Do the Digit Insurance

Yoga for Diabetes - 15 Best Poses and Their Benefits in Controlling Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that can be easily prevented with the help of proper exercise. Yoga to cure diabetes can help effectively cure or prevent the disease completely.

Here are some best yoga asanas for diabetes control  that are practical yet powerful.

15 Best Yoga Asanas to Cure Diabetes

Below are some best yoga poses for diabetes control to practice every day:

1. Paschimottanasana

This seated and forward bending yoga is quite an easy one to start with. This yoga not only helps cure diabetes but also works on your stretchability before starting other complicated poses.

2. Mandukasana

Mandukasana or frog pose is another effective yoga asana for diabetic patients that works on your stretchability. Furthermore, this pose combats constipation and digestive disorders.

3. Surya Namaskar

The benefits of Surya Namaskar are not unknown to the world anymore. Surya Namaskar is actually a set of yoga that comprises 7 different asanas.

4. Kapalbhati Pranayam

Another effective yoga asana to cure diabetes is Kapalbhati Pranayam. It works on your breathing, improves respiratory activities as well as your sugar level.

5. Ardha Matsyendrasana

This name is translated as “Half Lord of the Fishes Pose” from Sanskrit that is a seated and half-twisted pose which is beneficial for diabetic pateints. This pose stimulates digestion and squeezes the toxins out of the body.

6. Dhanurasana

This yoga pose to cure diabetes brings your body to a bow position and improves your digestive system. This pose is useful for individuals looking to lose weight. Furthermore, dhanurasana improves appetite and digestion.

7. Savasana

Savasana or Mrtasana is known as corpse pose. It is a must to end your yoga session with this asana as it helps relax your body. It has been effective in controlling blood pressure and sugar level in your body.

8. Viparita Karani

The name of this yoga pose for diabetes control itself defines that it is a reversed pose. This yoga helps improve blood circulation in your body that controls blood sugar levels.

9. Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana or Cobra stretch is a yoga pose for diabetes control and is very effective in toning down your belly. This pose stretches lungs, chest, shoulders and abdomen.

10. Halasana

Halasana is another excellent yoga asana to cure diabetes. Along with maintaining diabetes, it revitalises the thyroid glands.

11. Sarvangasana

This yoga pose for diabetes control is a variation of Viparita Karani. All the steps are similar to Viparita Karani yoga. However, in this pose, you need to push your torso more upward to make your body stand on your shoulder.

12. Setu Bandha Asana

It is also called bridge pose, which is an effective yoga pose to cure diabetes. Setu bandha asana helps to alleviate mild depression and stress. Additionally, it improves the digestion and blood circulation.

13. Pawanmuktasana

It is one of the best yoga poses for diabetes control , also known as the wind relieving pose. Pawanmuktasana lowers the belly fat and strengthens abdominal muscles.

14. Purvottanasana

This asana is similar to a plank position that helps cure diabetes. This pose is the best counterpose for the four-limbed staff pose and helps in strengthening the legs, arms, back and core.

15. Adomukhi Svanasana

Another effective yoga pose to cure diabetes is Adomukhi Svanasana or Downward Dog pose. This pose stimulates the flow of blood in the brain and strengthens the bones.

How Effective Is Yoga for Curing Diabetes?

Yoga effectively lowers your stress level. It helps improve your respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Yoga asanas control blood sugar and pressure level which plays a vital role in controlling diabetes . It helps build strength and balance in your body.

Who Should Avoid These Yoga Poses?

Ideally, anyone can perform yoga. However, older adults, pregnant women and people with severe injuries must restrain from complicated yoga poses.

Originating from ancient times, yoga asanas to cure diabetes has been fruitful to numerous patients. You can also prevent and cure your diabetes by following the poses mentioned above.

Disclaimer: Yoga indeed enhances your flexibility and stretchability. But if you feel difficulty in achieving a certain pose, do not push too much to attain that. Also, always perform yoga under the supervision of a fitness expert.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can yoga cure diabetes entirely?

By maintaining a proper diet and routinely practising, yoga can cure diabetes entirely.

Which Pranayam Yoga is best to cure diabetes?

Nadi Shodhan Pranayama, which is a breathing exercise through the alternate nostril, is a common and effective yoga to cure diabetes.