Do the Digit Insurance

Top 15 Yoga Asanas & Exercises for Improving Kidney Health

People dealing with diseases related to this organ are naturally at significant risks. So, they can resort to yoga to improve kidney health.

Are you a kidney patient and trying to follow up your treatment with effective exercise? Read this article till the end to find out some hand-picked exercises and yoga poses for kidney patients!

Here are the top 15 exercises and yoga asanas for patients with kidney problems to efficiently tackle bacterial symptoms.

Top Yoga Asanas to Improve Kidney Health

1. Salamba Bhujangasana

It can be an effective asana when considering yoga to treat kidney disease.This asana strengthens your spine and stimulates the organs in the abdominal region.

2. Ardha Matsyendrasana

Another essential yoga asana to treat kidney problems, this asana again helps increase the spine's elasticity, stimulates your kidney, and improves immunity. It would help if you sat up with stretched legs, keeping your feet together and spine erect for this asana.

3. Bhujangasana

Most kidney patients can adhere to this yoga mudra to treat kidney problems.This yoga asana can be beneficial for stimulating abdominal organs and relieving stress and fatigue.

4. Paschimottanasana

If you are looking for an effective yoga asana for improving kidney health, this asana can be ideal for you. It would be best if you sat up with stretched out legs and erect spine. This asana can be effective for stimulating kidneys and improving digestion.

5. Setu Bandhasana

Another beneficial yoga asana to improve kidney health can be Setu Bandhasana. This asana helps to control high blood pressure and relieve stress.

6. Naukasana

One of the standard yoga asanas for patients with kidney problems, naukasana can be beneficial for strengthening your abdominal organs and improving your overall digestive system.

7. Mandukasana

Another well-known yoga pose for patients with kidney problems, mandukasana, is known for opening the circle of creativity in the mind. It would be best if you lay on the floor on your knees and elbows. This asana puts stress on the abdomen region and energises kidneys and liver, enhancing their performances.

8. Shashankasana

This can be an essential yoga asana to improve kidney health. It would help if you sat in Vajrasana on your thighs with your upper body straight and relaxed. This asana improves blood circulation to the head and nourishes the eyes and brain functions. It also helps to relieve fatigue and stress while increasing concentration.

9. Pawanmuktasana

This asana can be a suitable form of yoga for kidney function improvement. This asana can be ideal for reducing fats from the kidneys and other abdominal areas.

Top Exercises to Improve Kidney Health

10. Walking

Doctors usually recommend this exercise for patients with kidney problems in general. Walking is an essential physical activity that keeps you healthy and your kidneys in a better position. Initially, you should start walking for a shorter period and extend it to about 30 minutes every day. It can curb cardiovascular conditions and improve blood circulation.

11. Jogging or Running

Healthcare professionals often consider jogging a form of the best exercise for CKD patients. While walking is the primary form of exercise, jogging needs slightly more effort. Like the previous context, you need to start for a shorter period and increase it to at least 30 minutes every day or about 30 miles a week. It helps to boost stamina and stimulate the abdominal organs.

12. Gardening

While gardening is mainly seen as a hobby, doctors also consider it a useful exercise for kidney problems. Patients can focus on activities including gardening, trimming the hedges and mowing the yard for this. It helps them enhance their mental conditions, as they feel better contributing to the environment. On the other hand, it helps blood circulation and lowers blood pressure.

13. Climbing Stairs

An essential exercise for improving the kidney health, climbing stairs is a usual day-to-day activity for most people. Whether you do this in your apartment building or your gym with artificial stairs, it can improve your kidney conditions. It would help if you considered climbing stairs at least thrice a week for about 10-15 minutes.

14. Biking

While considering different exercises and yoga asanas to improve kidney health, one should consider biking or cycling. It is known that such activities are essential for blood circulation. You can try biking at least twice a week. For this, you can use either outdoor biking activities or use your bike for cycling near your place.

15. Hiking

Finally, an effective exercise for CKD patients can be hiking. As established already, regular walking can boost kidney patients' stamina and overall blood circulation. Hiking further alleviates the same by enhancing breathing capacities, preventing shortness of breath among kidney patients. It also makes them more physically fit.

How Effective Are Exercises and Yoga Poses for Kidney Patients?

Healthcare research reveals that daily exercise and yoga can be highly beneficial for patients with complicated kidney diseases. Exercising helps you be more physically active, thereby avoiding becoming sedentary. It makes your muscles strong, thereby removing extra toxins from the blood. It makes you free of fatigue and anxiety, which indirectly contributes to your mental and physical health. Exercising makes you sweat, supporting kidney functions by excreting what kidneys are responsible for.

Who Should Avoid Exercises and Yoga Asanas?

There is a common myth that kidney patients should avoid exercising. However, this is mostly untrue. Yoga is suitable for almost every kidney patient. However, you should avoid exercising more than what is recommended. Moreover, you should avoid exercising if you are injured in any way.

Disclaimer: Practice the above-mentioned exercises under the supervision of a trained practitioner and consult a doctor beforehand to ensure your body is fit enough to perform the required moves/postures.

If you practice these positions of yoga to improve kidney health on a regular basis and add these exercises to your healthy lifestyle, you will be able to curb the possibilities of kidney problems in future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can yoga heal kidney-related diseases?

Yoga is considered an excellent treatment for kidney-related diseases apart from medication. It improves kidney functioning and reduces kidney cancer. However, it cannot entirely cure kidney-related diseases.

Can exercise damage kidneys?

People resorting to exercise more than what is recommended might face rhabdomyolysis. It is rare when muscle cells burst, mixing their contents in blood. This damage can cause kidney injury in future.