture used as a method of attaining austerity.

The right way to do this yoga is to stand upright with one leg bent sideways at a right angle. At first glance, this may seem like an effortless yoga pose. However, standing correctly and holding the balance can be challenging for beginners.

What Are the Health Benefits of Vrikshasana?

Practising yoga regularly promotes good health and offers innumerable benefits. Here are some of the popularly known advantages of doing the tree pose.

1. Boosts Balance

Vrikshasana is primarily done to bring balance to your body as well as your mind. Therefore, you need to maintain a steady stance to attain this posture. Furthermore, once you successfully stand still in this tree pose, you must eliminate all unnecessary thoughts.

In short, you must concentrate on the position. Accordingly, your body becomes calmer and more stable from the inside.

2. Tones Leg Muscles

One of the biggest benefits of Vrikshasana is it tones the leg muscles. Practising the tree pose can help in building muscles from feet to thighs. This mainly happens because you are using one leg at a time. It also makes your legs stronger and also boosts flexibility.

3. Stabilises the Hips

Bearing the weight of one leg each time ensures the strengthening of hip and pelvic bones. You should also know that by doing the tree pose, your hips open up and promote flexibility and strength in that area. In addition, this yoga is good for ovarian and uterine health.

4. Build Focus

This stance is the same as ancient sages used to attain peace or enlightenment, and there is a reason behind it. It is probably because Vrikshasana creates a sense of balance in mind and body. Therefore, doing this exercise, along with your routine exercises, will stabilise the nervous system and ensure its optimum performance.

5. Improves Posture

To do this exercise, you must stand upright with a straight back. Thus, Vrikshasana creates a positive impact on the spine. This is one of the easy and most natural ways to correct your posture. Furthermore, you are developing strength in both legs. So, now you do not have to suffer from the pain of putting all your weight on one leg.

6. Relieves Cases of Sciatica

Reducing sciatica's risks is also among the many health benefits of Vrikshasana. This is a painful condition that radiates from the sciatic nerve. It can result from many events, such as a sedentary lifestyle, slip-disc injury, sleeping on an uneven mattress, etc. The discomfort caused can be disabling; this is why experts suggest including the tree poses with your regular physical movements.

7. Strengthens the Ligaments

You also strengthen the ligaments as you tone the calves muscle while doing the Vrikshasana. This can be painful in the beginning, but as you manage to balance properly, it will be very relaxing.

Other Benefits

Some of the additional advantages of Vrikshasana are listed below:

  • Help developing patience
  • Improves concentration
  • Enables a calming and grounding effect
  • Enhances blood circulation

How to Perform the Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)?

If you are a beginner, here are the steps to follow to do the tree pose in the right manner: 

Step 1: Stand straight without slouching forward.

Step2: Lift your right leg and balance it on the left thigh.

Step 3: Fix your feet in a way to make sure your legs do not slip away.

Step 4: Join your hands in a prayer gesture; stretch and raise them above your head.

Step 5: Stay in this position for as long as you can. You should continue breathing at normal intervals while doing this asana.

Step 6: Look straight and locate an object to focus and balance.

Step 7: Lower the hands at your chest level when releasing from this pose. Then slowly separate the palms and put your legs down.

Step 8: Repeat the same with your left leg after resting.

What Are the Tips for Practising Tree Pose?

To benefit from any yoga, you must know the correct procedure for doing it. Furthermore, you can use these tips to extract additional benefits:

  • Make sure the hips do not move to either side.
  • Do not place your feet on the knee joint because it will leave you unstable.
  • Position your bent leg in such a way that the knee points outward, which will help you remain still on one leg.
  • While you are placing the feet, avoid clenching. Otherwise, this will cause minor movements, and you will eventually lose balance.
  • Engage your calves, muscles and glutes when practising Vrikshasana. By doing this, you are not just retaining the balance but also toning these muscles.
  • Relax and continue breathing normally; try not to shift your focus from the stance because by doing so, you can lose balance.

What Are the Precautions and Contraindications of Vrikshasana?

To successfully attain the benefits of this asana and avoid accidents while doing it, you need to know specific precautionary methods. These include:

  • You should avoid Vrikshasana if you are recovering from a leg, back, or knee injury.
  • If you find it hard to balance your feet above the knees, start by placing your feet below the knees. However, never place it on the joints because it will create an imbalance.
  • It is better to consult your healthcare provider if you have insomnia and high or low blood pressure.

What Are the Easy Modifications of a Tree Pose?

If it is difficult for you to balance, you can try these easier modifications to attain the correct tree pose finally:

  • Lift the Heels: Stand straight, rotate your left leg, bend your knee and rest the left heel on your right inner shin. Join your hands in the praying gesture at chest level. Take deep breaths and hold for some time, then repeat with another leg.
  • Reclined Bent-Leg Tree: Lie on your yoga mat, and pull your knee up to your chest. Keep your right hand on the right hip to prevent you from rolling. While bending your left knee, place your left foot on your right thigh. You can use a block for extra support under your right knee. Take some deep breaths and then repeat with the other leg.
  • Take Support of a Wall: Stand half an arm's distance from the wall. Now with your right hand, take support of the wall. Then shift your body weight to your right leg, and place your left foot on the right thigh. Stay in this position for at least 10 seconds and repeat with the other leg.

To conclude, let’s quickly get a recap of the health benefits of Vrikshasana. Primarily it improves your body balance and posture. Along with some health benefits, it also helps enhance concentration and patience and calms your mind. Vrikshasana may seem like a simple yoga posture, but it can be challenging if you are doing it for the first time. Nevertheless, start today if you want maximum benefits from this yoga.

FAQs About Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

Which joints are involved while doing the tree pose?

Knee, ankles, spine and hip joints are involved in the tree pose. In this exercise, the hips turn outward to open up. Moreover, the ankle bends backwards and contracts. By doing this yoga, you enable better functioning of these joints.

Is Vrikshasana safe to do in Pregnancy?

Vrikshasana is known to rejuvenate and energise; hence suggested to everyone. However, even pregnant women can do this yoga but only till their second trimester and avoid doing this exercise in the last trimester. Also, consult your doctor before adopting any exercise.